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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
Bisexual Female, 44
0 miles · Somerset


[quote user=Sid_n_Nancy][color="olive"]We've found that those insecurities lead to problems, we would never feel comfortable with a couple that didn't both feel completely sure about what they were doing.[/color][/quote] Deffo agree guys! Dont understand it tbh, should be something you both can enjoy, not one partner sat twiddling thumbs.... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww bye guys been pleaure knowin u both!!!!! Will catch ya on tho mwah loves ya both MWAH law n war xxxxxxxxxx
If i am on main putor i very rarely get any prob (if any at all) entering the chat room its when im on my laptop that i can enter it chat for bout 2 mins then it crashes..... Most of our friends know we are on here a couple of them even hunted for our pics and found them pmsl!!!!! n they never joined either!!! i realise no one asked me that pmsl!!!! but cmandcd put bout not tellin their mates lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxx MWAH xxxxxxxxxxxx :moon: :moon: :moon: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: Post edited 07-02-2006 21:16
Hi Cas, dont think we have ever chatted b4 but you and ur family are in our thoughts, hope your dad gets better soon xxxxx BIG HUGS XXXXX Mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Evil's xxxxxxx
PMSFL!!!!! I had similar email today bout 2 nekkid men lmao!!! wld prob prefer to chicks in back of me car tho heheheheh :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :lick: :lick: :lick: MWAH Lotsa love Law xxxxxxxxxxxxx Post edited 07-02-2006 20:31
We for one are deffo happy wiv seein that fine fine booty!!!! pmsl :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :moon: :moon: :moon:
it still is, everyone is just seeing if it really does work by votes from other members alone.....
I also think she has a mighty fine butt!!!! and wld b cool if they were members lol grrrrrr but i don't think that its fair for unpaid members 2 get m.o.m Big kiss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :doggy: :moon: :doggy: :moon: :lick: :lick: Post edited 03-02-2006 16:42
[quote user=cutiecarly]guess what im watching the worlds biggest penis!!!! wicked!!! have to say though i wouldnt let him any where near me! pmsl mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/quote] PMSL!!!! I watched that 2!!!! OMG!!!! pmsl.....i wld run a fookin mile!!!!! :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:
YOU GOON!!!!! its virtually impossible...... get back 2 ya chilli oil an frozen turkeys!!!! PMSL love ya babes xxxxxxxxxxxxx MWAH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :moon: :moon: :moon: :devil: :devil:
[quote user=cutiecarly]jimmy carr rocks [/quote] That he does lol xxx :clap: :clap: :moon: :moon: lol :lol: :lol:
[quote user=cmandcd]Think a loat of members on this site re-post their pics, it keeps them in the first couple of pages in the gallery so they're always noticed! Not a bad tactic if you think about it! smile[/quote] No i spose not but at least have different pictures nt the same one every day lol xxxxx Post edited 01-02-2006 19:28
Well weird alot of ppl remove pics and keep puttin them back up!!!!! PMSL!!!! dont see the point 2 b honest lmao!!!! :wank: :wank: :doggy: :doggy: :moon: :moon:
[quote user=jelandn]Hey there is a KFC Pot Noodle!! Its amazing what hot water and cardboard can do!![/quote] LMAO!!! yeh shredded cardboard n hot water never appealed 2 me either!!! lol :lol: :lol:
[quote user=jelandn]Do we need references for that role or will nice tits do just as well??[/quote] Mayb a nice ass? lol... Ooooooooooooh what bout hair colour????? And do we have to audition first??? lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Post edited 01-02-2006 11:17
I dnt have anything 2 say either just dont want Carly to b last person 2 post pmsl!!!! :doggy: :moon: :doggy: :moon: :doggy: :moon: :wank: :wank: :devil:
[quote user=mavrik] ;) sad :O :-? :-o rolleyes :mad: :wank: madeye: :rainbow: lol Hey Paul can't you put a menu bar at the bottom of the screen or something or are you being sadistic and gona make us remember the codes for this stuff ? [/quote] PMSL!!!! I know how many are there!!!! LOL Mwah xxxxxxxx :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy:
I think its Good, i dnt see a problem with it! Ur right Bubbles it will take sum time gettin used 2!!! :doggy: :doggy: :moon: :moon: :doggy: :doggy: :moon: :moon: :doggy: :doggy: :moon: :moon: MWAH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Welcome to the site guys hope you have fun xxxxx Mwah xxxxxxxx :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:
[quote user=cutiecarly]whos got the horn??? what like pot noodle horn?? i dont get it?? pmsl mwah xxxxxxx[/quote] PMSL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those adverts are well cool!!!!!! Mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[quote user=cutiecarly]'required' where do we send our cvs?? lol welcome to the site xxxx[/quote] PMSL!!!! Nice one Bubbles!!!!! heheheheh Mwah loves ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :moon: :moon: :moon: :lick: :lick: :lick: :devil: :devil:
[quote user=swingin_cat][quote user=evil_klown]Have pet names for their bits? [/quote] Now there's a thought....... Never considered it before, but I guess I'll settle with Monty (after "Monty Python"!) lol[/quote] LOL cat!!!!! heheheheh xxxx :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:
[quote user=cmandcd]yep, george and mildred! lol [/quote] PMSL!!!! Well its about time we saw george and mildred dnt u think lmao xxxx :doggy: :doggy: :doggy:
PMSL!!!!!! Sorry i know i shldnt laff but wot where u doin lmao!!!! Bless ya babes xxxxxxx
[quote user=cmandcd][quote user=cutiecarly]law you have to watch chan 4 on monday 11 o'clock the perfect penis is on pmsl!!!!!! mwah xxxxxxxx[/quote] yeah that's all about me carly!! lol[/quote] Yum pmsl heheheheh :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick:
Welcome!! Your profile is good babe and written well!! Good luck and have fun!! xxxxx :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :moon: :moon: :moon:
Have pet names for their bits? Im watchin 2 pints of larger & a packet of crips and Gaz's is Mr snuggle's lmao so jus wondered if anyone has a name for them!!! :moon: :moon: :moon: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :lick: :lick: :lick: :wank: :wank: