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Member of the Month

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I was wondering if anyone felt the same regards member of the month as this month again we have a memebr as member of the month with no comments not established, i find this very weird, as i have seen this a couple times om here, ayone got there thoughts on this.
Your not the only one tribb, we thought it very strange that unpaid members can become 'member of the month'. Sal X :rainbow:
I reckon Member Of The Month should be replaced (now that we have had the privilege of being members of the month anyway) with something else, I was thinking of a "rate my pic" thing where people can vote on pictures in the gallery - what do others think?
I feel either it get used properly or get total removed as it takes the piss out of genuine paid members when a FREE member gets member of the month. That it twice this has happened in last couple months.
sorry guys i have to admit that i dont mind seeing that ass everytime i sign in! lol im a perve at heart pmsl mwah xxxxxxxxxx but do agree that free members shouldnt be able to be memebers of the month
I also think she has a mighty fine butt!!!! and wld b cool if they were members lol grrrrrr but i don't think that its fair for unpaid members 2 get m.o.m Big kiss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :doggy: :moon: :doggy: :moon: :lick: :lick: Post edited 03-02-2006 16:42
Question - who actually decides on member of the month - what is the criteria???? - Perhaps you should do a poll where us members can vote for who we want to be motm>>> And i areee her butt is fabuloussssss xxxxxxx mwah xxxxxxxxxxx
Members vote on it Ej. Theres a link at the bottom of every profile smile
[quote user=redwhiteandblue]I reckon Member Of The Month should be replaced (now that we have had the privilege of being members of the month anyway) with something else, I was thinking of a "rate my pic" thing where people can vote on pictures in the gallery - what do others think?[/quote] thats fine red but some of us have not ben graced with that acolade. so lets kep it . one day ............
and if your fond of a pic you can leave a mesage for the person on the comments .
Most strange we agree, do we actaully know if they are active swingers promoting the lifestyle?...But whatever, it does not affect our playing or meeting one bit!!
QUOTE] thats fine red but some of us have not ben graced with that acolade. so lets kep it . one day ............[/quote] Well we have just voted for bibigtits lets see if this things really is voted by the members and give bibigtits the acolade she deserves :clap: Always has amusing things to say and although we don't use the chat room but have heard she has a lot to say lol and looks horney to :P Kinkynuns :doggy: Post edited 03-02-2006 20:50
Bibi for Member of the month!!!!!!!!!! We have also voted for Bibi to be member of the month!!!!! Very well deserved too.... Bibi works so hard for all of us, trying to keep us happy & harmonius in chat roome on guys... we've all heard of Bibi... who has heard of some of the others... (even if they do have very cute butts!!!) Tanya & Jay :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Post edited 03-02-2006 21:33
that is the nicest and kindest thing iv read al day and i was reading about litle kitens al day. biggrin :cry: your very nice . but i dont have skin pics so i doubt if thats going to sel the site lol
[quote user=kinkynuns] Well we have just voted for bibigtits lets see if this things really is voted by the members and give bibigtits the acolade she deserves :clap: [/quote] Quite right too! We would love to see Bibi as member of the month :clap: However think it's ruined any chance of testing the voting system, If Bibi gets to be mom we won't know if it's because of votes or if admin have just read this forum!! lol Bibi for mom! :clap:
Well said all of you I also think Bibi among others who work tierlessly behind the scenes in many cases and also for NOTHING should be voted M.O.M Done it that way cause despite bibi being very sexy I dont think she wants to become a mom lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: We Luv Ya Bibi :P :P :P
omg me a mom oh no thats impos iv had a hystericalrectomy lol biggrin best hing i ever had done i can play al month heheheheheh :D :D :devil:
I VOTED for BIBI! I am really GRATEFUL that people voted for us! For what it is worth, my view on Member of the month......... I honestly don't think it should be free members. The word MEMBER imlpies BELONGING, do free members really belong? As a free member you are told when looking at profiles there are aspects of it and pics you can only see as a premium member, it seems fair to me that the "Vote this member as member of the month" option should only be on premium profiles also. It seems to me to be an insult for paying members otherwise! There are PLENTY who PAY and are GENUINE and USE the SITE! I dunno a nice bum is a nice bum if they pay to show it or not! WE ALL PAY to post here and HAVE to pay to access some site pics etc. What USE IS IT to be MOM if you can't do a thing about it???
It would be interesting to know just how many votes someone received to be m.o.m......... Btw Bibi gets our vote too!
I dont mean to be rude but when i starteded this thread it was on a serious issue regards M-O-M, as who and why are we having M-O-M as either free member or a payed member with no establish and no comments. I think the whole idea of voting should be changed and used correctly or just do away with this. Sorry if u think i am out of order but it is def not fair on pay members when u stick a free member on M-O-M it dont help promote this site correctly to existing members and free members who join.
it still is, everyone is just seeing if it really does work by votes from other members alone.....
first of all, im still very happy to be seeing that ass! lol come on people how nice is that bootie?? anyway lol i do think that its a little wrong that a free member can become member of the month, even with a ass like that. but at the end of the day people have obviously voted for them otherwise they wouldnt be memeber of the month, should we not respect the people who have voted for them?? even if it is people who have not spoken up to it, people must have as they are members of the month. regarding people with establish tags etc. people can have met other people without geting the tag, just meaning they hadnt met someone with a tag. but also i think people who are premium members shouldnt be excluded just as they havnt met the right people they would like to meet, or havnt had the chance to have met someone yet. i think they should tell be able to get member of the month as people may really like them. mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxx p.s. bibigtits im voting for you mwah xx :clap: :clap: :moon: :doggy: biggrin Post edited 07-02-2006 20:03
We for one are deffo happy wiv seein that fine fine booty!!!! pmsl :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :moon: :moon: :moon:
[quote user=tribblemaster]I dont mean to be rude but when i starteded this thread it was on a serious issue regards M-O-M, as who and why are we having M-O-M as either free member or a payed member with no establish and no comments. I think the whole idea of voting should be changed and used correctly or just do away with this. Sorry if u think i am out of order but it is def not fair on pay members when u stick a free member on M-O-M it dont help promote this site correctly to existing members and free members who join.[/quote] Well you lot me I feel it is about time I put my bit in :doggy: I wish lol Seriously I would like to know how a free member can become member of the month after all unless I am mistaken they cant get in the chat room so how do enough other members see them and more importantly get to know them enough to vote in big enough numbers to get the title of M.O.M For what it is worth maybe it is just admin deciding based on their profile and pics. To prove this is not the case maybe admin can post the list showing how many votes are given to various members each month, or even better still put the list on the site so members can see how the votes are going to give them an opportunity should they wish to move certain members to the top. Hope that makes sense cause it doesn't to me :lol: :lol:
i do sem to remember at some point admin did this , i can tel you that there is nothing more humiliating to se that no ne has voted for you !!!!! it then became abused so it was stopped . biggrin
[quote user=bibigtits]i do sem to remember at some point admin did this , i can tel you that there is nothing more humiliating to se that no ne has voted for you !!!!! it then became abused so it was stopped . biggrin[/quote] Well ok bibi maybe then they only show the best ten or something at least that will give us some confidence that it is the members doing the voting,and we can see the progress
[quote user=bibigtits]i do sem to remember at some point admin did this , i can tel you that there is nothing more humiliating to se that no ne has voted for you !!!!! it then became abused so it was stopped . biggrin[/quote] They used to have "star swingers", it was based on who had the most comments. The comments had a 1-5 rating system on them aswell. We were so glad when admin got rid of star swingers! it's not what swinging is about to us, we don't really want to be involved in any kind of league table!!!
im very much with you two cmcd! it was a silly thing, and really isnt what this life style is about. also to be honest i dont really mind who the memeber of the months are, yea its great when you see your close friends being member of the month, and when its people that we know. it is obvious that admin use the amounts of votes counted for the member of the month. they wouldnt have the voting in place if they didnt. there are thousands of active members on this site, and their views count as well. and if they choose a couple to be memeber of the month who are we to complain? also i think that if was a list of people with the most votes then the star swinger arguments would just happen again and people who were on the site at the time, it wasnt fun and i for one cannot stand people fighting. have enough of that in day to day life, dont need it in a life style that you have chosen as well. anyway i realise i have written a little book here so i will shut it now. lol mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I do think Member of the Month is a bit pointless really, not only that but Admin keep forgetting to change it! The top member generally only receives a few votes each month, and I think Admin just choose it arbitrarily, so I wouldn't be sorry to see it go. I've given my idea for a replacement, so what about other suggestions?
[quote user=redwhiteandblue]I do think Member of the Month is a bit pointless really, not only that but Admin keep forgetting to change it! The top member generally only receives a few votes each month, and I think Admin just choose it arbitrarily, so I wouldn't be sorry to see it go. I've given my idea for a replacement, so what about other suggestions?[/quote] Well Rwb I think maybe it wouldn't be difficult to have the member of the month linked to how many hits they have on their profile. Although really as you say what is the point anyway??? But if we do keep it then as I say surely it should be based on the activity of the member's profile So either do away with it or make it a bit more transparent as to the way it is chosen