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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
Bisexual Female, 44
0 miles · Somerset


Hey all, we have been gone for a lonnnnng time!! but we have decided the time is right for us to come back now...we have been swingers for about 6 years and really enjoy it...we prefer to get to know people first before we meet up as developing friendship is just as important to us as having some 'nortee' fun... we enjoy almost everything, but we do have a the odd boundry! We were well established on this site although when we came back all were gone some old friends rewrote theirs for us, but if you check our comments from members it should tell you truthfully about us. Law (Mrs Evil) is equally into male & female & is very sexy, she is 99% a non smoker but occaisionally has a cigarette when drunk lol War (Mr Evil) is straight but completely comfortable with his sexuality & does not freak out if he touches the skin of another male lol. Both of us clean shaven & consider personal hygene an utmost priority. We DO NOT smoke in our house. We must state that for us everyone having a good time is paramount for us, so we DO NOT pressure & we expect the same in return. We are very laid back & go out of our way to make everyone we meet feel as comfortable as is possible. SINGLE MALES please read & take note: If we want to meet you we will contact you asking if you are interested, so if you contact us asking for a meet you will get an immediate strike through your name & you will be not getting an invite in the future. Feel free to whisper us as we dont take offence, will update more as necessary but just wanted 2 say hi an that Evil Klown is back woohoo!! xxxxx


Adult parties
Erotic writing
Group sex
Making videos
Oral sex
Outdoor sex
Phone sex
Straight sex


Age: 18 - 100
Distance: 150 miles