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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 67
Straight Male, 67
0 miles · Gloucestershire


Hi Cas, we understand truly what such things can do to you and your family. We are thinking of you, your wife and dad at this anxious time...Hugs'n'
Hi Andy and welcome to the site. Hope you have some
Overall we like it and yes the screen resolution can be toned down if too bright. Also, much better to be able to get screen full of text rather than previous little box! However, we truly dislike the emoticons, except the auto ones for normal exclamations like 'lol'
Carly if you want a true culinery experience may I recommend tabasco sauce or garlic paste to bring tears in abundance!!...ouch!!
Most strange we agree, do we actaully know if they are active swingers promoting the lifestyle?...But whatever, it does not affect our playing or meeting one bit!!
Byeee guys and thanx for the chatroom banter...Take care and good luck for the
Hey Cop we are regulars,but frankly did not think about re-posting pix to increase pulling power...Luckily we are busy enough anyway!!
With a profile that says 'I require a female to see to my needs' we suspect you may have a very, very long wait!!...You may want to try and market yourself better, frankly its appalling!!lol
Hi Xavier A couple of thoughts - Expand profile to include interests and defo some pix to show you in good light as normal nice
There may be a limit of 70 users allowed in any room, but in reality if all were chatting it would clearly be mayhem!!. Lots just pop in and lurk in the shadows, perhaps nervous to join in or waiting for a 'show' to occur!
Admin...A thought!...Perhaps we should rename a room as 'play', so people who enjoy playing to an audience can do so (with their spectators)...Leaving the rest to chat, We find nothing worse that trying to chat across loads of comments of 'Show us yer arse, Suck his cock'. Additionally it will provide a flow of bodies out of 'Pool' entry room and into other rooms...Because, as many enter chatroom to lurk and spectate at these 'events' it will undoubtably deny access to people who regularily frequent room to talk to Honeyb's, Fee/James, M-R, etc who were unable to gain access for hours yesterday...But overall we like the changes and with full screen the ability to see more lines of text is great!!
Hey, if I have a rummage I am sure could find something quite bizarre in my garage to post a pic of...well apart from my Fiat500 that
Hi guys and welcome to the weird and wacky world of swing!! seriously, we hope you find some really nice people like we have and get some seriously fun
Hey there is a KFC Pot Noodle!! Its amazing what hot water and cardboard can do!!
We prefer to concentrate on chatting up potential playmates!!
Ahh is that what we saw, thought it was a Loch Ness monster biography!!! just goes to show that beauty is truly in the eye of the
Puss. Funny you should ask about costumes, we do have some nifty black leather numbers stored in the cellar...errrrrr...batcave!
We agree that we really missed J and T's wisecracking and funny comments in chat. However, we are quite concerned because it appears we may owe them several shags and have lost the IOU papers...Sorry guys....xxxxxx
The white background is far too light!!...It beams out from our study window and across village, like the bat signal!!
Of course, it has all clicked here - He is a Jacuzzi salesman!!
We were members for 4 months before our first meet....Patience is a virtue in this lifestyle, we give it and expect to receive it
Basically Marc it means that somebody is uploading the same pic over and over again, so it shows in the 'latest' picture gallery as just added! Kind of cheating the system to get your pic at head of queue...Hmmmmmm
Do we need references for that role or will nice tits do just as well??
Hey swingin we know, you know and many nice couples know, but it still does not prevent morons!!