Greg. We agree, better to get a response that none at all, so true...If people wish to make comment they will say how they see it, good or bad...Its about being part of a community and some have lots to say about lots of things (like us)...However, this does not mean we are correct, it is simply a viewpoint based upon what we are given to act upon...And yes we thought the reason for split was probably deeper!!
Referring back to recent thread about people pretending to be who they are not - Clearly some believe that the way to succeed is to try and cheat/lie your way into peoples good books, assuming that others are blinkered by a desire for sex. However, as most sensible people will know this is not the case and will endeavour to build relationships via chat and messaging...Generally that is where any deceit is uncovered, either in chatroom or this can create a generic distrust of single guys... However, as with all things there are some really nice, honest guys that play with respect and have gained trust through actions and
And back to the thread...WARNING - Many people are not honest on their profiles...There will always be exceptions and we recognise the validity of the previous comments, but I suggest that most who have incorrect info in profile do so to try and gain advantage of one form or other. From a personal perspective these are people that we would choose to not be involved with - and yes that includes married ladies posing as singles, whatever the viewpoint of the partner...Each to their
Hey COP it was your knicks we won from eBay then? Does a great job of keeping the crows out of the cabbage patch here, bargain at 87p!!
Flirtig...??? What is that and why would we discuss in 20 words when we dont recognise...Is it flemish?
Well you state what you require but fall straight into the pit of singledom!! How about what you can offer for any ladies that might be remotely interested......wit, charm, looks, extensive wallet??
Quick Goku message these guys and get some conversation flowing!!
"i have tried most things in life and would like to broaden my horisons but unfortunatly my last girlfriend did not, so here i am single". I wonder how many people will respond postively to someone that advertises via open forum that they apparently came out of a relationship because the partner did not wish to broaden their horizons? From a personal perspective and experience I think prepare to be underwhelmed is adequate. However, early days and happy to corrected by the number of peeps that swing with Greg...Time will surely tell!!
What about married guys who pretend to be single?? To my mind as bad as the other ones. We would not trust either of these types, after all if a guy can cheat on his wife, can he seriously be trusted in any kind of relationship, swing or whatever?...Hmmmmmmmmmm
We reguarily travel many miles to meet new or existing swing friends. Can't see much point in limiting yourself to 'home' geography for this leisure activity, its not exactly like popping down the pub for a
Hi guys, we know exactly what you mean. However, there are some really nice and veery sexy couples around the scene, but patience and persistence will lead you to them. As with many things in life it is simply a matter of seperating the good from the
Hi guys and welcome to the site. We hope you have some really good fun with new
Greg. I suggest you prepare yourself to be underwhelmed with responses...hmmmmm
Hi guys and welcome. We hope you find yourself some nice sexy
It clearly was a triumph of organisation and the best night of 2005!!!
Hmmmmm are you a Smirnoff rep??
Hi guys. Welcome to the site and best of luck with finding some nice playmates up in the frozen north. abzswingers are a nice couple in your area, look them up for us!!
I suggest that eveybody receiving messages should deal with them as they see fit and appropriate, just as they do with other mail or email at home!! And anybody not receiving a response can assume 'no thanks', just like any other junk mail initiator!! Its called freedom of choice by recipients. And yes we choose to respond, but that is simply exercising our choice, not a requirement or being old
Excellent...Just goes to prove that many genuine people do exist, and the trick is to filter down to
Crikey, a long way to travel for a meet...What if we dont 'click' do we stayover or get flight back that evening??
Hey Jay/Tanya clearly we were not in room at the time you were 'invisible'. We always make a beeline for you guys, because we know you will have found the beer and voddie stash hidden by Charlie/Chris!!. Also, we shan't ask about any list because we are confident in the knowledge that we shall meet at some stage (if only to rag your arses about all this stuff!!)...xxxx
Hi Us4u, we know this site works...Clearly your previous profile did not have required effect and the changes made have been positive, perhaps others can learn that the problem sometimes is not what we say, but the way we say it, and how people 'sell' themselves will create interest or
Hi guys and welcome to the
Hi guys.
Welcome to the site and have a great
Well we only use the auto ones such as 'lol', cant be bothered to worry about such
Thank you Masage, brightened our
Single males are not banned, but simply have a certain stigma within the couples community, due mainly to some idiots that think getting access to women on this site is a right, rather than a privilege. Take care, exercise an element of caution with comments in chat and above all have respect for women in this lifestyle...Best of
Hi Bluenose peeps. We have spoken with you in the chatroom...If you wish to meet some nice 40's people like yourselves to have a social chat and drink with about this 'swing thing' please get back to
Post edited 06-02-2006 21:04
We want, I want??...Perhaps you might include what you offer in exchange and broaden scope of profile to include interests??
The profile reads like a job advert!!...What are the rates and is overtime available??...pmsl