:cry: :cry: :cry: omg loads to remember can i print it out
We prefer to concentrate on chatting up potential playmates!!...lol
[quote user=bibigtits] :cry: :cry: :cry: omg loads to remember can i print it out[/quote]
Bibi I thought I sent them to you have them on a word doc if you want them or just copy them from here and put them on a word doc as I did last time Paul posted them
Well we only use the auto ones such as 'lol', cant be bothered to worry about such things...xxx
[quote user=jelandn]Well we only use the auto ones such as 'lol', cant be bothered to worry about such things...xxx[/quote]
Couldn't agree more, think admin could have spent the money having the site run quicker or giving us an ignore button as so many members have suggested.
Sal X