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New chat room!!!!!!

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OK....... Something spooky is happening to the chat room....... It has gone all weird & up to date...... BUT IS CRASHING EVERY 5 SECONDS..... Any1 able to shed any light??? What do u all think of the new room????? :-?
The white background is far too light!!...It beams out from our study window and across village, like the bat signal!!
lol guys, blackout blinds are great !!!! Either that or your secret identies may be revealed. sue xx ps, please tell me u don't have the batman and batgirl costumes to go with the batcave lol
[quote user=jt_sexmad2005]OK....... Something spooky is happening to the chat room....... It has gone all weird & up to date...... BUT IS CRASHING EVERY 5 SECONDS..... Any1 able to shed any light??? What do u all think of the new room????? :-?[/quote] Hi jt I dont know what is happening other than when I rang admin the other week they did tell me about the fact they had bought swinging heaven and were amalgamating the two sites looks like they have done it without testing it properly and for what it is worth I cant even get into the chatroom boo hoo although there are those that will say thank god for that lol
Puss. Funny you should ask about costumes, we do have some nifty black leather numbers stored in the cellar...errrrrr...batcave!
Well.... we have now discovered that only 70 people are aloud in chat at the time.... just had problems getting in at almost eleven o clock on a weeknight so guess we r paying our subscriptions for nothing on a weekend!!! :fury:
ive got to agree with jelandn that the white background is just awful. it should be subdude with a nice gentle on the eyes colour or a mid gray. The paper needs a major contrast ratio reduction may be a pastle yellow or parchment buff. . It would also ease viewing the cam's. This is, unless of course the admins just gotten a loads shares in specsavers and want to boost his divi payout. But it never once crashed or locked up or booted me in an hour -got to be a record !! [B]bold text here[/B] [U]underlined text here[/U]
:fury: :wank:up until now we gave it the benefit but now we feel cheated because we have no control so when there is a prob (like now)we lose out and dont get compensated 4 it :mad: :mad: :fury: Post edited 01-02-2006 11:27
Hey peeps, Firstly we were having a few problems yesterday importing the new chat room into Swinger Personals but these have since been resolved. I have sat in the chat room all this morning and it is yet to crash as stated. The new chat room has received many positive comments which are outweighing the negative feedback and concerns received. The room has more features and I can assure has been implemented in order to improve the site, not cause any problems. Any changes made are tested before going live, but if any do occur like in this occasion, the whole office work towards resolving them as soon as possible. Our job is to keep all users happy, we will not make any change which will downgrade the site, so any change is a positive one. The maximum users allowed in one chat room is 70, there are currently 3 rooms therefore allowing 210 users on the chat room. Nevertheless we are working on allowing all users in 1 room. There is no scam to corrupt peoples' eyesight's, having a white background makes the room a lot clearer and enhances the features. I do not want any user feeling like that have been ‘cheated', we as a team are simply trying to improve everyone's enjoyment of the site but appreciate any feedback on the changes. Regards, Griff.
no scam to corrupt peoples' eyesight's PMSL!!!!!!!!!! biggrin :D :clap: lol :lol: lol that well made me chuckle!! i like the new chat room admin. only the amount of people alowd in seems to be a prob although we have never not been able to get into the chat. mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:-?[/quote] Hi jt I dont know what is happening other than when I rang admin the other week they did tell me about the fact they had bought swinging heaven and were amalgamating the two sites looks like they have done it without testing it properly and for what it is worth I cant even get into the chatroom boo hoo although there are those that will say thank god for that lol[/quote] you rang admin???? lol didnt know people did that! :moon: :doggy:
Admin...A thought!...Perhaps we should rename a room as 'play', so people who enjoy playing to an audience can do so (with their spectators)...Leaving the rest to chat, We find nothing worse that trying to chat across loads of comments of 'Show us yer arse, Suck his cock'. Additionally it will provide a flow of bodies out of 'Pool' entry room and into other rooms...Because, as many enter chatroom to lurk and spectate at these 'events' it will undoubtably deny access to people who regularily frequent room to talk to Honeyb's, Fee/James, M-R, etc who were unable to gain access for hours yesterday...But overall we like the changes and with full screen the ability to see more lines of text is great!!
[quote user=cutiecarly] :-?[/quote] Hi jt I dont know what is happening other than when I rang admin the other week they did tell me about the fact they had bought swinging heaven and were amalgamating the two sites looks like they have done it without testing it properly and for what it is worth I cant even get into the chatroom boo hoo although there are those that will say thank god for that lol[/quote] you rang admin???? lol didnt know people did that! :moon: :doggy:[/quote] Hey Carly although that didnt show as from me Yes I did ring admin on that ocasion it was for a more serious problem helping to get rid of an unwanted again I did it today ( wen) to try and make sure they were going to resolve some of the more serious isuess with the new site and they were very helpfull.I have also said before if need be I could go to thier offices as they are only bout 15 mins from me so :moon: :moon: :moon: to you :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: