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I've just been on chat for over an hour and during that time i have had hardly anybody talk to me!!!!!! It appears to me that unless you have your cam on and ur boobs out no-one will talk to you!!! Feel like the kid at school who's left till last to be picked for teams in P.E!!!! Am i right in this theory or are we just really unpopular??? Any advice welcome for my sanity & piece of mind!!! :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry:
[quote user=jt_sexmad2005]I've just been on chat for over an hour and during that time i have had hardly anybody talk to me!!!!!! It appears to me that unless you have your cam on and ur boobs out no-one will talk to you!!! Feel like the kid at school who's left till last to be picked for teams in P.E!!!! Am i right in this theory or are we just really unpopular??? Any advice welcome for my sanity & piece of mind!!! :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry: :fury: :cry:[/quote] Hi Jt I know just how you feel I come in the chat most nights and unless I change my tex colour and even then NO ONE speaks to me :O :O :cry: :cry: I do try and make an effort to speak to most peeps specially the sexy ones like Mrs. jt no offence Mr. jt but your not my type lol :lol: :lol: and as you know we usually do have a chat if I see you. I am a member of another site and as soon as I log into the chat room most the peeps say hello so peeps is it too much to ask for a quick hello. Also Mrs. jt where as it is very nice if you have your tits out it seems you are right an awful lot on the site only look for that sad :( and as I do not have any tits to get out it seems I am at a big disadvantage :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: It is nice to know I do have a few exceptions to the above I wont list them here but my harem know who they are :devil: :devil: :devil: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi JT, the same thing happened to me for the last couple of days. Maybe nobody likes either of us. XXXXX But who cares , we like each other ( I hope) 8)
It does happen. And don't I know it! Seriously though, it does happen. But most of the time, it can usually be down to people having private conversations and therefore being sidetracked from the main chat room. I wouldn't take it personally J and T; if they won't chat to you unless you flash something on cam, then maybe they're not worth chatting to, and it's a blessing for you that they don't make that effort! After all, you know who your friends are in chat (myself included!), and you know that we'd never ignore you!! xxxx
JT - me luvs ya hunniee!!! I have noticed lately that due to the fact that we can no longer see who is logging in or out at any given time, its much harder to see whose in the room, unless you keep checking the user list! - Chat also seems to be a lot quicker, thats not a complaint, but just a reason perhaps why conversations go astray - and as sc quite rightly said, if people are having private convos, its hard to keep up with it all One thing i must say is dont take it personally - your too good for that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxemxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ej is right, you no longer get the announcement of people entering or leaving, so someone could enter and no-one notice them. Other than that I'd say it's up to individual people to start a conversation about something worth talking about if they want people to chat to them. I don't find that it's only the people on cam that get talked to.
[quote user=pussinboots1]Hi JT, the same thing happened to me for the last couple of days. Maybe nobody likes either of us. XXXXX But who cares , we like each other ( I hope) 8)[/quote] Puss mwah mwah mwah I luvs ya you know that :P :P :P :P :Pso if I come and :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: will you smack it for me please lol :lol: :lol:specially if I ignore you And Jt I will make a point off saying hello to you so thats three of us talking anyway o and I forgot cat how could I he'll talk to anyone :clap: :clap: :clap: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thank's guy's.... You really know who the genuine one's are!!! At the end of the day we joined this site to make friends with other couples, and during that time we have met some amazing people... singles included...(Bibi, swingin, Marcgold, ejbj & many others.) I'm not gonna give up on this site just because of a few people! Once again, Thanks guys Tanya smile
JT, you are LOVELY, WONDERFUL, SEXY (you want me to go on??) people! ALWAYS a PLEASURE to chat to you both! PLEASE remember there ARE LOADS OF US who LOVE YOU! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (I only made into your "many others"??? biggrin)
[quote user=jt_sexmad2005]Thank's guy's.... You really know who the genuine one's are!!! [/quote] No probs you two - that's what (chat) friends are for! xxxxxxxxx
jtjttttttttjjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjhajtjtjtjgojtjtjtchjtjtjta jtjtjtttjtttttttutjtj now who loves ya baby :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: lol :lol: :devil: :clap: rolleyes :O :P :wank: :devil: :doggy: :moon: :moon:
[quote user=cop66]JT, you are LOVELY, WONDERFUL, SEXY (you want me to go on??) people! ALWAYS a PLEASURE to chat to you both! PLEASE remember there ARE LOADS OF US who LOVE YOU! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (I only made into your "many others"??? biggrin)[/quote] Dont worry cop as always you are at the top of my list :clap: :clap: :clap: No offence to the other members of my harem but someone has to be at the top then also someone has to be at the :moon: :moon: too lol :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :lol:
Cop66.... u are definatly on the list of really good friends from this site honey!!!!!! Noyt just one of the many others!!!! We luv's ya!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :P
We'd never ignor you jt xxxxxxx Are we "many others" or "a few people"?? lol :rainbow:
cmandcd.... Ur fab!!!! Definatly 1 that i should have mentioned by name!!!! Mwah!!!!! :P ;) biggrin 8) smile
hey we havnt been on here for a few days so jt you would of been bitched at about my issue earlier but i wasnt here. my issue.......... MANY OTHERS?????????????? and where was my name???? i want a list being made jt, and you beter hope im at the top otherwise im cumin to steal your hamsters!!! lol nothing like blackmail i tell ya! hehe mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Carly.... you wasn't on that particular list babe..... coz u are on the VIP list!!!!!! Of course...... suprised u never worked that one out hun!!! Mwah :P biggrin 8) smile ;) :P
And now I want to know which list Im on please - btw heres ths reply from madge Hi Em Thankyou for your kind invite to join you, jt and jlo next week/ Unfortuantely I am out of the cuntry for the next month, but would love to meet up on my return. Perhaps you could sort out the same hotel we stayed at last time, dont worry I will pay the bill - hope youa re all keeping well and I am looking forward to meeting JT All my love as always Madge xxx
To Madge... Thanks for your quick response. hope everything is ok and Guy is fine!! look forward to meeting soon.. hope Lourdes and Rocco are well....pmsl :P :P :P :P
[quote user=ejbj67]And now I want to know which list Im on please - btw heres ths reply from madge Hi Em Thankyou for your kind invite to join you, jt and jlo next week/ Unfortuantely I am out of the cuntry for the next month, but would love to meet up on my return. Perhaps you could sort out the same hotel we stayed at last time, dont worry I will pay the bill - hope youa re all keeping well and I am looking forward to meeting JT All my love as always Madge xxx[/quote] Hey Madge wheres my invite :cry: :cry: :cry:and although being a good jew boy pmsl well maybe not that good :devil: :devil: :devil: for you I would break the habit of a life time and pay for the hotel lol :lol: :lol:
Hey Jay/Tanya clearly we were not in room at the time you were 'invisible'. We always make a beeline for you guys, because we know you will have found the beer and voddie stash hidden by Charlie/Chris!!. Also, we shan't ask about any list because we are confident in the knowledge that we shall meet at some stage (if only to rag your arses about all this stuff!!)...xxxx
Jelandn it goes without saying we love you guys loads!!!!!!!!!! u guys r on our 3rd list...but due to national security we r not allowed to name that list....but all will b revealed when we get to shag ur arses off.... :P
Oh well.... another invisible jt night!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
[quote user=jt_sexmad2005]Oh well.... another invisible jt night!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:[/quote] Well Jt its not my fault I took the other half out for an Indian meal that is lol :lol: :lol: :lol: as you know you are never invisible to me I reckon you should do what I do and if no one talks to you :cry: :cry: Just say right I am off don't like talking to myself:fury: :fury: :fury: that gets a response every time :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: besides Tanya what the bloody hells wrong with peeps in there that don't talk to you you sexy lady all I can say is they must be a load of :wank: :wank: :wank: 'ers :lol: :lol: :lol: Post edited 15-02-2006 6:24
I'd like to put my two pence worth in, late as it is. I know that there are instances where it is impossible to raise conversation, simply because of other distractions (ie, whispering or chatting elsewhere), as I'm guilty of that myself. But when a room has, say, about 10 people in it, I have noticed certain couples (none of who contribute to the forum, so refrain from paranoia!) who come in, and single guys like me say Hi to them in return. What do they do? Only say hi to other couples and females, totally ignoring single males! OK, so I know that single males aren't everyone's cup of PG Tips, but let me tell you something for nothing. Couples like that ignoring us, who make the effort, YOU ARE COMPLETELY FUCKING RUDE AND ELITIST. Much as I would love to name and shame, it's not my place to.........yet! Rant over.......I now return you to your scheduled perving. Post edited 23-02-2006 23:59
[quote user=swingin_cat]I'd like to put my two pence worth in, late as it is. I know that there are instances where it is impossible to raise conversation, simply because of other distractions (ie, whispering or chatting elsewhere), as I'm guilty of that myself. But when a room has, say, about 10 people in it, I have noticed certain couples (none of who contribute to the forum, so refrain from paranoia!) who come in, and single guys like me say Hi to them in return. What do they do? Only say hi to other couples and females, totally ignoring single males! OK, so I know that single males aren't everyone's cup of PG Tips, but let me tell you something for nothing. Couples like that ignoring us, who make the effort, YOU ARE COMPLETELY FUCKING RUDE AND ELITIST. Much as I would love to name and shame, it's not my place to.........yet! Rant over.......I now return you to your scheduled perving. Post edited 23-02-2006 23:59[/quote] :clap: :clap: :clap: here here cat and to add my bit maybe the ones that don't chat should realise we are not going to pounce out of the puter on them :P :P :P. Like you all I really want is to make friends as I have on here after all it is a very friendly place (most of the time :fury: ) and if I get the chance of a :doggy: then that is a bonus. Maybe if those that don't talk did come into the forum they would see how many peeps feel
Good point Marc - but what I'm saying is that it's not that these people don't chat. On this occasion, there were only about 10 people in the "sin-bin", because the pool had reached its "70-quota". In comes the woman of a couple who always cams alone, says Hi. Next thing, I say Hi, and two couples say Hi. Not much to get lost in conversation, since that was all that was said. She said Hi just to the two couples individually, and I was completely ignored (and not the first time either). I only said Hi: I didn't want to shag her! Call me petty if you want, but I personally think it's the height of bad manners. I won't mention the name of the member, but it's one who likes to tease and skank for the wankercams by giving them a show, and watching them wank. Their name has the same name of a type of tree. Notice that she does talk at the cocks on cam who wank for her attention, but not to civil males who greet them (sorry, but I don't lower myself to the despicable level of attention-seeking wankercammer or beggar/predator). Or maybe it's a colour issue with a bigoted, mindless few? No more clues! Think I'll sing a song to cheer myself up: [I]"Willow, weep for me......"![/I] Post edited 24-02-2006 20:52
[quote user=swingin_cat] sorry, but I don't lower myself to the despicable level of attention-seeking wankercammer or beggar/predator[/quote] You Don't need to do that! xx I don't understand the attention-seeking wankercammers, watching some guy having a wank does nothing for me! You're right tho Marc and Swingin' and it is very rude!! I've also seen single females do the same thing and only talk to the males!
[quote user=cmandcd]I don't understand the attention-seeking wankercammers, watching some guy having a wank does nothing for me! You're right tho Marc and Swingin' and it is very rude!! I've also seen single females do the same thing and only talk to the males![/quote] People come here for different reasons, as long as they are not being intentionally offensive, why not respect them, even if you don't understand their motives? Some boys and girls are exhibitionists, and get a kick from being watched, others enjoy watching. Perhaps there could be a XXX room and a lounge/lobby? Persoanlly I don't think there is much wrong with things as they are. No one is required to watch anyone elses cam. If you don't like the cam, don't watch it. If someone is having fun wanking off, don't expect them to stop and talk to you while they enjoy themselves. John x Post edited 24-02-2006 23:24
[quote user=swingin_cat] sorry, but I don't lower myself to the despicable level of attention-seeking wankercammer[/quote] People are entitle to sexuality on their terms, so long as they are not harming others. If you went into an orgy and some group of people are having a good time, you don't expect to come in the room say "high", and get a conversation do you? regards, John