I would just like to warn you all of a guy on here who is "posing" as a couple!! Very convincing as there is pics on profile of a female! I was well and truly sucked in and believed every word he said.... not even twigging when he got nasty with me for not flashing on cam (I refused until i saw his wife) On many Occasions right from the start Jay warned me this guy was fake but I fell for the charm hook line and sinker!!! His wife has never materialised and we have since found that he uses EXACTLY the same phrases on other couples pretending that his wife is at work and is on the phone to him saying that he must watch a couple fuck live on cam!! PLEASE BE WARNED!!!!!
:fury: :fury: :wank: :wank: :wank:
noooooooooooooooooo jt you have found me out!!!
i was hoping that my wig to try and be 'Carly' would work but you have caught me out!! pmsl
rich xxxxx
on a serious note though do single males posing as a couple seriously think they are going to get a meet. surely when they meet with a couple the couple will wonder where his wife is?? don't think the whole 'she's at work' will wash!! Lol
[quote user=jt_sexmad2005]I would just like to warn you all of a guy on here who is "posing" as a couple!! Very convincing as there is pics on profile of a female! I was well and truly sucked in and believed every word he said.... not even twigging when he got nasty with me for not flashing on cam (I refused until i saw his wife) On many Occasions right from the start Jay warned me this guy was fake but I fell for the charm hook line and sinker!!! His wife has never materialised and we have since found that he uses EXACTLY the same phrases on other couples pretending that his wife is at work and is on the phone to him saying that he must watch a couple fuck live on cam!! PLEASE BE WARNED!!!!!
:fury: :fury: :wank: :wank: :wank:[/quote]
Well Tanya I for one are very sorry to hear yet again you are being harassed by some bloody idiot on here :fury: :fury: :fury: You do know you have the full suport of me and many other normal people on here it is a great shame you will always get the odd :wank:er :wank:er :wank:er I know what ur has said and I do agree you must put in an abuse report, it is just a shame you can not put the user name in the forum or at least expose him in some other way so others don't get caught. We don't want rubbish like that in this site :fury: :fury: :fury:
Post edited 21-02-2006 6:00
Post edited 21-02-2006 6:02
[quote user=cutiecarly]
noooooooooooooooooo jt you have found me out!!!
i was hoping that my wig to try and be 'Carly' would work but you have caught me out!! pmsl
rich xxxxx
on a serious note though do single males posing as a couple seriously think they are going to get a meet. surely when they meet with a couple the couple will wonder where his wife is?? don't think the whole 'she's at work' will wash!! Lol
Rich... I do not think that they are hoping for a meet as they know they are going to get caught out then.... I think they are just out to watch couples have sex and to wank over it... which is what this guy wanted us to do and when I refused this is when he got nasty. I just think that the guy is a complete and utter
[/quote] :wank: and I have to say... that IS a WANK not a WAVE!!! lol
I agree JT there so many profiles that say couples and are single males it not right and makes us genuine males get a very bad name thanks to them.
[quote user=tribblemaster]I agree JT there so many profiles that say couples and are single males it not right and makes us genuine males get a very bad name thanks to them.
Don't worry hun.... we all know there is some real nice genuine males in here hunny,and tham twats are not gonna spoil it for you all!!! We r all mates & all stick together!!
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
What about married guys who pretend to be single?? To my mind as bad as the other ones. We would not trust either of these types, after all if a guy can cheat on his wife, can he seriously be trusted in any kind of relationship, swing or whatever?...Hmmmmmmmmmm
[quote user=jelandn]What about married guys who pretend to be single?? To my mind as bad as the other ones. We would not trust either of these types, after all if a guy can cheat on his wife, can he seriously be trusted in any kind of relationship, swing or whatever?...Hmmmmmmmmmm [/quote]
OK, it's about time I waded in on this one.
I wasn't going to bother, but this really does need to be addressed. Many people who know me (most of all those who I have met and chat to) will know that I have a partner who, although doesn't swing, is more than happy for me to pursue my interests. Her views on the whole thing are:
- As I have been swinging since 1990, and I was upfront about this right from the time we met, eight years ago, she has given her blessing for me to continue, as long as she is not involved. She could quite easily, and understandably, have walked away from it all, but she chose not to. Her view is "If you've been into something that interests you for that long, why stop now?".
- She has zero interest in the scene: however, because our relationship is an extremely happy one, built on trust and love, she knows full well that, at the end of the day, there is just one person I go home to.
- We both agree that pursuing our own hobbies and interests, including this for me, serves only to strengthen and bond our relationship. Neither of us are possessive of each other: that could really destroy a relationship.
I may be a single male on the site here, but I do NOT pretend to be single in other respects. Therefore, I don't consider myself "playing the field" behind my partner's back, as she is completely consenting about everything. Additionally, swinging partners I have met on here, and elsewhere, have been made aware of this right from the start, and have absolutely NO objection to my position and status, and when you consider the good reputation I uphold and pride myself on, I think that says a lot, doesn't it? Anyone who reads this, and who has met me, will back me up on all that I say here.
Think about it: if I said I was married on my profile, I'd have no end of predatory single males pestering me to meet and ask if my partner f***s too, or other less desirable requests. Do I really want that?
A swinger, in an outside relationship, I am.
Post edited 21-02-2006 21:26
And back to the thread...WARNING - Many people are not honest on their profiles...There will always be exceptions and we recognise the validity of the previous comments, but I suggest that most who have incorrect info in profile do so to try and gain advantage of one form or other. From a personal perspective these are people that we would choose to not be involved with - and yes that includes married ladies posing as singles, whatever the viewpoint of the partner...Each to their own...xxx
Ok, after reading Jels thread, I am down as a single woman, although I am married, and the people who I want to know I tell. Surely it is my right to put what I want to about myself. I dont feel that I am "posing" as being a single woman, because when I am in the chat room, I am a "single" woman, as it is my "single world" I think being honest from day one is the best way to go
over and out