[quote user=funkydiva35]soooooooooooo it is.......whose bloody changed that then.....must b the ikkle ppl in me puta....the sneaky ikkle fooooookas!!
What the..... Its back to the hot pic of you in your red pants......... Those people in your puter, little fookers.... I'll ave em I will... sat in there with their blue hair........
[quote user=funkydiva35][quote user=j_the_impaler]One that leaves something to think about[/quote]#
and me in it j....lol[/quote]
So in summary Funky...... Didn't quite get the general idea..... LOL
[quote user=funkydiva35][quote user=dr_dave]Or how about:
fuck me dr....ur as maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad as me....lol[/quote]
One does endeavour to try Funky of Diva, holder of the number 35..............
Do or do not, there is no try.. Yoda - a long time ago...... in a galaxy far, far away.....
Star wars ep IV
death star destroyed by a design flaw. Obi-Dead, Uncle Owen and Aunt beru-Dead
Star wars Ep V
Cold Hoth System - Rebels escape cause of bad man management. Luke kisses his sister (ergh)..
Han frozen
Star wars Ep VI
The jedi return - its not as big as you think.. Its one man (who looks different in this movie cause of a bad car crash). Jaba-dead. boba-dead. Yoda-Dead, Vader-dead. Emperor-dead, very sad... Death star again destroyed because of a design flaw (I doubt the insurance will pay out)
Star wars Ep I - yes that's right, they didn't run them in order
The force is all powerful, but the Jedi weren't sure about Anakin.. Pod-race sets up the angst. Maul-dead, Sidous needs a new apprentice (I think he knows Sir Alan), Qui-gon-Dead..
Star wars Ep II
Just a link between I and III. Needs to link the small boy with the Green Cross Code Man... Ani slaughters the Sand people - not all of them, he's not an animal.... Shmi-Dead, Jengo-Dead
Star wars Ep III
The missing link.... Padme-Dead, Ani-dead (well that's how Obi justifies it in Ep IV), nearly all the jedi-Dead (fecking exec order 66), Mace-Dead......
[quote user=CIC]I miss Doc Martin. He was a nice chap.[/quote]
Doc Martin... wasn't he a miserable sod???
[quote user=northlondon12]yeh how cud i forget ya fooooooka we both got style oozing out.................oh fuk mines turned to puss i beta see dr D..............may need sum antibiotics:crazy::crazy:
Oh Style puss, not nice Norfy.... There's only one thing that can cure style that's oozing puss, and its not antibiotics... Woo Hoo.. :thrilled::thrilled::thrilled:
I can prescribe it by the ton..... As much as you can take :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
[quote user=funkydiva35]cock in hand dr???...
or bendin ova and ready to take it like a man???
dr's me bitch!!![/quote]
Well, given the choice...... bent over tied to a chair... That way you can do wot eva u want...... wot u goin 2 do 2 me Funks..... I'll b ur bitch anytime u want....
Ok, kjshksjbg Dr now....
[quote user=funkydiva35]omg....dr.....now i need another thomas.....wot r u doin to me!!:doh:
funky nutta xx:P[/quote]
Right now.... My head in your lap, taking your clit in my mouth, sucking gently... fingers in.....
Full mutha fooking house mutha fooker.....
Iams in a chrome bowl, on a matching mat, with a sexy girl dog to mount... Followed by a big bone..... anyone want to lick my bone??
Check it
[quote user=northlondon12]watch out ya dont iron ya cock bru :crazy::crazy:
Fook me North that would smart... How do you explain that at A&E??? Yea, I burnt my cock ironing in the nip...
Mine was easy...
Dr - cause I'm doing a PHD
Dave - cause I think dave is a great name... Good name for a pet... Like Steve... not my real name - like Oli, didn't want to use my real name, though a full face pic kinda ruins the mystique....
Great thread.... Hat off.
Dr D
[quote user=northlondon12]my fav name was dirtycunt but i think she left........an pissflapps is anuvver one that makes me smile..:grin::grin:
Laugh out mutha fooking loud....
Dirtycunt... says everything you need to say doesn't it... Doesn't make me want to eat though... Ergh...
Pissflapps - genius....