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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 53
0 miles · Gloucestershire


its open to anyone doc hunni .. as soon as venue is confirmed I'll mail you all the details you need xx
:clap: great to see so many of you coming along... hope we can make it a great night. Can I just ask anyone who has definitely booked their room and hasn't told me to just pop a quick mail in my box- just need to keep a tally on number of rooms required biggrin xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I was in the room last night to witness this unpleasant and unwarranted attack.. this behaviour will not be tolerated in anyway shape or form either viawhispers or in the open room. As is my mantra in life - if you dont like someone then leave them alone, if you cant leave them alone then you dont belong on sp. :fury: Unfortunately it is a sad fact that we cannot act until someone has actually been seen to be offensive, but rest assured that member will be dealt with. Post edited 18-07-2007 10:14
Hi guys.. lots of you lovely peeps already mailed me to confirm youre coming.... I will only reply to requests if they are on here from now on as I dont have the time to go chasing everyone.... please and thank you! xxxxxxxxxxx :-?
don't forget what I warned you.. be careful around those turrets.. they can be very painful in the wrong places lol
oooh... can't wait til oct when I'll be sunning myself in florida ( a WELL-deserved break I add!)... tho knowing my luck florida will be hit by the worst hurricane in decades and the uk will be having an indian summer - wonder if those words will come back to haunt me?...... :-?
ooh lucky you juggs... would love to have gone to the grand prix....and any perks later lol
ok guys..... have done my first round of initial mailing,.... if there is anyone who hasnt had a first mail from me who wants to go then please say so now!!!!! biggrin
hi!.. first thing you need to do is change your status to that of a couple.. it is very important that from the start members can see who they are speaking to and no confusion arises. Secondly, try using the search members facility on the home page. By entering your postcode it will list all members in that area - alternitvely, use the advanced search where you can be more specific. Come into the chatroom sometimes - I know it can be daunting and it can seem like everyone knows everyone else... but remember we were all new once!! This is an ideal way to chat and make friends- it also gives members an idea about who you are : your likes/dislikes etc. Happy swinging! xxx
my only 'gripe' as it were is this.. as mindy said decisions like these are not taken lightly. The trouble seems to be that mods and admins decisions are increaingly being challenged. Now we as a team have nothing to hide and are always on hand to help anybody out.. bur we also need to be respected too and I guess trust has broken down on both sides. Sometimes we censor things because it does blatently break aup rules... sometimes its because it serves no purpose being in the public eye.. and before you all shout at me, banned members are not up for discusion in public or private with any other member and that decision is final. So can we please work out these problems and get back to what we are all on this site for?? :doggy: :moon: :wank: lol
us_and_u and jobcarbon-- have added your names to my list, and deleted your threads so everyone's names are all in one place. I will start mailing everyone once hotel is confirmed so you can all get booking! xx
thanks guys... am gonna start doing the rounds re: hotels etc soon.. will do all the mailing nearer the time but will advise of hotels as soon as possible xxxxx
This social is still going ahead despite problems on site recently - so if your still interested in coming along for an evening of fun heehee... put your names here and I will make a list of who to mail with all the details... please and thank you biggrin Post edited 22-06-2007 9:15 Post edited 22-06-2007 10:31
ok.. best advice I can give you is not to be an eager beaver lol There is a thread in the new and nervous forum- 'chat tips for newbies'. That has become our bible on this site and it is pretty damned good advice!. We are all here to have fun but also we treat every other member here with the utmost respect, if not then I'm afraid you will find it hard to mix ine into the chatroom when your ready, it can be fast and scary (hmm.. bit like me heehee) but you'll soon get the hang of it. Welcome and enjoy your time here xx
it is if I have anything to do with it lac69.. if everyones ok with that then lets get this show back on the road :clap:
Well, I am more than happy to take over the organisation of this social with chips help, it would be a real shame if it had to be cancelled due to the negative problems on the site right now... in fact this could be what everyone needs smile
errr... naomi hunny... I dont know how to break this to you gently... I wasn't at mk2 :-? I do hope you didnt say anything too inappropriate to a poor innocent bystander... but I would love to know who the hell you insulted by mistaking them for me!!!!! pmsl lol
emma hun.. so sorry to hear whats happened to you - stick to your guns and stay, dont let the baddies win. :fury: Post edited 20-06-2007 12:59
harry.. the site always used to go down at around 4am.. and i was on my home pc lol.. it stopped happening for a while but I wasnt aware the problem was back... cant help you any more than that sorry! :-?
pmsl- I didnt realise my age was of such importance!!! :-o thank you sooo much tho guys, tho I've missed my birthday snogs. So, please mail me all your IOU's and I'll get back to each and every one of you :P Mwah kel, your a sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ok guys... a LOT of people had the same problem last night, some got into the room ok but many, including me!, were left unable to access it. I did eventually get onto the site at 2am and found it to be running ok then. We can only apologise to all the members who had difficulty getting into the site last night... the chatroom hasn't crashed at all since certain issues were sorted as ur4it states ( tho have no idea what he is talking about as I am a blonde female lol) but hope all is ok from now on. You guys have been so patient, well most of you anyway, and admin is working hard behind the scenes for you x
seems to me that these days there seems to be an underlying current of nastiness on the site... in my view if you cant be nice about someone then just dont say or whisper anything... and if you cant shut up and say nothing then get off SP :fury:
am sorry guys but I'm gonna have to cancel my room and miss the chance of a good time with y'all. Am sooooo gutted but am sure there will be another time. Just dont rub it in too much when you talk to me though!! :cry: