Wow Ur4it all those new emotes. Do we have to sit an exam once we've learnt them all?
All we need now is SPV2?????? can feel it's close now!
Here's hoping Mrs C mwahxxxxx
I saw the used on another thread babyd. Looks fab lmao want one of those even if it's not listed on the emotes list. I reckon ur4it is saving the assionkiss: for someone special.
Oh and I like the sound of "look and feel" too getting all unecessary now :lick: :lol: :lol: Ur4it sure has a way with words.
mwahxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mrs C
Post edited 23-07-2007 12:24
OMG :borg: :borg: borg:
sorry got giddy :D :D
...... Is it seven of nine tho....??
..... If so i'm gonna be very very very busy for a long long time swoooooon :doggy:
xxx Thank you for the list so i can swat up
and ADMIN thank you for giving us lots of other little things to keep us occupied !
I do have one question tho ??
Where is the :kcwantsspitroasting: i asked for ??
[quote user=ur4it][quote user=ceylon1]can feel it's close now![/quote]
The mods have been testing sp v2 for a couple of weeks now (and learning how to use some of the new features). In my opinion, there are some nice new features in there but the developers have remained faithful to the "look and feel" of the present site.
I have to say that it looks pretty good and the development guys deserve a round of applause (if not lots of alcoholic beverages! ). :clap:[/quote]
im still here mods please dont forget to keep me up to date !!!! looking forward to the new room.