well yeah...... there are no indicators when its gonna go..... has done with 10 in the room too!!!! :O
well I've had 130 in room with me at some points admin... it can struggle sometimes..
omg mo... sooooo out of the blue, I'm so shocked!! But all I can say is I wish you and Si all the best in your lives together, you know whats best decision for you and we all only have 1 go at life.. will miss you, the room will not be the same without you popping in to 'help' all those poor newbies!! Good luck babes, it was a real pleasure talking to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :clap:
hi tony... there's a thread in the new and nervous forum-'chatroom tips for newbies'. It will give you some idea of how to become used to the chatroom, it can be a very daunting place especially when it seems everyone knows everyone else! But remember, we were all new at some point.. it just takes time, patience and respect for other members and I'm sure you'll be fine. Welcome! x
hmmmm.. there speaks a voice of experience ur4! :P :wank:
well... in a moment of desperation, looking around in hope of inspiration I happened to look down and see my tattoo.. 8)
hiya and welcome!.. have a look at the thread 'chatroom tips for newbies' on this forum- some excellent advice written by another single male who is now a valued member of the site!! Come into the chat room, even tho it will seem too fast and daunting at first, and let people get to know you. Just remember politeness and respect to all members at all times and I'm sure you'll get along great. Have fun!! x
Post edited 26-03-2007 13:23
send addy to me please steve xx
ooh sudsy.. you know the real reason your not on site at the moment is cos your saving yourself for me!!! :P
Post edited 08-03-2007 14:36
cowpat... there is nothing I can add that kel hasn't already said brilliantly... its tough going for any newbie to get used to the chatroom (and I'm an elusive single female! lol) but if you persevere it will get better, but you have to realise that there are so many single males on this site as well. - hope you stick around and enjoy it babes, it really is a friendly site xxx
ooohhh admin.. pressures on you now!!.. c'mon, I went to a social and i came out of it alive... nothing to be scared of heehee!!.. great idea to donate money to charity as well you guys.. err.. can I be so bold as to make a suggestion as to another worthy cause??.. My littlest daughter was born 10 weeks early weighing in at 2lb 10oz.. without the magnificent help and care she recieved at the maternity hsopital she possibly wouldnt have made it and neither would i as I had severe complications... me and chip have been talking about how best to thank them and err.. well I was wondering if I could hijack some of the donations to give something back... I will of course add a substantial donation to match what you guys would be willing to donate.... just dont think it be a good idea to tell the local paper how it happened!! pmsl
pmsl mo.. you rumbled us!!!.. err, I dont know whats going on there hunny, maybe someone else can shed light on this matter.... or leave the poor newbies alone!! :lick:
Post edited 03-03-2007 3:12
:clap: mo... can I get that enbroidered onto a pillow please hunny???
as I said.. this is supposed to be a site for fun and friendliness... but trust me, right now I don't see much of either.....
sue babes, luv you back...... I dont condone for 1 minute the actions that have led to this ban.. this is why this warning to all members is here.
Some members may be aware of some trouble recently involving 2 members who decided to use this site as a battleground for their personal vendettas. This behaviour is unacceptable so as a result both members have been banned. This is a site where like-minded people meet and have fun not an area to vent personal grievances. If any members are seen to be using the site in a similar way then they will be banned instantly, no warnings given.
aww ur4 babes..... given away trade secrets now!! ... thought that was the only way I could get the gossip!! :P
aww swingin.. you never had the delight of being very naughty in the great outdoors???... well I can always show you what you've missed... and it involves no cars, dogs or dirty macs!! :P
oh bugger... shame it wasnt friday.. could have been there.... :cry: