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to missing freinds

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lately i have noticed that some great freingds have left or have been forced to leave the site! because of this we are also thinking of leaving. we have been on the site for nearly 4 years and have seen freinds like evil-klown, kinky_minx, princess( aka ian and kelly ) and many others leave because of back stabbing in a website that i consider to be the best! unfortunately we feel like the best website might not be the one for us! while we would love to stay here to stay in touch with the freinds we speak to on a regular basis ( you know who you are ). we also think that things are gonna come to a head and we will be forced off the site like kelly and ian were! i know i have some of the mods support on this matter but i don't expect them to speak up because of the position they are in. in fact i expect this link to be deleted pretty quickly but all i want to say is that kelly and ian were treated unfairly and they were probably the most respected and liked couples on the site! i feel admin should have listened to both sides of the story before they acted and i also feel that in this case the bullies won! hopefully admin will think again about banning ian and kel and then hopefully several members will stay on the site and keep it as the rightfull #1 swingers website! steve
Fifes, reluctantly I'm forced to agree with you in many respects. I don't know all the ins and outs of the recent bannings, and I don't want to really because the people being banned (those on each end of the disagreements) haave been those I class as friends and I don't want to be forced to take sides. That being said, it's such a shame that recently so many disagreements have been resolved this way and it's clearly started to cause unrest amongst many regulars. It's hard to put a finger on an exact cause, but I feel that the chatroom isn't quite the place it used to be. Maybe that's just me; perhaps the novelty has just worn off, but I think it unlikely that I'll be renewing my subscription when it expires. I've made lots of friends via this site that I can continue to keep in touch with in other ways. A genuinely meant observation to the Mods, too - rightly or wrongly, there is a perception amongst quite a significant number of people now that there is Moderator bias, and that you guys not only favour certain people, but will even actively gang up on some as well. This is nothing I've ever witnessed, but I think the fact that the perception is out there should be something you try and deal with. If people don't trust the moderators, then this site really is in trouble. Fifes is right - this is a brilliant site in many respects. I sincerely hope it isn't in the early stages of decline.
Steve - well said mate !! I had met Kel and Ian and a nicer cpl you couldn't wish to meet. I bought a similar point up last week in reply to Saint and that thread was pulled rather quickly as admin don't want to ' rock the boat ' It is one of the reasons i myself have been in this site myself. I don't do backstabbing and BS and pollitics - this is just about fun and aren't swingers meant to be open minded, liberal live and let live people ??!! I myself have seen FAR too many nice peeps be edged out of here - while most of the ars* holes seem to thrive and proliferate - typical of this place tho eh ! Well, i won't write too much as this won't be here long i think ..... as we still aren't allowed to express our opinions still ............. Have fun y'all xxxxx biggrin :D
its wee shame so it is, but then where is the fairness between 2 people having an argument, one gets banned the other gets off scot free, the site is going to the dogs through unfair biased moderators, such is life, bring back kell AND devs ( let them work out their own problems between them, after all the mods keep banging on about acting like adults, give us the chance to do so ) point made, how long til it gets deleted??????????????????????????? just an afterthought, it must be a scottish trait to speak ur mind, watch u dont get branded trouble makers like we did fifers xxxxxxx Post edited 24-06-2007 13:13 Post edited 24-06-2007 13:14 Post edited 24-06-2007 13:17
;) can we not just get some love back in the room please im fed up of it all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. love shell and ant xx
i agree with everything said here so instead of admin deleting this thread and dismissing all the valid comments that have been made i and i am sure plenty of others would like to hear what admin have to say about the current situation regarding ppl leaving or getting banned.i have no idea why ian,kel and devs were banned but we have met them all and we found them all to be very nice ppl to know and we would like to see them back on the site .thats all i am gunna say on this matter i just hope this thread aint locked
spoke to kelly today and she would like to point out that her and devs fell out in feb and have been quite happily ignoring each other since. kelly would also like to point out that she had nothing to do with devs getting banned from the site, despite popular belief, and the witch hunt which followed has left her very hurt. she has since joined another site and although it isn't as good as this one she is getting on with life. kelly would also like to thank the peeps who stuck by her at this time. you know who you are!! steve
why hasn't this been deleted yet?????????? favoritism????????
To be honest it's more to do with being an impossible situation for the moderators. Do we delete this thread and then deal with the waves of complaints about censorship? Or do we let it run and be accused of being biased and having favourites?
can totally understand ur predicament, however , the question is :- does it infringe upon the aup? if so pull it, if not let it stay, that way people WILL understand why they r being censored and not just assume its because of favouritism, its defo not a nice situation to be piggy in the middle but some "mods" seem to thrive on the power
obviously i am biased but i think the thread should be kept to find out public opinion! at the end of the day i pay £30 a month for 2 memberships and should be able to have my say! i feel and i know others agree with me that ian and kel have been treated unfairly. kelly denies any involvement in the banning of devs and has conversations on m s n saved to clear her name if need be. caz and i are very good freinds with ian and kel and having met them several times know that the allegations made against them are completely out of character and something that they would never be part of. obviously some will disagree but personalities will always clash in a large group like we have here, especially when people are drinking at weekends. i honestly hope this episode can be resolved and the best way i can think is to reinstate both devs and kel! they quite happily ignored each other for 4 months and i'm sure they would continue to do so. once again admin please keep this thread active so we can find out the opinions of honest paying members who should have the right to express their own feeling on the matter. after all it is the paying members who are suffering the backlash in the chatroom with all the confusion and uncertainty. hope you find the time to reply to this thread! steve
:clap: us sottish folks talk a lot of sense :clap: i have no issues with either kell or devs, i also have no great allegiances with either of them, i am and will remain neutral in this fiasco, they r paying members ( or at least were ) and have the right to be opinionated of each other, and either ignore or taunt til their hearts r content. banning them only brings animosity to the site and creates a divide no-one wants to be a part of. hope its all resolved soon so EVERYONE can get back to havin a laugh and shagging ( whichever is the preferred option )
When someone is banned from this site it is not a decision that is taken lightly. There is [B][U]ALWAYS[/U][/B] good reason. We don't just do it for fun.
mork and mindy i am not saying that people are banned for fun but i don't think all the facts have been looked at. all i am saying is that on this occasion there has been a differnece in opinion and kelly has been made a scapegoat. last week caz phoned kelly and found her very very upset with what had happened! i think new people on the site will think bad of kelly and ian for what has been said about them without actually knowing them. i am just asking admin to get in touch with kel and find out the whole story. hopefully then this whole matter can be forgotten. steve
For me this site is far more than 'just' a site for arranging sexxy meets. I like the 'community' feel of the chatroom -- and the way 99.9% of the time people look out for each other. My vote would be to reinstate both Kel and Devs. John xx
my only 'gripe' as it were is this.. as mindy said decisions like these are not taken lightly. The trouble seems to be that mods and admins decisions are increaingly being challenged. Now we as a team have nothing to hide and are always on hand to help anybody out.. bur we also need to be respected too and I guess trust has broken down on both sides. Sometimes we censor things because it does blatently break aup rules... sometimes its because it serves no purpose being in the public eye.. and before you all shout at me, banned members are not up for discusion in public or private with any other member and that decision is final. So can we please work out these problems and get back to what we are all on this site for?? :doggy: :moon: :wank: lol
i was only trying to see if i cn help ali. that was why i asked. i know it cant be discused out of the mod forum, but am i not mod?
ok, call me thick if u must BUT im still not understanding what this post does/doesn't have that every other post that was deleted did/didn't fas as i can make out, this post and the other posts do and did not breach aup regulations, can we have an explanation to clarify [B]WTF[/B] is going on, r u or r u not allowed to discuss former members ( banned or otherwise ) or is it at mods discretion?????????????? Post edited 25-06-2007 6:18 Post edited 25-06-2007 6:20
plays why are you so keen to have this thread deleted? if admin have decided not to pull it they must have their reasons! hopefully they are considering some of the points that i have made. you are not the only people who have had threads deleted. i have had several deleted when making valid if maybe forcefull points. seems from some of the coments made above that i'm not the only one peeved off with the currnet situation and would like something resolved before i have to cancel my subscriptions. then again i may be forced to leave first! we'll see! steve
dont particularly care whether it gets deleted or not, just seekin clarity as to why its not been when others have been with the same content. YET AGAIN another moderator inconsistency. to be totally honest i couldnt give a shit no more, the hypocrisy is blatant for all to see
Well ..... maybe it just got to the point where they can no longer really ignore a good valid point ...... but this place does seem like beating your head against a brick wall sometimes ..... and will that really make a difference in the end - i think not !! lol xxxx These situations will always occur ....... its just the manner in which they are resolved that counts i suppose !!?? I have seen them happen time and time again and i refuse to get involoved or take sides myself - not because i am a fence sitter but because of the principle that this is ALL about having fun ...... and when its not, then stop it. But there is FAR too much bitching and back biting on this site, and most sites to be fair and too many people do not have the ethos to be proper swingers and lots of people have hidden agenda's etc - i mean ...... a lot of peeps don't even meet on here FFS - what is that all about ??!! Awwhhhhh well - we will see this all arise again very shortly no doubt ...... now what did i say about that brick wall ?? lmao xxxx Have fun y'all biggrin
It seems to us that the site is divided and fragmenting into groups since certain people have left or been removed without any explanation to the members involved. We don't know what happened of took place in the chat room but it seems to be affecting us in respect that certain people no longer acknowledge us like sudsy has stated the chat room is no longer the same. Is this because we came across as taking sides? We miss all parties involved and would like to see them all back not just certain ones. They are all adults and we are sure that they can put their differences aside and let sleeping dogs lie, So lets have them back please. The mods do a great job in the room and are a good laugh so come on people lets get back to having fun. :doggy: biggrin
Well done to the admin team for letting this thread run. It shows an commitment for the site to be open and honest which we appreciate on a site like this. I just hope the team will reconsider re-instating the two parties after a cooling off period because Kelly and Devon have been good members being friendly especially to new members providing them with advice and explaining how to behave on this site. To be honest the site is a lesser place with their departure and I hope that they might be allowed to come back as we miss these friends In the mean time "Here's to absent Friends" No axe to grind here.
well said wavy's thats wot i would like to see! kel and devs both reinsated and lets get back to having fun in the room! they are adults and i'm sure they would act as adults if let back into the room!:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Just bring back devs and kel let them sort it out themselfs MAKE LOVE NOT WAR lol
We have posted this note on 'chill out' forum but is probably valid here so here again with no apology We do however think if people are removed perhaps we (members) should be given an explanation (except for blatant breech of the rules) & also an appeals procedure What the f*ck is happening to this site, it used to be a place where people came to have fun & sexy conversations ! It now seems more like a bloody war zone ! We need to get back to the 'love in' status because if not the whole thing will implode. We have been on the site for nealy 3 years & made lots of friends & quite frankly all this sniping (from both side) is getting very boring . It does make one consider whether to renew ones membership. Post edited 26-06-2007 11:05
wasn't gonna post a reply but have to get our tupence worth in . We joined this site to meet with other swingers but also and perhaps more importantly to chat with like minded people about things we just wouldnt with other friends. From time to time since there has been friction in the room and members have come n gone some we have chatted to and became friends with,others we the best policy in these situations is to live n let live and not get involved in these the risk of sounding like a brown nose when we need mods in the chat they are helpful and friendly but if they kick someone we like why is it such a big deal they don't do these things for no reason. It would be easier surely if everyone let them get on with there job lol. We also miss devs and kel in the chat but at the end of the day what took place to leed to there ban is really none of our business. Lets just get on with the fun peeps xxxxxxxxx
thats all fine in theory fluffy but when we feel that a good friend has been treated unfairly and was quite blatantly bullied i feel the need to speak up on her behalf since she isn't here to defend herself. i'm not saying i know all the ins and out of her being banned but i do know more than most. i have also seen some of the discussions that have gone on outside the site to know that kelly and possibly devs were treated unfairly. :wank: as qanda suggested maybe there should be an appeals procedure where admin can find out all that has happened. also to hear that someone has slagged off plays in the chill out zone??? how cowardly could you be? i have left this thread so people can give their oppinion and tell me i'm talkin shit if thats wot they feel! to slag peeps off while hiding in part of the site that ain't often used is just cowardice! right i'm gonna get off me soap box now! but it would be nice to hear admins reaction to all that has been said here! steve
fair play to you fifes you have expressed your opinion as we have ours and that is what the forum is for. As regards to what happened with playboy there is a seperate thread for that but as it has been brought up i sat in the chillout zone with him and watched last night and i totally agree this was a cowardly and malicious thing for anyone to do. However our opinion remains that grievances should not be aired in the chat room as thats when others become involved...fluffys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To be honest, its all just got out of control and very childish. As the other half of the Plays, it doesnt bother me about the chill out room, thats playground stuff and water off a ducks back to me (i didnt make the thread about it). As for the bannings, its done, whether it be fairly or unfairly, it sucks but again, its done, there's nothing anyone can do so why dont we just move on and stop singing the same tune over and over :P We really just need to get back to the way things were before all this happened because if threads keep getting made about the same thing, the fun is never going to come back to the chatroom. :devil: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :rainbow: Angie(playgirl) xxx