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plays no disrespect or anything but something CAN be done about the members who have been banned. they could both be reinstated and left to sort things out amongst themselves like the adults they are! they never argued in the chatroom, they never upset anyone in the chatroom so why should they not be allowed back in? you say the chatroom needs to get back to the way it was! i would love to see the site back to the way it was nearly 4 years ago,( when everything was friendly and the only problem was single blokes whispering lol ) but it ain't going to happen. with all the bitchyness and bullying all i can see is the site going one way! it is getting more and more common to see posts left regarding not renewing memberships! well here's another! we go on holiday on the 3rd of july and will be cancelling both subscriptions before we go! whether it is permanently cancelled or just till we get home will depend on how the site goes in the next month! steve
Well have just got back from holidaying in Cuba and have found out that now ianand kel have been banished from this site as devon4u was!2 of my top 5 chatters who I could really have a good whisper to which was such a delight to be in the chatroom for!I know rules are rules and will do my very best not to break them although I do go a bit OTT at times(doesnt everyone).I dont know the full story of what has happened as nobody is telling me anything!Will point out that I joined another swinging site a bit ago as a break from this one BUT it is not half as good as this one!My membership is up in september so will just have to see how things go in the chatroom before considering renewing it! GEORGECAT Post edited 26-06-2007 19:44
No disrespect taken Fifes but at the end of the day, its down to Admin whether or not to reinstate anyone and by the way things are going, its not going to happen, regardless of threats off a handle of people not renewing, it seems everyone just has to move on and if people dont want to renew, its a shame but its up to each individual to make that decision. Angie
Oh dear Have I missed something lol If the people who have be banned feel that is unfiar, why to they not email admin, and put their case??
I have to say i am with Fife's ALL the way on this one - they have been the voice of reason in all this, and like them i have been a long term member of this site and seen FAR too many charasmatic and key members either be banned or leave this site out of pure frustration. There are too many people commenting on this banning of a cpl of prominent members thinking it may only be a relatively isolated incident ....... but its not !! I appreciate admin's intervention in these matters but there has not always been inpartiality on their behalf and this inconsistency leaves the friends of the banned people feeling aggrevied too - just look at the response so far ...... !! All credit to admin for leaving this thread running tho - i thinks its just an indication and acknowledgement of the current state of the site by allowing us to express the unrest - and about bladdy time too - but i also think the site administrators also know that there are always going to be people to replace other members and come on to the scene ...... but its also naive and short sighted to have this attitude as i know a LOT of people on the scene .... and this site is getting a bad reputation and as always - its easier and cheaper to retain members by servicing them and listening to their needs that trying to market to new transient members - just a thought !! I could bang on about why i renewed my membership - but trust me, i also dithered because this place is not what it once used to be back in the day...... but as i always say .... bones heal.... chicks dig scars..... and America has the number one doctor to daredevil ratio in the whole world - God bless America !! lol :P Have fun y'all - mwah xxxxxxx
[quote user=ur4it] 238,786 members - I ain't servicing that many! :doggy: lol[/quote] Why not Ur4it, you not got shares in Durex :lol: :lol: :lol: Post edited 27-06-2007 18:30
May I lastly say that I met the devs and kel in Milton Keynes for the first time and what nice people they are who I will greatly miss in the chatroom!!!!! Post edited 27-06-2007 19:45
there may well be 238,786 registered users but having checked there are actually only 29,707 premium ( paid ) members! surely you could handle that ur4it!! lol should really be 29,709 but that looks less likely every day!! :fury: never mind! i'm sure we'll meet them again! whether on here or not! :devil: only 5 days left!!! steve
I feel the need to reply to this thread as I personaly know the Dev's, and have for 6 years. Mrs Devs is one of my best mates and we have talked all the way through this "thing". I think it needs to be pointed out that there was nore than just one member who was involved in Dev's banning. They know who they are, and their silance on this forum speeks volumes. It is important that people know that during their 14 months on here they had only ever recive one friendly warning. They had no knowledge that they were going to be banned, no warning And despite emailing admin to ask why, admin refused to discuss and said the matter was closed. I agree with what has been said before, and the chat room is not the place it once was. Both Dev and Kel kept the chat room going and were always both frindley to everyone, and always made you feel good. I know they had their diffrences but they kept it to one side, and it was not aired. It was only when others got involved that thing went down hill.
:clap: well said lady xx we have also known devs for a while and have met them on several occasions they were a credit to this site , i know theres two sides to every story ect but i agree with lady when she says the trouble always starts when other people get involved, friends of both sides will have there opinions on this matter and try not to get involved in such cases, but its hard when everyones in the chat room together and you see a person being bullied or nasty words are said you cant just ignore that surely especially when its someone you have met and get along with very very well, we have met devs 3 or 4 times now and everytime has been great fun for us, we are sad to see them leave as they had quite a lot of friends in and out of chat so can we just bring back some lervvvv lol lol
Not really had the inclination to post on this as frankly it has been none of our business, however, I wanted to make a couple of observations. In the posts it appears everyone is assuming this was a row between Ian and Kel and Devs yet previous posts who know both members have clearly stated neither side know why they were banned. Perhaps it isn't as black and white as people think. On one level it is disturbing that the people involved don't appear to know why they were banned or do not appear to have any appeal against the ban. On the other hand, how would we feel if we knew that any compliant we made would be shared with the person we complained about and therefore leave us exposed to abuse from that member or their friends. I don't think we would complain I think we would leave the site thus leaving the site open to people who want to abuse and bully, and I'm not saying that is the case with Dev and Kel.. We can already see on these threads people drawing conclusions that this was an argument between these two people when the little we know leads us to suspect it wasn't. The threads deleted up to now have drawn great criticism and again we can empathise we the viewpoint of stifling debate and opinion but it also serves to protect people who are being mentioned, the site from legal action and the bad impression it gives to anyone wanting to join the site. There is a contract that exists between the site and any member and they have the right to sue for breach of contract although we are fully aware of the impractical nature of this course of action both in terms of publicity however small and any loss suffered will be minimal especially if refunds have been given. We are a community in the chatroom so detaching how we all feel is difficult but the site is a business not a club. The threads serve to keep the arguments and unrest going and therefore promote the very thing that those who are leaving complain of, unrest. We hope those leaving change their minds as we believe this site is more than just a way to get a fuck or swing meet we chat to people we will never meet or will meet and not swing with and of course those we will swing with. We consider them to be our friends/mates, which includes both of the parties mentioned above. I do agree with Angie it's time to move on, which, by posting this reply I may have served to add more fuel I hope not. The mods do a great job without payment and deserve our trust and support they will get it wrong from time to time and maybe this is one of them I don't know. We as customers should have the right to complain and should receive explanations but not at the expense of confidential information about other customers past or present. Since joining this site we have met and chatted with some great people had some fantastic meets and broadened our minds. I've been involved in one or two arguments and have always regretted biting the next day it happens in life. My wife has been called a prostitute a slag for going on cam and not being interested in someone who felt that because she was on cam she was fair game the mods have dealt with this quickly and without fuss. We have been told that my wife is going to leave me with the single guy we met, called bad parents and told that our name will be slandered to other members, is this the site no it's just an individual the site is and does remain a great site. Please those planning not to renew think again you guys make this site what it is. If you've managed to read all of this please accept I've taken the time to write in with the best intentions and that how you read it depends not just on what I've written but on how you feel, let's get on with having fun.
well said mucky ,bet ya knacked now mate , let this be the last thread on the subject ffs life is too short for all this shit
MUCKS, Well fucking said!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: nothing more to Add lets all enjoy the site for wot it is!!! wayne xx
"you can rest assured, that admin ALWAYS writes to the member concerned and explains the reason why the account was terminated." I think you will find that the Dev's were NOT told why they were banned, despite emailing admin to ask why, admin refused to discuss and said the matter was closed. Post edited 29-06-2007 20:38
For your information ur4it I've seen the email sent to ianandkel from admin and it says that they broke the aup rules of which kel is adamant she didn't. Kel and Dev have been speaking to each other lately and Dev was sent the same kind of email - neither of them know for a FACT why they were banned could admin not rectify this?
[quote user=ur4it] [B]AGAIN:[/B] despite what you may think (or may have been told), I happen to [B]KNOW[/B] for a [B]FACT[/B] that a number of warnings were given prior to termination. You have been miss-informed.[/quote] WRONG!!!!!! I have seen the email and KNOW for a FACT they were NOT given a reason for being kicked!!! Belive me they would have liked one
Can't agree more. If any members still have a problem with this issue please take it up with Admin. This thread will achieve nothing. Post edited 30-06-2007 0:02
[quote user=morkandmindy]Can't agree more. If any members still have a problem with this issue please take it up with Admin. This thread will achieve nothing. Post edited 30-06-2007 0:02[/quote] is that why the thread has been left open then becauce it will achieve nothing in other words what admin says goes and tough titty if you dont like like a rough deal to us members
everyone seems to be taking about admin not giving answers to why kel and devs have been booted. i'm a bit more concerned about the bullying and members ganging up on others they don't want around any more. while i do agree with some of the comments above i also disagree with some too! yes we did sign up in accordance with the rules, but we also pay for a service and have the right as customers to complain if we feel the service has let us down! and right now lots of people are feeling let down! the site doesn't seem like a very friendly place to be any more which is why caz and i only usually come into the chat later at night when all the arguing and backstabbing has ended. not that we will be worrying about it much more though! we're going on holiday on tuesday (3rd July) and before we go i will be cancelling both memberships. might resign when we get back but i'll be talking to other members on nsm first to see if things have been improved! if we don't get a chance to speak to some of you again then happy swinging and have a good life! and to a select few! keep in touch! you know who you are!! steve & caz
spoke to kelly tonight! her and devs have been speaking all week on nsm. there are no hard feelings left between them and all they wish for now is an explanation on why they have been booted from the site. neither of them have had the so called e-mail from admin explaining the reason. lets try get this sorted so we can get back to the friendly community we once were! ever hopefull steve
well thats us! after 4 years we're finally leaving! might be back if the usual shitty politics sort themselves out but i'm not gonna hold my breath! have fun and stay safe! steve & caz