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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Wiltshire


can you put me on the list worth the drive just to see dawn , is any body staying there on the fri night ? regards rsj sean ps thankyou to dawn and dave as its hard work setting these things up
hi put me on the list i will defo go see me old mates and have a laugh need to stock up on peas pudd anyway
thats my room booked for fri and sat night , so happy fooking days just need a sexy fem to keep me warm both night s so any offers ? lol , so come on peeps all join the party i have had some great times in blackpool and made some great friends along the way so fill ya boots and hope to see you all there regards rsj seanie xxx
hi rsj here i have met some great people who have become good friends ( you know who you are ) a round blackpool, so i hope everyone comes along as well. will be a fun weekend , allways something to do there so lets all have a great time drink beer eat fish and chips buy a kiss me quick hat happy fooking days regards rsj
Hi peeps RSJ has booked a big room at mk with 3 beds ? funny i asked for a single lol i am very shy so any fems or couples want to take me under there wing that would be cool. i will be the small bloke at the bar with a weak lemon cordial and a pickled egg .wont be makeing any eye contact with very shy , see you there and thanks to ORG as its hassle to set these things up , so try support it after all the site and the social nights are what you make it ? if any peeps wana room share let me know and will pick the requests out of a hat prob wont be any pmsl RSJ
i do like something hot and wet in the morn maybe you should join me ?
hi i have been on here a while and i am based in wilts , looking for a fem swing buddy as cant seem to find a partner with the same outlook .would be cool if she lived in south west or is able to travel drop me questions on a postcard regards rsj sean x
hi i am a bit shy and need bringing out my shell .pmsl . but i do like drinking tea so any shy fems who may want a room share let me know rsj2690 seanie xxx
mk is allways a fun social let me know the date ta seanie x
Hi from RSJ2690 put us both down on the list to go to leeds we love the socials and have allways had a good may have a few drinks just be social lol. cant wait love the cheap beer and chips and gravy mmmmm happy days ,
hi put us on the list we cant wait iam a newbee so am shy regards rsj mia
bi fem for sexy fun and drinks must be local drop us a mail , max and mia
hi from rsj and mia count us both in if there is a social in feb , we love to see you all and have a good laugh kind regards
[quote="Orgasmic2009"]Cool hots keep in touch then hehe xx[/quote] Hello from rsj / mia lol we would like a pub / hotel type social as i feel that some new bees maybe put off with a club if nervous etc so keep it cheap so there is spare cash for a curry or chips and gravy ?
[quote="Madam_CC"]sad i was gonna come, just didnt know if def off work yet. You know me always up for a party. xx[/quote]
i under stand why ant felt he needed to cancel the blackpool social , if we can do a 360 mile round trip iam sure other members who live nearer to blackpool could have made an effort . i know times are hard for all of us and fuel is not cheap etc , but if we want this site to move forward and get busyer ,i feel a social would go along way towards this goal .if seems to me people are moaning its crap members have left etc , but its in the members hands to address this concern , and get of there arse and support people who are putting effort into doing socials etc . anyway thankyou ant for trying regards rsj
Hello peeps your fave pikey here , i just wondered if anyone had any ideas we could forward to monkfish ref building the site back up ? i have been on here a few years and its a shame its not how it used to be , i know we all may or may not have used the free sites, but i have met a lot of people on here. and lets face it we are a gen honest and friendy bunch who i like to think have become good friends / play mates or both , which in the bigger scale of things makes a diffrence to the other sites out there , maybe its just me ? anyway any ideas on a postcard kind regards rsj xxx
[quote="porkypies1"]ok folks its time to say stop. lets get sp back to wot it was. a freindly site where we can have fun. i dont want to see sp torn apart anymore ok. lets let sp be th fun site it has always been. lets let the last few weeks go to sleep ok. lets say sorry to each other n get bk to swinging ok. we have all said the wrong things / or stabbed each other in the back so it time to mend the past ok . its time to swing.[/quote] yes fair play mate lets party hard lol regards sean
[quote="antigua95"]Let the Partying begin Porkys Well Said Mr and MRs Antsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/quote] hi i hope i am not too forward but if you lose your room key at mk you can have a brew in my room ? regards mr x seanekins
[quote="ceylon1"]Maybe I'll just come in and play with me bits n pieces for a while and ignore any shit going on, or maybe not, might scare the last of you orf completely lol x[/quote] hi princess i dont mind helping with your bits n bobs if it helps xxx rsj
[quote="nortypair2"]sean your all heart lol[/quote] hi i do try to spread the love
[quote="oliviak"]Bloody hell what's been going on in this place? I hardly ever come in here any more after rejoining. I have no idea what this is all about and to be honest I'm not really interested. But I will say this. When I do come on here all I see is people whinging and moaning about this, that and the other including about the fact that there doesn't seem to be many people around anymore in the chatroom etc. I wonder bloody why!? If I was a potential new member of this site and came in the forums to have a look round no bloody way would I join after seeing all you lot bitching and moaning and complaining about the site. Yes I believe in freedom of speech (which does have legal limitations by the way so isn't totally 'free' as such) but to be honest you are actually all contributing to the downfall of the site with the constant moaning in the public forums. No wonder people are leaving in droves and membership is down. Who would join after reading all this bollocks? I think everyone needs to grow up and chill out. This site is meant to be fun! God I need a shag.[/quote] chill at my house and i dont mind giveing you a shag if it helps lol
[quote="porkypies1"]mk 6 still goes on but this will be our last social event. i think people know why. we will not be doing anymore Stevenage socials. I m sorry but thats how we feel, we have made more freinds here and will miss the banter we have.[/quote] hi jeff you and stella have been very good / become close friends to me and you have both done a lot for the site and you have allways gone out of your way giveing up yout own time and money to do socials etc , i feel sure that people who do know you will be very sad if you decide to leave the site i know i will , your both welcome round my home anytime regards sean
[quote="rsj2690"][quote="Madam_CC"]ok guys, here is a list so far. I dont have all the names on it, so if your names not down and you have booked let me know, Madam CC Ballboy123 Antigua95 Tank347 Lonewolf Tenderlover Nortypair Rsj2690 Bigirluk Gazmik Fredy Sexie Arse The above names i know had defo booked, i also have a list of people who have details but im not sure if booked. Come on peeps get booked in, or at least let me know if you have. hi i am a newbee on the site hope i will get looked after ? Thanks. regards rsj 2690 xxx[/quote][/quote]
[quote="Madam_CC"]ok guys, here is a list so far. I dont have all the names on it, so if your names not down and you have booked let me know, Madam CC Ballboy123 Antigua95 Tank347 Lonewolf Tenderlover Nortypair Rsj2690 Bigirluk Gazmik Fredy Sexie Arse The above names i know had defo booked, i also have a list of people who have details but im not sure if booked. Come on peeps get booked in, or at least let me know if you have. hi i am a newbee on the site hope i will get looked after ? Thanks. xxx[/quote]