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Freedom of Speech

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dont we get this in this country or are we State ruled now .....seems whatever i say gets removed.
well i was always told that freedom of speech was free, so wots the problem does a mod rule the site for her own gains as per usasl, [color="red"]snip[/color] always wins where does admin give in. well [color="red"]snip[/color] does tell lies for her own gains n does favour single guys so that cplls losse out. [color="red"]snip[/color] thinks she runs this site n chatrooom but hey members of this site stand up fot ur rights speak out naw. i think mods should b voted by members not admin. after this free speatch i expect to b banned so if i am u now know why ok bye folks
[quote="porkypies1"]well i was always told that freedom of speech was free, so wots the problem does a mod rule the site for her own gains as per usasl, [color="red"]snip[/color] always wins where does admin give in. well [color="red"]snip[/color] does tell lies for her own gains n does favour single guys so that cplls losse out. [color="red"]snip[/color] thinks she runs this site n chatrooom but hey members of this site stand up fot ur rights speak out naw. i think mods should b voted by members not admin. after this free speatch i expect to b banned so if i am u now know why ok bye folks[/quote] wot is freedom of speech when it comes to [color="red"]snip[/color], she rules this site for her own freedom. she even banned hotbabes cos she dosent like them so wot do you folks think u got ? speak out now ????? i think mods should be voted in by the people on here . each standing for a year only. power to the members not [color="red"]snip[/color]. dont let her rule your world.
jeff the site is shit anyways m8 so dont get so eat up abput it and if [color="red"]snip[/color] is runnin it shes fucked up coes its worse now than we have ever known it. lifes too short to go stressin about such trivaual stuff , rosie has her reasons for her actions maybe she wanted a fuck like us all. remember thats why we all come here to meet other poeple make friends and fuck um!!! not to have fights about it ffs !!!!!!!!!!!
wtf is going on with this site now days ? All the members bitching an back stabbing no wonder every fooker is leaving and not going in the chat room ! Can we not all play nice and be friends ?
What ever happened to discretion, I have had to remove names from the above posts, I have nothing against freedom of speech as it happens, we do have an acceptable use policy which states; [quote]Non Acceptable Behaviour. •Abusive, aggressive, hateful or racist behaviour towards fellow members, Mods or Administration staff. [/quote] Some of you may wish to review your actions over the last week to see if the above applies to you. I've seen accusations pointed against many members over the years and they are always acted upon, however we do not act upon every allegation as its very important that we are able to substantiate these allegations, so if someone tells us something we run checks, if there's not one shred of evidence then what are we to assume? On the other hand if we find supportive evidence then its not a lie is it, at the end of the day the process works, its called being fair. Over the last week I've seen a lot of what in my mind are false allegations and statements, if you have an accusation to make with regards to anything that happens on the site, back it up with dates, places etc If its so far in the past that its no longer logged all I can say is that you should have brought it to our attention at the time and not throw it out at a later date in order to settle a personal score. Moderator selection is based upon the ability to moderate, it is not based on popularity, if it were we could end up with a proportion of the mod team that will let friends get away with things that they wouldn't let anyone else do, I'm not saying the process is perfect, anything with people involved will not always be 100%, but that is life.
So the big question is "can mods see whispers or not" you have always told us not ! seems a bit sh**y if you have been lieing all this time!! Love to the free world lol...
[quote="meli"]So the big question is "can mods see whispers or not" you have always told us not ! seems a bit sh**y if you have been lieing all this time!! Love to the free world lol...[/quote] meli we cannot see whispers
Mods can not view whispers, we can view all rooms, but would only do so if there was a problem that needed attention... The site rules apply in ALL rooms, so obviously we need to be able to check these rooms. It seems sad that we have come to this point again, I hoped this type of playground behaviour was behind us. The mods on here do the best they can in some difficult situations, you know we here for the same reasons you all are, its supposed to be fun smile I hope that now this situation has been amended we can all move on, and get on with the fun part again
How can it ber fun when you booted out of a chat room for saying nothing but the Mod boots your for "Stirring Trouble in the Chatroom and Campaigning against a Moderator",,..........think "SHE" needs to get her facts right before jumping in with both feet.
wheres the small print ? i cant see it with my glasses i need to get my binos out again ?
WTF, get the wine open and chill a bit everyone smile
It is surely about time this little temper tantrum was put to bed, not everyone can be liked by everyone, just as not every action from someone in authrority is popular. We're new to the site and therefore have no aliance to anyone. From what we see it's the kids rebelling against the adults. time to grow up and deal with real life. Life is tough, sometimes things go your way other times they don't, deal with it. It is getting very tedious reading 'he said this' she said that' allegations and counter allegations. Is this site meant to be a fun place to be and allow adults to meet mutually minded adults or somewhere for petty minded individuals to stir up ill feeling and resentment against other individuals. If someone has been removed from a post then it is our contention that the person concerned has not performed to the standard required by the people in ultimate control. To mount a campaign of hate and attempting to send an individual to coventry is infantile. thank heavens we have spoken to some grown ups on this site otherwise we'd be having second thoughts. It's just great we know the children are in the minority Yin
i have been to coventry, its got a nice catherdral. Do you know what your right Yinyang. It is all a bit childish, i get on well with all peeps involved, but its a bit of a farse. lets all be friends and if we cant be friends then leave. xx
Bloody hell what's been going on in this place? I hardly ever come in here any more after rejoining. I have no idea what this is all about and to be honest I'm not really interested. But I will say this. When I do come on here all I see is people whinging and moaning about this, that and the other including about the fact that there doesn't seem to be many people around anymore in the chatroom etc. I wonder bloody why!? If I was a potential new member of this site and came in the forums to have a look round no bloody way would I join after seeing all you lot bitching and moaning and complaining about the site. Yes I believe in freedom of speech (which does have legal limitations by the way so isn't totally 'free' as such) but to be honest you are actually all contributing to the downfall of the site with the constant moaning in the public forums. No wonder people are leaving in droves and membership is down. Who would join after reading all this bollocks? I think everyone needs to grow up and chill out. This site is meant to be fun! God I need a shag.
gis a go then Oli !!! hahaha God I need a shag.[/quote]
[quote="Madam_CC"]WTF, get the wine open and chill a bit everyone smile[/quote] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ffs cc that was a brill idea lol
[quote="samalan"]Yin , you joined the site 2 and a half months ago and only seen you in chat as of this month. We have all been here on and off for years and all we ever wanted was fun!! We don t however like people slagging off people we are friends with and to comment on something you know nothing about is wrong. We all want enjoy the site with out any grief. After 7 years I think we have made lots of great friends and it is a shame for one person the ruin this. I had simply ignored this one person as I am selective who I choose to be friends with, I like people who if I tell them something in confidence then it to stay that way and also to repsect others feelings. Personally I do not think this is a lot to ask for. I think unless you know all the facts you can not comment!! This has effected a lot of people and thats not fair neither. I sincerely hope that admin sort it out as this can not continue. A few years back there would be 100 plus in chat of an evening now theres not even more than 25 on a friday night and that alone should speak volumes. We are easy going people but believe all should be treated fairly and this has not happened thanks to a certain Mod.[/quote] Samalan, Why does the date we became members have anything to do with our ability to have an opinion on this rediculous spat? We have read, what we think is everything you and your co trouble causers have posted, So on the basis that you would have posted anything and everything you can think of to promote your views then we anticipate having all the information which is in the public domain. We are not naive enough to believe that the powers that be, i.e. the site owners, have released all the details behind their decision to remove your friend from their postition. Firstly we believe that while you contend to be standing up for your friend by conducting your purile vendetta against the 'Mod' concerned, you are in fact enjoying the oportunity to thrust yourself into the forefront of these forums and become some sort of white knight. The vendetta and sending to coventry of this person is nothing but childish bullying conducted by the usual playground gang who want to rule the playground, that you are not being allowed to do so only serves to antagonise you all further. Is the fact that you no longer have a friend as a 'mod' and able to conduct yourselves in a manner unacceptable to the site rules and get away with it, also not an issue with you? The site controllers will for sure have valid reasons to have taken the action they did. The nature of this site suggests that there will be a lower age limit to be members of it, we would guess 18, therefore we contend that your friend is indeed a consenting adult and more than able to fight their own battles. While the support of your friend is praise worthy, it should be conducted in a private way, not on a public forum and certainly not by sending emails to us, ( and we would assume to anyone who will listen). This further promotes the view that you are in fact promoting yourself at the expense of your friends issue. You are conducting a childish, purile vendetta against an individual and the rediculous 'they said this, she said that so we did this', is pathetic and infantile. We joined this site to enjoy adult fun and thankfull have encountered more adults than children while online. You say you have been members for 7 years, why then does your profile say you joined the site on 28 Dec 2009? That by our calculation is less than 15 months or has mathematics changed since we both left education? We will not be responding any further to this thread as you will no doubt use the oportunity of reply to further vent your issues. Yin and Yang
I'M CONFUSSED dot comconfused:
[quote="oliviak"]Bloody hell what's been going on in this place? I hardly ever come in here any more after rejoining. I have no idea what this is all about and to be honest I'm not really interested. But I will say this. When I do come on here all I see is people whinging and moaning about this, that and the other including about the fact that there doesn't seem to be many people around anymore in the chatroom etc. I wonder bloody why!? If I was a potential new member of this site and came in the forums to have a look round no bloody way would I join after seeing all you lot bitching and moaning and complaining about the site. Yes I believe in freedom of speech (which does have legal limitations by the way so isn't totally 'free' as such) but to be honest you are actually all contributing to the downfall of the site with the constant moaning in the public forums. No wonder people are leaving in droves and membership is down. Who would join after reading all this bollocks? I think everyone needs to grow up and chill out. This site is meant to be fun! God I need a shag.[/quote] chill at my house and i dont mind giveing you a shag if it helps lol
we will have 2 yin yangs and chips please pmsl
[quote="nortypair2"]sean your all heart lol[/quote] hi i do try to spread the love
Olivia when are me and mrs ants invited to your house ???? xxxx make love not war xxx
Crikey Ants, it's like you are trying to get in me knickers or summat. You would scare my housemates who think I am a quiet and innocent young lady.
[quote="oliviak"]Crikey Ants, it's like you are trying to get in me knickers or summat. You would scare my housemates who think I am a quiet and innocent young lady.[/quote] ffs oli what ya been telling them to give um that idea lol
[quote="oliviak"]Crikey Ants, it's like you are trying to get in me knickers or summat. You would scare my housemates who think I am a quiet and innocent young lady.[/quote] rotflmao xxx
u innocent.... dont make me laff.... lol :lol: .im the innocent one these days.... jeeeeeeeeeeeze wots happenin to this place, im soooo glad we rnt playin anymore i cudnt and wudnt put up wiv all this bullshit. im not 100% sure wots gone on ere, all i do kno is the site once agen seems to b goin down the pan and peeeeeeps are movin to otha sites which is such a shame, wot has happened to the ole sp that used to hav a busy, sexy chatroom... surely it cant b cus im not ere anymore to tease....lololol cum on guys lets be adult about this, put in ur queries, questions and anger into admin (sorry monkfish) and let them decide wot to do, it is afta all in their best interest that they sort this amicably othawise there'l b no site left for em to admin... :sad: i for one wud luv to see this site bak to how it was, i used to hav a rite laff... and hav made many friends along the way... much luv to u all... i miss ya... mommy funky xx
right all pop up here and have a party, fook this carry on. xxxx
[quote="oliviak"]Bloody hell what's been going on in this place? I hardly ever come in here any more after rejoining. I have no idea what this is all about and to be honest I'm not really interested. But I will say this. When I do come on here all I see is people whinging and moaning about this, that and the other including about the fact that there doesn't seem to be many people around anymore in the chatroom etc. I wonder bloody why!? If I was a potential new member of this site and came in the forums to have a look round no bloody way would I join after seeing all you lot bitching and moaning and complaining about the site. Yes I believe in freedom of speech (which does have legal limitations by the way so isn't totally 'free' as such) but to be honest you are actually all contributing to the downfall of the site with the constant moaning in the public forums. No wonder people are leaving in droves and membership is down. Who would join after reading all this bollocks? I think everyone needs to grow up and chill out. This site is meant to be fun! God I need a shag.[/quote] Well said my dear friend xxxxxxxxxx funnily enough, there's a few hypocrites on here as well, one of which features prominently within this thread who had a pop once at the fact I do cam work, yes you heard it right CAM work. So what dunno Rather be there than in this playground that is for sure. As for the rest of my dear friends, ignore and have fun or move on guys. Mrs Ceylon passionkiss Adios biggrin