Having never, ever played twister, we fancy 'Naked Twister', as we have seen this reqularily requested in the chatroom!!...xxx
Hi guys and welcome to a sexy lifestyle xxx
Hmmmmm perhaps 'Heels' next...lol
The pi0c I like best is the one on Fordys cam when I make her laugh!!...She giggles lovely...xxx
Hi Player, I suggest you prepare yourself to be totally underwhelmed by lack of response (other than this!)...lol
But funnily enough this post will appear and re-appear from people who approach this just as casually and expect results with little effort!!...We make real effort and get real results, same as the real world!!...lol
4am is normally the quietest time and we tend to pop in after playing with people at home or away. But sometimes the room echoes due to lack of bodies within!!...lol
We can interpret for the textually challenged out there in swinging land. It simply means 'I am a great shag, but my knuckles hurt from dragging on the ground!'...pmsl
Hey if Mr.F is a rustler, best keep away from our house then!! We live next to a farm!!...lol
What about marketing in dried form as an alternative to Slimfast or other food supplements?? (Good morning I have this wonderful idea to boost your sales in the yogurt area!!)...xxx
And yet despite the regular comments in forum and chat about such things, many single guys continue to behave like excitable puppies, then wonder why they meet no-one!! And it isn't an age thing (we should know!!)...Also, (now soapbox well and truly positioned) how many more will join with cringe worthy userid's and profile that simply state the obvious and bugger all else!!! When we joined we took a look at those profiles of people that we respected and endeavoured to mimic the 'feel and tone', Soz Magic, Cop, and anyone else that might recognise elements!!...xxx
Considering there many, many single guy profiles that say little (other than the obvious!) and only have naked/cock pix, you have about a 1:90,000 chance. However, the profile is your advert to the swinging world and most ladies simply dont want to see cock shots!! So perhaps some normal pix and broader content to include your wider interests and background?...xxx
Shame to hear that you have not had some really good fun within swinging and we hope you get together with some really nice people shortly, we know they are out there!! Are you limiting your choice by geography?, we have made plenty friends that live 1-4hrs away and have been lucky to stayover or accomodate here at home...xxx
Perhaps your boss wants you out of office to be more productive, not to play?? Shame to get the sack for this, its only sex! (but can be great!!)...lol
You guys owe us a brekkie, we simply assumed you did not want our bodies, just our humour!!...Take care and have fun, we do!!...xxx
Hi, if you watch the chat you may notice that there are several 'threads' or conversations running simultaneously, the trick is to pick up on one thread and stay with that, even though there may be several other txt lines between each return of the thread. Once you are able to join in that thread, you will find with time that you can scan all lines of txt and respond appropriately within several threads to different people, also worth bearing in mind unless you are clearly 1:1 with somebody else that you include the userid of person you are responding to or endeavouring to chat with. Hope this makes a little sense and good luck!!...xxx
Hi guys and welcome, if you ever fancy a social 'meet' to chat about this swing thing, please be aware we are only 40mins away!!...lol...xxx
Yep the cam only idea is sound, we simply cannot stand people with no cams endeavouring to 'direct' others!! Perhaps also a sub room off that for people that simply want to chat and not get their tits or cocks out!!...xxx
Before meeting anybody, ensure that you have verified them by cam and have plenty of chats via so you are comfortable with who they are and what they might want. We dont meet anybody unless we have explored that side first!! As a result no scary moments, zero no-shows and lots of returns...xxx
If you want to do this safely, come park up on our drive in the coutryside!! We can watch and serve tea/biscuits afterwards!!...lol
Hello you lovely peeps. Take care have have some wonderful sexy fun, we do!!...xxx
Hi guys some pix on profile might help??...xxx
Hi guys, remember us?? (from chatroom). We are fairly local being about 40mins from you. If you fancy a social meet or further chat on drop us a message...xxxx
Well from my perspective - the point is, never let you cock rule your mind and at all times be aware that safe sex/protection should be part and parcel of any swinging environment. STI's are unwelcome household guests, even for the marines...
Post edited 16-01-2006 20:25
I assumed the yellowed out screen and lack of access meant another 50p required in the meter, but could not find the slot (a common occurence says Jel!!)...lol
Crikey, we tool all that time and effort to take floor back to floorboards, should we now invest in mats. Clearly we are in need of a wise man...lol
Hi guys interesting invite, you never know!!!...xxx
errr...sounds like you simply want a shag, suggest you join a dating site instead....lol