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chat room

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Hi guys have spent a couple of days learning about the site. please if you have noticed me enter and leave the chat rm without saying much( but I doubt it ). Im not being rude,it just that conversaton goes so quickly that by the time Ive typed in anythng, thecon have moved on so far, Im lost!! please be patient!!PS it looks like a lot of fun people here, hope i cam get along! cheers Post edited 19-01-2006 0:01
Hi, if you watch the chat you may notice that there are several 'threads' or conversations running simultaneously, the trick is to pick up on one thread and stay with that, even though there may be several other txt lines between each return of the thread. Once you are able to join in that thread, you will find with time that you can scan all lines of txt and respond appropriately within several threads to different people, also worth bearing in mind unless you are clearly 1:1 with somebody else that you include the userid of person you are responding to or endeavouring to chat with. Hope this makes a little sense and good luck!!
thanks for the advice, i will gve it a try, maybe i will see you in there. smile
Happyguy, are you on broadband? Trying to use the chatroom on dial-up is very slow and makes it difficult to reply to a thread. If you are however, maybe try going in there at a quieter time, such as early evening or during the day.
4am is normally the quietest time and we tend to pop in after playing with people at home or away. But sometimes the room echoes due to lack of bodies within!!
RWB yes im on broadband. the speed problem i think is closer to home me biggrin :D I cant read and type at same time ( a male thing I think) smile but thanks for the info Post edited 21-01-2006 19:57
Hi jelandn 4am far too old to be upat that time(I wish) I mean awake smile