Glass newbies are always welcome in the chatroom! Of course a lot of us in there are friends but it was getting to know each other in the chatroom that got us to be friends. Plus it is a good way to meet people so get yourself in there and say hello. It does take awhile to get used to and for people to get to know you but it is well worth it. We are all pretty friendly in there and welcoming! Just a few tios... just be patient, respectful, have a sense of humour and don't whisper unless you ask permission first. Other than that just get in there and say hi!
The forums are good fun too so just go ahead and post away whatever takes your fancy.
Most of all just have fun!
Oli x
Oh, I intend to. It's finding the free time at the moment- busy part of the year for me right now. I get what you mean about the chatroom as opposed to the forums. They can get checked quickly. Very well, I shall lurk in the chatroom and introduce a couple of topics to see who writes back. Thanks guys!
We like to use both the chatroom and the forum ... when it comes to whispers in the chatroom I don't mind people I know whispering anytime, but it does annoy me when people I don't know and have never spoken to do it without asking. When the chatroom is busy and the wine is flowing it's difficult to keep up, so sometimes you might miss someone saying hi or whatever or you may be in a conversation and miss something ... just bear with it and don't think people are being ignorant because you may not get an answer ... it happens to us all lol xxx
can I whisper you sometime debs mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
sexy katndel you don't have to ask just do it and make sure it's naughty lol xxx
hey i dont watch wankas on cam...told ya...once uv seen one cock uv seen em all.......i prefer the real thing....xx
I gotta agree with you Tee, a web cam makes all the difference. And Funky your also right, but my rampant rabbit does come a close 2nd, if there isnt a man about lol
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn war i luv my naggin, wet patch and i can take as long as i like and not feel guilty!!
oh and it knows where me clit is, straight
free..........all men r the same....u need a bloody A 2 Z!!
Funks hun you are meant to be saying 'tunt' not the awful C word lol
OK so thats me with egg over my face thanks & a very afunny clip :-o
:rascal:No but he does collect bus numbers :moon::rascal:
and pretends hes the milk tray man......
all so horrid to me :upset: