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Gallery pics? or are they really ????

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Warming the Bed
Has anyone else noticed several pics of a beautiful girl giving a blo job, only to discover its actually a single male profile whos straight. Seems pointless when the people viewing them are not what you are looking for.
Sadly, the issue of female/stolen pics on single male profiles is an age-old chestnut on here. I guess you mean the pics that are so obviously taken from a TV screen, that you can see the horizontal streaks on them? I know - it also annoys me; however, it's almost impossible to report them without knowing (and proving) the source these pics have come from. One point of consolation - everyone can see through it, so at the end of the day, it's the males who post these pics that end up looking stupid.
Warming the Bed
I came across 2 seperate profiles wiv definate fake pics...the guy had a pic of Jude Law and was claiming it was him.....PMSL and the other one was a picture of Rachel Stevens (from s club shite lol) he was claiming she was his girlfriend!! I have no idea how they think they can convince ppl they are pop stars, famous actors or porn stars!!!! :wank: madeye:
Warming the Bed
Yes and some of the men who wear nylons, as I (Pete) love a girl in stockings (check out Jane's pictures on our profile) and some of these TV's have dam good legs LOL , OK I'm not moaning about TVs as I think that anyone who is really expressing their sexuality is really Cool. The men just posting pictures taking from the web are SAD Pete & Jane :doggy:
Did anyone ever see the profile purporting to belong to Ashley Walters (ashleywalters05)? Maybe he fancies himself as a "So Solid Screw" (ok, bad pun - no apologies)!!
Warming the Bed
How about a name and shame campaign. You never know there may well be a famous girl band singer, who actually is looking for adventure.
[quote user=ur4it][quote user=skinnydip]How about a name and shame campaign. [/quote] No need to do that. Just report any stolen photos (abuse report) and they will be dealt with.[/quote] of course they will!!!! :moon:
As a matter of fact the "delete photograph" is a quite useful button! :moon:
[quote user=magic1141][quote user=ur4it][quote user=skinnydip]How about a name and shame campaign. [/quote] No need to do that. Just report any stolen photos (abuse report) and they will be dealt with.[/quote] of course they will!!!! :moon:[/quote] We do remove photos that can be proved to be stolen or otherwise fake, or if we are informed by members that we can trust that they know the people the photos have been stolen from. There have been several cases lately and I have just removed the photos from one well known profile since we were informed of where the photos originated from. We can't be all-seeing all-knowing, we don't see every single photo that is posted anywhere on the internet, so although sometimes we may suspect that a member photo may be stolen we can't act unless we or someone else can prove so.
Hi guys and girls, I'm a little miffed as to how the pics on profiles are vetted??? I once put a pic on of "D4" who is one of our dogs and of course part of our family, as he is often seen on cam in the room and commented on, only to recive a message from admin saying that the pic had been removed as it was not a pic of me.....fair enough it wasn't a pic of me but niether was it anything untoward, just a picture of our dog, I can only guess that whoever had the power to not allow it within the sites administration dept doesn't use the chat room, because if they did they would see that he is the forementioned. However, I contacted one of the moderators who knows both my self and Dee and of corse our dogs and asked why had he not been allowed? We were told to re-submit and it would be allowed, so we done just that and hey presto the pic was accepted, and I thank you for that.........But then after some months had past decided to edit the comments under the photo and updated it only to have yet another message sent from admin to tell me that it had been removed yet again as was not a pic of me.......doh!!!!!! Now myself and Dee have benn members for some time now and use the chat room a fair bit and normally have our cams on, so as regulars, all would at some point have seen D4. So being a tad pissed off at this submitted another pic of D4 but this time with Dee in the frame too, and i'll let you read the comment under it for yourselfs. The reason for my reply to this thread is that all the above happened and yet i constantley see profiles with pictures of cars, bikes, toys, even food not to mention the obvious fake pics taken from porn mags.....So how the hell does this happen? when we were established by admin!!! which makes us wonder why were we established by admin? the reason we would imagine is that it is because we are regulars and are known to a fair few and indeed have met some too and they must have seen us....but it makes us wonder just how much attention they are paying to there established members, because they would never have removed the pic if they were really paying attention!!! We have seen some profiles where it is just sooooooo obvious that the pics are of someone that has nothing to do with the person who subbmitted the profile, for example someone has a profile with pics on and the comments under them say (persons name) on hols 2003 and the next pic says (persons name) on hols 2004. Now i'm not a bloody idiot, because i do actually know that tits just dont grow that quick from one year to the next (unless of corse they are enhanced) and i have seen and felt a fair few of those, so i do know the difference! So we are genuine and would never put fake pics on for any reason at all, we even show our faces as we are not shy and dont worry about who see's us on this site, the pic of our dog was just a bit of fun and could never have offended anyone. We have also had some one say to us in the chat room once, "hi your from Buckinghamshire arn't you?" to which we replied "no"......turns out that this person had seen Dee's pics on another site on someones profile and of corse they had been stollen from here....fucking cheek.....So admin could you not remove the option to right click and copy? OK you have the water mark there now, but with technology these days that is so easilly removed, we use another site like this and you cant right click and copy. With all this said.....I shall try and re-submit the pic in question and see whos is paying attention lol Happy days Ian xx
Sex God
Well D4 is in the gallery, so it worked this time. And very lovely he is too, just like his owners. xxxxx
Sex God what i wrote is rubbish cos he has disappeared off gallery pics.
hi puss babe....yeh well it lasted about 10 mins lol We shall just have to submit some more, but put D4 in disguise, we thought we could dress him up as a turnip maybe that will work pmsl
Warming the Bed
Well it's all down to vanity! wishfull wet dreams of sad little men is grey rain coats, it taks all sorts at least it keeps them off the street
oooo dear, how absolutley hilarious the last comment was....not Wow what an interesting profile you have lol
[quote user=iankmf]hi puss babe....yeh well it lasted about 10 mins lol We shall just have to submit some more, but put D4 in disguise, we thought we could dress him up as a turnip maybe that will work pmsl [/quote] That poor dog'll be on as some one's girlfriend called sandra before tom orrow I am telling you!
I put URL? Email addy? NOPE! :moon:
ooops I DID too adult thinggy pmsl horrible place!
Hi Ian Just read your bit along with replies I think you should post so many pics that admin wont be able to delete them all and yes I to have seen d4 and I think if it is OUR site then within reason you should be able to post that sort of pic. As to admin the best way as mentioned to stop pirating of pics is to NOT allow copy and past because if one wants to share with another on here all they have to do is ask and I am sure that most genuine peeps would not have a problem with that if that is their thing. Mark