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Ain't that asking a bit too much?

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Since I joined here 14 months ago, I've heard no end of single guys saying that they've just joined over, say, the last week, and they haven't had any meets yet. Is this a sheer impatience problem, or just unrealistic expectation? Whatever, it irritates me no end. Can I just say that to those guys who expect immediate results from the moment they join up, that it simply isn't going to happen! More so if you've got a poorly-worded profile (eg, "wanna fuck?"), a blasphemous user name (eg, cocksucker, kingdong know what I mean) - no couple or female in their right mind will ever dream of taking you seriously, let alone want to meet you. Take time to put some effort into your profile: and that means a decent amount of detail about yourself, and what you are looking for. Oh, and refrain from making every picture a cock-shot - women are not objects of manipulation (contrary to some single male belief), and would rather see what YOU look like, without necessarily having to show your face. OK, one cock shot is enough.....the rest is overkill. On top of this, for God's sake, have patience. As a single guy, you're one out of many thousands out there, and just one of the largest majority group in any open swinging environment.....take it from me here and now, you will NOT get immediate results! It can take time, maybe quite a number of months before you find the right swinging partner (or if you're lucky enough for them to find you!). Welcome to the real world........ Post edited 21-01-2006 12:20
What I would like to know, Swingin, is where exactly do the young males of today get the impression that women are attracted to pictures of cocks and names like "pussyeater" and "bigtool"? Why do they think that getting laid is a simple question of proving that they have a cock and think with it? Where does this attitude come from?
[quote user=redwhiteandblue]What I would like to know, Swingin, is where exactly do the young males of today get the impression that women are attracted to pictures of cocks and names like "pussyeater" and "bigtool"? Why do they think that getting laid is a simple question of proving that they have a cock and think with it? Where does this attitude come from?[/quote] My sentiments entirely RWB!! And I think you also hit the nail on the head with the word "young". A lot of these guys come across as very juvenile - perhaps they think they're being cool! Yeh but no but yeh but no but yeh but........wotevva!!! lol Post edited 21-01-2006 12:27
[quote user=swingin_cat][quote user=redwhiteandblue]What I would like to know, Swingin, is where exactly do the young males of today get the impression that women are attracted to pictures of cocks and names like "pussyeater" and "bigtool"? Why do they think that getting laid is a simple question of proving that they have a cock and think with it? Where does this attitude come from?[/quote] My sentiments entirely RWB!! And I think you also hit the nail on the head with the word "young". A lot of these guys come across as very juvenile - perhaps they think they're being cool! Yeh but no but yeh but no but yeh but........wotevva!!! lol Post edited 21-01-2006 12:27[/quote] Well having just read both the above I also agree. It is about time some of the single or so called single blokes are more respectful of the ladies on here, and cat as to the pics I as you may know only have two face shots in my main profile as quite a few of the genuine ladies don't like to see just cock pics in fact they like to get to know you first and if they want to see me they can and do have the right to ask. Whilst on the subject I am a little concerned we seem to be having quite a lot of very young ladies "looking to explore their bi side " n my view it is a worrying trend if at the age of 18 to 20 years old they are thinking like that. Anyway back to the main point for christ sake fellas respect the ladies in here and you will find it gets you much further. smile
[quote user=marcgold4] Whilst on the subject I am a little concerned we seem to be having quite a lot of very young ladies "looking to explore their bi side " n my view it is a worrying trend if at the age of 18 to 20 years old they are thinking like that. smile[/quote] Just clear sumthing up for me please marc? Do you mean that girls of the age of 18-20 are 2 young to b thinkin that they may be bi?? :-? :-? :-? Sumwhat confused if that is the case as age has nuthin 2 do wiv it.... Take care xxxxxxx
'explore their bi side' why should these women go through life wondering, when they can try it and see how they feel?? i dont think your age should have anything to do with seeing what makes you happy
It seems that nowadays people seem to be more open and experimental about their sex lives not just young girls. If this was not the case swinging would not be as popular. smile Post edited 21-01-2006 16:30
[quote user=marcgold4]Whilst on the subject I am a little concerned we seem to be having quite a lot of very young ladies "looking to explore their bi side " n my view it is a worrying trend if at the age of 18 to 20 years old they are thinking like that. [/quote] I think that's very healthy actually, it means people are becoming more open minded about sex and we are losing the old Victorian taboos which basically dictate that sex for anything other than procreation is "dirty", an attitude which has been highly damaging and probably responsible for a great many social ills.
i aint exploring i rudy wel know ,ive ben bi since 16. im 40 now so i am a wee bit indicisive yet ????? he he he :lick:
[quote user=redwhiteandblue] I think that's very healthy actually, it means people are becoming more open minded about sex and we are losing the old Victorian taboos which basically dictate that sex for anything other than procreation is "dirty", an attitude which has been highly damaging and probably responsible for a great many social ills.[/quote] Like hairy hands, blindness and turning to stone! Seriously though, I agree. We have moved on into the millenium. With that, attitudes towards sex, and indeed sexuality, have certainly changed for the better. Post edited 21-01-2006 18:36
That's weird isn't it, we're much more open minded about sex these days, we talk about it freely, we know what we want, television has it on constantly and we're bombarded with how to please your man/woman articles in magazines. All this and people still seem to think 10inchfatcock is a good profile name!! smile
Hi guys.....Well said Swingingcat Totally agree that yes it does take time to build up a rapour and then get to meet, even if only for a chat and a few drinks...allbeit we have met a few from here and it has gone somewhat futher!!! Marc, I met Dee at 19 and never had a clue she had a Bi curious side and to be hounest I dont think she new either, it just happened one nite and i was like bloody hell never thought she would do that!!!.....funny thing was my mate turned to me and said "fucking hell mate thats my wife" and I turned and said "and thats my girlfriend" we were so like amazed that all I could say was "fancy a cup of coffee" doh lol but thats the truth and we left them to get on with it and explore that side of there curiousity........must admit a different situation now....bugger the coffee just get involed in the situation!! Yes some of the ppl on here do expect to get the meets straight away..We will only meet after some lengthy chatting, we will not meet just for the sake of a shag without some idea of who they are! I do agree with you peeps about the swing scene and ppl being more liberal about how the sex, so to speek is more of an open subject and easier to talk got to love the 21st century!!
Hmm lots of views lot of people all differant Just remember the most perfect human is totally imperfect! and guys if you really wish to score with the ladies do show some decorum a little respect it is not how always about how big it is! Many ladies do not cum with penetration you only know this when you give them the time and patience to make the whole experience thoughtful!!! smile :) Post edited 22-01-2006 15:26
Well you lot I seem to have stired up something here.I do realise there are some very switched on young ladies like dee, carly and reason for my comment was that there seems to be quite a lot of "young girls"coming into the site at the moment that could be vunerable and not so wordly wise as the above mentioned,they are also only very young as most of you know I am supposed to be to old so who says what age you should start or finish that know me do know I am far from being a prude but at the age of 18 they are hardly out of school so where does the line start and finish I am of to find my hard hat lol :lol: :lol:
Well you lot I seem to have stired up something here.I do realise there are some very switched on young ladies like dee, carly and cm OI!!!! lol im switched on pmsl wot bout me!!!!! :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: xxxxxxxxxxxx Post edited 22-01-2006 19:05 Post edited 22-01-2006 19:05
marcgold4 said... ...but at the age of 18 they are hardly out of school so where does the line start and finish then. Not being funny marc but I had had my first experiences with other girls whilst in school, & I'm not saying I went as far as I do now, but most teenagers experiment... We know from the minute we start exploring our sexualities which we prefer, its not an age thing, you cant draw lines...... and thats just my opinion.
Girls just out of school may well be vulnerable and not so wordly (sic) wise as us, but what does that have to do with them exploring bisexuality?
aparently i aint swithed on. i was at on the way to tesco when i told hubs i was in the mod for boobs, so come flick my switch and turn me on . god chesy
Totally agree Red......It's just a number. I'm as you guys know married to dee and she is the most mature girl, if you like for her age that i have ever met.....and i will be honest here as i used to run brasses and was quite involved in the scene, so to met all walks of life and ages and they do differ a fair bit in what they want and i'm not just talking girls here!!!!! Each to there own I say!
as we have said before the world has changed big time. barely out of school, you can leave school at 16, even earlier if you wish. age is very much a number, and i think that many young people have a very wise head on their shoulders. surely us girls are more vunerable in the clubs, i for one, and KNOW im not alone but get corned, grabbed all sorts when out in the town, least on here people have a computer between us all. obviously you can see that i have taken offence to this lol and i know the girl was seeing when i was 17 for a little while would as well. i can tell you this now, and im sure everyone knows but the world isnt that nice of a place anymore and you have to grow up quickly!! wow went all deep then pmsl mwah xxxxxxxxxx byeeeeeeeeeeee xxx
Jimmy carr tells a great joke in his stand up routine, goes something like this - A old mad says to his grandson "you youngsters think you invented sex, there's nothing new you could teach me sonny!" to which his grandson replies "ok grandad, so when was the last time you pulled out and came all over grandmas tits then?"! lol sorry about the imagery, my point is, young people today are far more informed when it comes to this kind of thing. especially when it comes to experimenting with sexuality. The taboos are rapidly dissapearing.
And..... lol as far as looking after your self when it comes to sites like this, people leaving school now know far more about the dangers of the internet, security, online fraud and how it all works than most of us ever will! think it's a bit patronising to say young people need looking after these days! Post edited 23-01-2006 0:04
[quote user=cmandcd]Jimmy carr tells a great joke in his stand up routine, goes something like this - A old mad says to his grandson "you youngsters think you invented sex, there's nothing new you could teach me sonny!" to which his grandson replies "ok grandad, so when was the last time you pulled out and came all over grandmas tits then?"! lol sorry about the imagery, my point is, young people today are far more informed when it comes to this kind of thing. especially when it comes to experimenting with sexuality. The taboos are rapidly dissapearing.[/quote] CM as to the above if you think that is true I suggest you go to Amsterdam if you haven't already and go to the sex museum and see that all and much more went on in the early 1900's that goes on today the one big difference is that it is more in your face today mainly because of the media and sorry to the folks that are in the media.
[quote user=cmandcd]And..... lol as far as looking after your self when it comes to sites like this, people leaving school now know far more about the dangers of the internet, security, online fraud and how it all works than most of us ever will! think it's a bit patronising to say young people need looking after these days! Post edited 23-01-2006 0:04[/quote] Sorry CM but that is a load of rubbish. As I was a school governor for over ten years (before anybody says it my kids grew up and left school that is why the WAS) We as governors saw a side to the school most people don't, it is and always has been that those that say they do in the school playground DONT All though I do agree they leave school knowing far more about computers than we did especially me and my age group, there is also a very nasty side to computers that we all know existse on you lot don't you think it is about time kids were allowed to grow up they have in most cases a long and happy life to enjoy the finer things hehe. The worse part of all this it is now left to the schools to give kids their sex education and the media: fury: Bloody hell I am sure someone out there agrees with me so come anyone batting in my corner please.
[quote user=evil_klown]Well you lot I seem to have stired up something here.I do realise there are some very switched on young ladies like dee, carly and cm OI!!!! lol im switched on pmsl wot bout me!!!!! :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: xxxxxxxxxxxx Post edited 22-01-2006 19:05 Post edited 22-01-2006 19:05[/quote] Hey evil of coures you are very switched on at least I would love the chance to find out but as usual I am to old :cry: :cry: :cry: lol :lol: :lol: Before any others say it I didnt want to list the whole site not ebnough room in the forum :lol: :lol: :lol:
[quote user=fordy269]marcgold4 said... ...but at the age of 18 they are hardly out of school so where does the line start and finish then. Not being funny marc but I had had my first experiences with other girls whilst in school, & I'm not saying I went as far as I do now, but most teenagers experiment... We know from the minute we start exploring our sexualities which we prefer, its not an age thing, you cant draw lines...... and thats just my opinion.[/quote] Hey Fordy Good for you but I am not sure if you do know the minute you start exploring because until you have experiance how can you tell lol :lol: I am also not trying to draw lines.I for one just think what I have already said about time the youngsters were allowed to grow up first. and to quote fordy that is "my opinun" and I now realise that there are many in here that think I am a :wank: but surly that is the point of the forunm to have a healthy discusion
[quote user=cutiecarly]as we have said before the world has changed big time. barely out of school, you can leave school at 16, even earlier if you wish. age is very much a number, and i think that many young people have a very wise head on their shoulders. surely us girls are more vunerable in the clubs, i for one, and KNOW im not alone but get corned, grabbed all sorts when out in the town, least on here people have a computer between us all. obviously you can see that i have taken offence to this lol and i know the girl was seeing when i was 17 for a little while would as well. i can tell you this now, and im sure everyone knows but the world isnt that nice of a place anymore and you have to grow up quickly!! wow went all deep then pmsl mwah xxxxxxxxxx byeeeeeeeeeeee xxx [/quote] Sorry about so many but I felt each had their own point that needed answering Carly I am sorry if you took offence but I have said there are quite a few like you that have the head switched on but the sorry part of this world we live in is there are far more that aren't as switched on as you. As to the world that has changed as I said in the bit from cm it isn't the world that has changed it is the fact that the media :fury: makes sure it is more in your face. I still luv ya honest: lol: lol :lol: Post edited 23-01-2006 7:16
[quote user=marcgold4]I now realise that there are many in here that think I am a :wank: but surly that is the point of the forunm to have a healthy discusion[/quote] No Marc we don't think you're a :wank: - we ARE having a healthy discussion! Of course young people should be allowed to grow up but surely discovering one's sexuality is PART of growing up? Why should people have to spend part of their lives not knowing what they truly are? The earlier in life you discover where your sexuality lies and the less you are scared of exploring it the better IMO. Post edited 23-01-2006 7:45
I was 15 when I discovered I was bi - the same year as I lost my virginity. So age is no barrier, just "maturity". I never strayed into the older man or woman - well not until recently, and I have never openly admitted it to my friends or family. As to the original thread. Profiles are a window to the soul. Mines honest and concise, along with a photo as I quite keen to keep my anonymity to the general public.
Marc, it's not a load if rubbish, and you should read more carefully. my point was that young people today are far more informed about sexuality, the internet and the sordid side of our culture, i agree that it's partly because of the media but mainly because as a society we have become more liberated when it comes to sex. You cannot deny that the world young people are growing up in today is a far more corrupt and violent place, kids are so much more prepared these days. Children SHOULD be allowed to be children, with that we agree, however it's not possible to have a 'Peter and Jane' childhood anymore.