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Hi Guys, After months and months and months of giving single guys advice about their profiles, their pics and their messages, I finally decided that it might be a good idea to put it in a thread, so I don't need to keep re-writing it over and over again. [u]MY MESSAGE TO SINGLE GUYS ASKING ME FOR ADVICE IS:[/u] From a female's point of view your profile is far to long, I got bored of reading it even before I got half way through!! LOL!! Profiles should be short and sweet, nothing too rude, and should not make you sound desperate to meet anyone as quick as possible. Also a pic on your profile is a good idea, dressed and showing your face, no cock pics please save them for your private gallery!! Also I see you haven't been a member for long, as a single guy it's harder to get meets than for couples or single females. Some single guys we know haven't had meets for 6 months or even longer, so I think getting fed up and calling this site crap because you haven't had a meet after a few months is totally unfair of you to say!! Even as a couple it took us 3 months to get a meet!! We joined in Nov 06 and didn't get a meet until after Feb 07 when we went to our first social meet in Blackpool!! So my advice is try and come to a social meet, not for the sex but to put names to the faces you haved chatted to in the chatroom and get yourself known by people from the site. Check the forum in Lets Meet Up for all the site socials!! Also chatting in the chatroom is a good way to get yourself known, but always be polite, remember the chatroom rules and never whisper people without asking first. For the first 3 months we were on this site we used to go into chat say: Hi sxy ppl xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and no one ever said hi back!! LOL!! We totally felt like billy no mates!! Having a cam is a good idea too, to just show yourself and maybe to be rude on now and again, if you are asked to by other people!! Getting established and having comments on your profile is also a good idea. As a single guy you do need to try a bit harder and may get lots of NO's at first!! But even as a couple so have we and have had to say NO back too!! Maybe not as many but you have to understand that everybody isn't everybody's CUP OF TEA!! We all like different things and different people, it would be boring if we all liked the same things in people!! I hope this helps you?? Lolly x x x aka Auntie Lolly!! :angel:
PS.......... A bit more advice!! Also I forgot to say there is a thread about single guys having problems meeting people and how they feel, maybe a good idea to read it?? Also your first message to me was a little over the top and did sound a bit desperate. Here is an example of one of our first messages to someone whose profile we liked: Hi, We are Lolly & Pete, please look at our profile and pics and if you are interested get in touch?? Then we could chat, exchange addies and mobile numbers to get to know each other better. Then hopefully meet for a drink some time?? You see in this message, I'm leaving it totally up to them and it sounds like if you want to meet us that's great, but if not then that's fine too!! It also comes across that we are not desperate to meet tomorrow and we will work to get to know people first!! But the main thing is the fact that we are established and have received comments from other members to say we are genuine and we do what we say we do in our profile!! I wish you lots of luck in future and trust me luck does come into it, you need to be patient, have faith in this site, and lots of hard work too, for example: in emailing, chatting and getting to know people and get yourself known on this site. But when you do, trust me this site is one of the best and really friendly once you get your foot in the door!! :giggle: Last thing, always read the profile carefully and don't just look at the pics. That way you will find out what people like eg: some couples don't meet single guys!! Lolly x x x aka Auntie Lolly :angel: PS...............From my (Pete) a man's point of view when talking to women: Don't be pushy Don't be pervy, although a little flirting can help, but let her initiate it and trust me a lot of women do like this. The best responses normally come from just nice friendy chatting, as alot of women are not use to this from most guys and are usually bombarded by filthy and over the top sex comments in whisper without even asking permission first too or even in open chat. This is probably one of the only times in life, that less is more!! :giggle: Hope this helps?? Pete x x x
Pete / Lolly - couldn't have put it better myself! Very sound advice, especially the last bit about "less is more" - that is SO true (well, it works for me at any rate!) Suds p.s. Lolly - I couldn't even find much spelling to criticize!!! Things are looking up biggrin :giggle:
Sudsy, you cheeky bugger!!! :giggle: Pete checked it before I put it on the thread because my English isn't very good but I do make up for it in other areas I'm good at!! :evil2: Lolly x x x :crazy:
so does that mean when i said show me your bum lolly i was on a no advice
Racca, you are funny!! :giggle: I think you are missing the point of the thread a bit because we have chatted to you !! We have meet you!! even through you don't remember us!! :evil2: The thread is really for newbies that think it's ok to send messages, whisper or chat in the chatroom in a very rude and over the top way and think it's ok to do this!! Then wonder why they can't get any meets!! :crazy: Lolly & Pete x x x flipa
i know was only kidding have a habbit of joking around at the wrong moments lol xx
Good advice lolly and pete! I can honestly say my first year ended on this site the day I left the hotel in Leeds last sept and went away for 3 weeks! After having returned find ive learnt from all my mad cap mistakes of being a bit of an idiot sometimes in the chatroom and now feel very relaxed and can talk to people in a way that to them does not give them the opinion im a complete idiot!
p2 wot i dont undastand is...........yes on profiles it says no single guys..(well not on mine, but u kno me) but wots stoppin cpls at least sayin hi in the chatrm.....i think that ignorant to the on as single fem but every1 talks to me............ giv the guys a break every1, jus say hi 2 em in the chatrm.............banghead funkyD xx:P
Yes you are right in everything you say lolly it was six months before any body spoke to me on here and then i gave up for a few months. But I came back and tried again and now I must have what about three couples that will speak to me in the chatroom, no seriously you have to work your way in guys like in any other community, pick some one like ceylon,mo, herts they are all nice and once you get known others open up. I dunno about getting a shag thats even harder but don`t give up. anyway ceylon will always give you a flash of her boobs and that will certainly make you feel better you may even want to have sex with yourself after that.I been on this site on and off for two years and when I come in the chatroom loads know me might not like me hey thats life. I been ignored by the best of them. Don`t give up. :borg:
Oh and I forgot see the nutta above me in the pile she will talk to anybody come to thik of it she used to shag anybody but she tells me thats stopped(i think she tells me that cos she wont shag me). She will get you known she has worked wonders with me now I`m known as the nutta`s mate.
Funkydiva, I totally agree with what you have written but being friendly and chatty comes very easy to me too. I do talk to everyone in chat as that's the kind of girl I am but sometimes it has gotten me into a bit of trouble being so friendly. Eg. As some people, not everyone think if you say HI!! to them in chat, you wana fuck them?? I know I'm a DIRTY BITCH!! but it does take more than a hello from someone to get me interested in them and a few times, I have had to be a little horrible to them because of the way they have been unkind to me which is totally against my personality to be unkind to people. It doesn't cost anything to be nice, friendly, helpful and kind to other people, as long as everyone knows the score but sometimes a few people do cross the line and go to far which is a totally shame because it gaves others a bad name!! I treat everyone the same way and the way I would like to be treat by others, until they do something which makes me feel uncomfortable with them. Lolly x x x :inlove::inlove:
Northlondon12!! Thanks for agreeing with me, I love it when a guy says I'm RIGHT!! :giggle: Great advice!! DON'T GIVE UP!! :evil2: If you wont something bad enough you do try and work at it!! Nothing cums for free and everything you do, does need a little bit of effect and hard work to get it!! :giggle: So why should swinging be any different?? :crazy: Lolly x x x :inlove:
This is exactly what i mean Lolly i have been on here quite a while and not really spoken to you but i sense we could be friends. If you are at MK I would like to buy you and Pete a drink (this does`nt mean i expext to shag you lol). Not that I dont find you atractive cos oh fuk I`m diggin a hole. :P
North yes we are going to m/k3 and we will see you there for a drink and yes I (Lolly) know what you meant to say!! :evil2::evil2::evil2::evil2::evil2::evil2::evil2: P2 x x x :inlove:
[quote user=northlondon12]anyway ceylon will always give you a flash of her boobs and that will certainly make you feel better you may even want to have sex with yourself after that. [/quote] Oi Northy you saying I'm easy :uhoh:rolleyes, maybe I should start to restrict the flashes of tits on cam, but then again,why should I cos that just would not be me and after 2 years on here Mr C and peeps would wonder what was wrong lol sillyhwoar: mwahxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx excellent thread Lolly hun :thumbup::clap:
No cey I`m not saying you easy at all in fact I would`nt know that would I cey. Wot I`m saying is your a very welcoming and friendly lady and if any of the newbies wanna chat I know you won`t ignore them. the fact that you got great tits an from time to time have been known to flash them is an added bonus to your already long list of attributes. fookin ell I sounded arf sensible then. :rose::rose:
Ceylon thanks hun!! kiss NO!! NO!! NO!! Please don't stop the flashing because if you did, me and Pete would cancel our membership straight away!! because we luv you two, you are da best!! :inlove: P2 x x x :rose:
Northlondon12, Good answer!! :evil2: But you do have a way of dropping yourself in it and then trying to get yourself out quick!! It's very funny watching you do it!! :giggle: P2 x x x :inlove: PS. We love looking at Ceylon on cam with or without her bits out and if she never had her cam on, we still love chatting to them because they are really GREAT!! kiss
Why thank you Lolly love ya too hun kiss and you too northy :kiss: Sorry for late reply I was far to busy flashing titties and the like :lol2::lol2::lol2:
Yeh p2 I do dig holes for me self its fun tho its cos i`m a sort the cuff wanka!! hehehehehe :wank:
Northlondon12, I know you do and it's so funny to watch because I do the same thing. :giggle: When I was growing up my mother use to say to me: "One day Lolly your mouth is going to get you into so much trouble" :evil2::evil2: It has lots of time!! :crazy::crazy: Lolly x x x :inlove:
:beer:lolly brilliant thread how nice to see a genuine atempt at helping people instead of the look at me and pay attention to my rules type. this thread could easily be used by couples too , so well done lolly brilliANT go girl :evil2:
Thank you what a lovely thing to say: :inlove: Pete help too!! :giggle: We do think the thread may help people in general. The reason behind us writing the thread is when me and Pete first started swinging 4 years ago we had no one to help, advise us or even show us the ropes and we did make a few mistakes a long the way. So if we can help anyone not make as many mistakes as we did as newbies that would be nice!! Lolly & Pete x x x :inlove:
Excellent thread, great advice, we have met a couple of lovley sexy single guys and I think single guys do get a hard time (was that a pun?!:mrgreen:I think maybe it was LOL). And Funky and Northy I so love reading your contributions to all the threads, I think you both go a long way to making peeps feel wecome and at home hererotflmao
i know i feel the same way about funkyd and norths frerads they are great fun funkyd is me bitch lol she a foooooookin nutta but ar'nt we all though funky world is great best planet i have been on i am just talking shit once again
me again startin to talk shit once again lol all alone funkyd has left me to go to bed oh my god.......... bothh been up all nite twatted again need to peeeeeee but cant be bothered to go think i mite have to do it in me pants again oh my god i do smell lol..... think i will have to jump in shower with funky later we have to share the water coz we are cuttin back lol ......... told you all i would be talking about otta shit again but never mind all good fun in the twatted funky world that we in
Get your freckin tits out !!!!!!! :doggy::doggy:
What again Si!! :evil2::evil2::evil2: Lolly x x x :inlove:
Si needs to some up with something more original to post on threads me thinks.... :giggle: