Paul my brother from another mother...Get well soon ya nutter missing ya antics on cam!!
Place is,nt the same without your tunes. all the best bro. j
:haha: Well this is a easy 1 for me... The site as it is is perfect for me! Apart from 3 simple words that need to be banned:haha: NO SINGLE GUYS:haha: Apart from that things are sweet!! jxxx
:welcome:A BIGGG welcome back. You 2 have been missed J xxx
Lol is it a twelve step
Do you think you can help me out?? jxxxx:thumbup:
:giggle: It is.... Disco is NOT dead it's going 2 be making a comeback...It's the future. I hope you have all kept ya
Hello My name is Jamie & I'm a
OK I don't have a clue wot's going on in the chat rooms 4 me at the mo!!
For the last 3day I can only get into the chat rooms for 30secs then it just freezes on me!
It's not my comp or anything! Works perfect on another site I'm on, So anyone that fancies a chat or a meet only thing I can think of is send me a message & I'll send you my I miss chatting to you all & I hope I can get back into chat soon, But until then bye bye all J xxxx
Hiya Oliviak.
I seen you in the chat room the other day but never got chance to say hello, So hello & welcome.
There are some great people on this site & I am sure you will have no problems making some lovely new friends.
As for advice the best I can give you is trust your instincts normally on places like this the 1st impression is often the best.
As for the single guys doing the whisper thing that I'm afraid is something you HAVE to get ust 2 that little pink symbol is like a red rag to a bull for
But stick with it & I'm sure you will find more than you expected. Be lucky & stay safe. jxxx
Now for me there is only 1 girl I would pick has to be Eva Mendez. jxxx
Well looks like my search is
Thank you all 4 ya comments & help & 2 the special lady that is helping me out 4 the nite i,ll pay you back 10 fold
See you horny fookers at the club. Jxxxx
WOW, nigeandang. Only just seen this pls get well soon m8. The place won't be the same till you get back. Chat soon bud. j
Ok I remember being out in a club one night with a few mate's now my mate's ain't the most sharpest tool's in the box.
But my mate Carl walks up to this girl & Say's the classic "I'd love to get into our knickers" (smooth or wot!) But this girl looks him dead in the eye & Say's "No thanks I already have 1 arsehole in the there"!!) Have u lot ever seen a ego Was the funniest thing I had seen. so guys that's 1 line that don't but girls it's a good comeback line 4 you all..J xxx
Damn Andy m8 wish i could get there,, but i will say 2 any1 that can make it YOU defo will have the time of ur live fooking fantastic couple gen peeps,, miss u2 . jxxxx
Ok so here is the thing!!!
I went to my 1st social at MK it was sooo much fun met sooo many amazing people but now i have a taste 4 the social side of this life I want more,,lol
So this meet in on the 28th is a couples only do "club rules" So wot I'm asking is there any single girls out there that are going 2 it that would like a escort 4 the night?
I'm good company 2 b with & would never over step the mark. I would really like 2 meet up with all the people I met at MK & looks like this is the only way it will happen if anyone can help pls give me a shout.
Thanks all. jxxx
LOL True ur a fooker
I sat at my comp all nite waiting 2 see if they got back 2 me as
I owe u now
Hiya. Been on here 4 a while now & touch wood ( no pun Never had a bad meet or been let down or let any1 down.
I liked your profile just wondered if you2 would take a look at mine? Have a look at my comments & I hope hope you2 get back 2 me. Thanks jxxxx
I'm not sure why I picked the name Jamie.. my real name is Tarquine Bartholomew the III but that might have been too long for the chat J xxx
Hiya. I don,t have a clue about comps & all the stuff every1 is going on about I'm using the oldest BT 1 meg router u have ever seen & don't seam 2 have much trouble. But u2 are only 10miles away so if you need 2 use a comp your more than welcome 2 come here & use mine
Hope you get it sorted soon. jxxx
I,m a out of work lamplighter waiting for gas street lamps to make a jxxx
Lol ok now I swear this is not wot I call it but a mate of mine calls his girls pussy her AXEWOUND.. that just puts a nasty image in ya head dos'nt
Congratulations on the new baby..... jxxx
MY term i hate most is is when some1 calls a ladies part "Her flower",,lol maks me me laff 2
& as 4 the fanny cradock thing i remember when i was a kid she was cooking doughnuts & when she had finished jonny said well i hope all ur doughnuts turn out like fannies,,lol got 2 love tv in the 70' J xxx
AArrrhhh Blue huuni... I know real life takes over sometimes but just to let you know your a stunning person & very sexy it's a shame we never got to meet up. I hope everything works out hun. You will be missed greatly. jxxxx
OK I have to join this
I'm 5ft 8" but if I wear 2 pairs of socks & my old cowboy boots I reckon I can make 5ft 9" & a bit maybe even 5ft 10" on a good
OK OK OK how the fook do i get my name down 4 a ticket?????
Was thinking the very same thing mad hun.
Fantastic night was so good 2 meet every one face to face.
Big thank you ceylon you 2 was the perfect host & hostess. XXX J XXX
Well it has to be said sometime, SINGLE GUYS don\'t have a clue how to chat to people.
Now thats a big thing for a single guy to say but facts are facts.
Now not all single guys should be put in this box as the most in the chat room are decent stand up guys. Most have pics & cams & not all sit wankin hopin someone with look!
All us guys know how hard it is to get established as a decent guy it takes time & manners & respect, but its well worth it & costs fook all.
You get guys askin for tips on how to get meets off here. its all about RESPECT thats wot some don\'t get & until you get it thro ya heads the better it will be for all on here.
Now its not all the single guys fault, some couples on here won\'t even say hello to guys even when we say hiya 1st, Just because we say hi don\'t mean can i play with ya wife! We are being polite SOME OF US CAN BE THAT!
anyway thats my 2 pence jxxxx
WOW,, it would never ever cross my mind 2 play bareback with any1,,, its just not worth it 4 either party!!!!
with workin in a swingers club i have actually thrown a guy out 4 sayin he was wearin 1 & on the sly took it off,, the girl was heartbroken when she seen he had took it off!!!!
guys say " IT DON,T FEEL THE SAME" well tuff shite guys there the only way 2 play so wear a hat & have fun. jxxxx
well wot can i say?? apart from where do i sign up.. ;)
aaarrrr hun, i promise 2 always say hello 2 u2 as soon as u come in the room, wish it was my front room u2 was walkin into, but can,t have everthing,,lol
jxxxx :P