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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57
0 miles · Denbighshire


would love to play with you ;) unfortunately its world of warcraft not halo... Anyhow, i'd have thought that your halo would have slipped by now... lol org4
Well theres no hope for me then ... lol I was playing an online computer game the other day and the players started asking where people came from and how old they were. The average age seemed to be 13-16. Then they asked me and were amazed when I said 42! I've got a son thats older than the youngest of them ffs! Oh well rant over lol. have a great birthday folks and many more sexy ones to come! org4
well happy birthday to both of you and I hope you both get spoilt rotten. Age is a relative thing you could have someone who is "young" but feels "old" or vica versa. Remember you are only as old as the person you feel so get a toy boy / girl! org4
just a brief note to say that I am thinking of you both and sending out positive vibes. If there is anything I can do then please get in touch. org4
We have a maize maze in North Wales. The corn doesn't grow very high though so you would have to be careful which position you used or you might frighten someone.
Hi abend, I can be there any weekend in october appart from the last one. However I need to know dates ASAP so I can book holidays from work. Hope to see all you sexy people there. org4
Hi guys, I know this is short notice but I am available tomorrow (Monday) during the day and Tuesday as well. I live a way away from you but as they say, have car - can travel! Drop me a line if you are interested hope to hear from you soon, org4
Hi Bev, Could you provisionally book me in please, just need to confirm with work that I can get the time off. Hope to see you soon, org4
Hi Everyone, I am going on holiday to Devon from Monday 2nd Aug returning on Friday 6th Aug. Does anyone fancy meeting up whilst I am in the area? org4
Full house, this thread is the dogs bollocks woof woof (p.s. don't tell the dog bolt)
Full house, woof woof If I was Funky D I would have about another 4000+ posts to go :giveup: :violin: :small-print: so I had better get posting then lol org4
yearrrr,right Oli, Me thinks you are extracting the urine :bs: :grin: Seriously welcome back :welcome: you sexy minx :bounce: :inlove: :bounce: Can't wait to chat again passionkiss org4
Full House - shock collers Damn, forgot that you can't use thes in Wales any more as they are illegal (on our four legged friends any way lol)!
Hi Mrs Cey, Will this social / party be open to single males? And if not do any ladies out there fancy teaming up to get me through the org4
Never mind about your goggles Funky D, With this amount of pee around I would pack your snorkel and flippers as well!!! org4
Bays, great to see you again. Spoke briefly in the chat room earlier. Welcome back and hope to speak some more :clap::giggle: :haha:
Hi Funky D, Yes interesting year, my ex partner / GF wanted out of the blue to give things another go but as she in not into this side of things and I don't believe in doing things behind people’s backs I knocked this on the head..... 1 year on however things did not work out so she is now my best mate and I am free to do some things for me to enjoy, like chatting to you and hopefully meeting some other sexy peeps off this site. Stay funky, org4
Hi Funky, I would be interested in this. I have been on the waiting list for chameleons for a year now. I have just re-submitted my details as they could not confirm my original ones and no date for membership is yet in sight. Whilst appreciating the extra hoops us single mails have to go through I am starting to get a tad peed off! org4
Funky D, I have been away from the site for nearly a year but am back now. Made me realise that one of the things that i missed was your thread. Wheather happy or sad it was always FUNKY. keep safe and have fun, org4
Hi J, I would love to help foxy with her fantasy. I am 42 so I just scrape into your age range I can travel either to your place or a hotel. If you want to know more then please feel free to drop me a line. Hope to hear from you soon, og4
Hi everyone, I have a rare weekend off this week. Do any couples or femails want to meet up for some sexy fun? I am based out of North Wales but for the right people / person will travel one hell of a way ... lol Hope to hear from all you sexy peeps soon. org4
Sorry everyone. I will not now be able to make this. Have fun you sexy peeps. org