vyner and i go to the nwcoastelpk and regulary put on a show xx
strings too weak bg, have rope and chains xx
sorry bg i forgot to mention my rr is avaliable anytime for hire so long as you accept the horny driver xxx
me and vyner use a range can see into other cars, they cant see you unless they get out and you can easily get three in the back, but get seat covers to keep the come off the leather.
we are with pacha on this self employed with a good business reputation and vyner is a health care professional. we are not ashamed, having casual sex IS NOT A CRIME. we dont use prostitutes, do drugs or harm anyone. yea keep your faces out of the pics, but only if your ugly ( lol ) we cant belive there are people out there who search these sites to "out" they do so what ? xxxxxxxxxxxxx
dont be ashamed of what we all do. its not against the law , it hurts no one and we all only live once. we have no shame in our "hobby", and judge no one in theirs> be cool xxxxx
we would travel. its quite horny to be watched and vyner really got off on it x
opps. saw the date on your post so ff a bit to next week.
yea might be, we were out last sat and sunday near the coast and she gave a few boys something to watch and enjoy