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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 67
Straight Male, 67
0 miles · Gloucestershire


Ahhhaa TJ We are eager beavers then!! Snogging commences to ensure everyone on 'the list' gets a fair share!!... Newbies we shall go easy, but a snog is not, ahem........sexual!!, just good fun and a lovely Oooooooohhh its gonna be fun.... Jel & N xxx :P :P
Cas I like my sheep like any man, but do draw the line at cattle...pmsl N...
Tally We are close neighbours of Booty, if any packages require delivering into her by hand, please let us know!! Booty we gonna miss some snogging action in Leeds with you guys, but look out over xmas, N will be dressed as Santa with a full sac!! Take care honey Jel & N xxx
Tally. As you are aware we shall be at hotel promptly at 3pm looking for you and a snog!! Jel & N xxx
Guitarslinger. Please prepare yourself to be totally underwhelmed with ladies flocking to your If you want to chat and build rapport with people, get youself into chatroom. Take care, have fun Jel & N xx
Beowolf The major difference on this site is that many of the chatroom people are regular and actually do know or have played with each other...Other sites can be quite impersonal and thats why we like this one for our chats. However, being an open forum if you see a thread you wish to join or contribute on, please do so, nobody will bite you for making the effort. Take care, have fun Jel & N xx
If you have not booked your room try ringing the hotel front desk direct - they do still have rooms available at the moment (even though the website shows fully booked).
Eleanor do you realise you have a white box for a head?? How are we gonna snog??
Hiyas sexy. We have sent you a message of Take care, have fun Jel & N xxx
Living next to a farm we have ample opportunity to see bulls of different colours strut their stuff, however Jel is simply not into !!...pmsl
Hi Guys Yes please!! We do like our ladies here and social warming up Jel & N xxx
Hiyas. We took pity and replied... Take care, have fun... Jel & N xx
This is the perfect meet for newbies, no pressure or expectation to do anything except enjoy the evening and take opportunity to chat with folks about this stuff... We all have been where you newbies are and so glad you are making the effort to go find out!! We shall undoubtably have a few snogs n giggles along the way, but will keep the nekkid fun with playmates for Jel & N xxx
Dave Your profile is your advert to this swing community... We suggest you need to put more info on your profile, likes. dislikes, desires, etc and perhaps some normal pix. You may find that most will ignore it currently and go find others with more mmmmm appeal... Also, its always worth trying your luck in the chatroom, if only to build a reputation to then act upon... Take care, have fun Jel & N xx
Hiyas Scuba... Welcome to the site. Hmmm what should you do?? I know, contact us to meet and dont forget to pucker up, because we love our snogging and Take care, have fun Jel & N xxx
Hi guys... Welcome to the site, clearly the midlands is a sexually happening Take care, have fun Jel & N xxx
Hi guys... Welcome to the site. We hope you find what you desire and have plenty of fun along the way. Jel & N xxx
Hi guys. We are fairly local to you and if you fancy a social night out either at pub or swing club, we may be available. Take care, have fun... Jel & N xxx
Hmmmmmmm Single guy bashing?? Given that the overwhelming majority of subscribers are single guys (120,000 from search engine), simple maths dictates that the overwhelming majority of complaints will therfore be about??.............yep you guessed!! We have been on receiving end of abuse from all types and reported, but that does not prevent us from recognising that the majority of subscribers are actually ok peeps and simply friends we have not met or played We were in chat when G4 was experiencing her problem and it was clear from her comments into room that she was being disturbed by some occupants (but unfortunately no mods or admin available at that We have met G4 and she is a gorgeous, intelligent and independant woman who deserves the simple respect she asks for through her profile (and defo not a single guy basher). In closing, G4 please dont leave, we love our interactions in chat and both lust after your body xxx Take care, have fun Jel & N xxx
Omigod... We so have to go and cash in our IOU's with Fordy (and others)!! However, this meet will only be a couple of days before we go on hols, can't get too tired out!!! If MK was anything to go on, it will be a giggle and chance to catch up with some northern Jel & N xxx
Hi guys. We have tried and clearly failed to gain your attention on a couple of occasions, with party invites to our home, via site messaging system. We are only 40 miles away, so if you fancy an evening out somewhere halfway between, please get in touch. Take care, have fun... Jel & N xxx
Yep Terri/Steve this gets more yourselves sorted and over to ours for tea n biscuits!!
Hi guys and welcome to the site. You might wish to include some pix for public gallery, or create a private gallery with normal and face pix so peeps can see what you look like (these are only shared by you to those you wish to see them). Lots wont entertain any idea of communication without. Defo worth the effort xx Take care, have fun Jel & N xxx
Hiyas. Please dont take it to heart if people dont respond, that also means 'no thanks' too... There is no obligation for anybody to respond to anything, unless they wish to, whether considered courteous by sender or not... Take care, have fun... Jel & N xxx
Mo, Si & Soup, Thanks for putting so much time into organising last night's event in MK. Thanks also to everyone who turned up and made the evening so much fun - we had a wicked time (and we did manage to get 1 or 2 birthday snogs .. lol). Jel & N xxx
Yes we did Steve n Terri...thank you..xx We tried the Hellfire Club, which was an 'experience'...Not so much club, as an basement apartment party!! Take care guys Jel & N xxx
Carly. How do you use laptop when thanging upside down?? lol
So true Puss, although sometimes it is defo difficult to 'turn the other cheek' (one red bum cheek is quite enough!!)