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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 49
Bisexual Female, 51
0 miles · Derbyshire


Ok ok I do! (& Farm town, happy farm, barn buddy & Fish world Lol) I know I have just made myself look ssssooooo S.A.D but I don't care....... *Stands up* My name is mrs.F & I'm a FB farm addict Mr F plays farmville too Lol
Nothin wrong with that funky Lol altho I think turning is the wrong word! :devil:
Hi Everyone, We are back again after a long spell of absence from the site. Looking forward to catching up with old friends & making new ones! We will be popping into chat soon, bit shy smile so may take us a while to say hi! Be gentle Lol Good to be back xxxx
ianandkel Said.... Yaaaaaaaaaay I got 10 (only cos of the extra points though cos I haven't done all of them) :P HEHE me too... yay! Mrs F xx
01. What is your favorite word? Love 02. What is your least favorite word? Cunt 03 What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Good conversation 04. What turns you off? bad hygiene 05. What is your favorite curse word? F*ck 06. What sound or noise do you love? My phone ringing Lol 07. What sound or noise do you hate? finger nails down a chalk board 08. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Nurse, doctor or consultant 09. What profession would you not like to do? public toilet cleaner 10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Welcome, It's about time you got here.. you've been down there ages! Mrs. F xx
Hi Stevcouple, There ARE genuine people on this site... It takes time! We have been members on this site for a year & a half & have met 6 single fems to date & a few cpls. Just be patient, get to know people in the chatroom & dont expect meets to happen overnight & you will find what you are looking for. Above all have fun!!! biggrin Mrs.F xx
Bill rents an apartment in New York, and goes to the lobby to put his name on the group mailbox. While there, an attractive young lady comes out of the apartment next to the mailboxes wearing a robe. Bill smiles at the young girl and she strike up a conversation with him. As they talk, her robe slips open, and it quite obvious that she has nothing on under the robe. Poor Bill breaks out into a sweat trying to maintain eye contact. After a few minutes, she places her hand on his arm and says, "Let's go in my apartment, I hear someone coming..." He follows her into the apartment, and after she closes the door, she leans against it allowing her robe to fall completely open. She purrs at him, "What would you say is my best feature?" The flustered, embarrassed Bill stammers, clears his throat several times, and finally squeaks out, "Oh, it's got to be your ears!" She's astounded! "Why my ears? Look at these boobs! They are full, don't sag, and they're all mine! My butt - it's firm doesn't sag, and has no cellulite! Look at this skin, no blemishes, or scars! Why in heaven's name would you say my ears are the best part of my body?!" Clearing his throat once again, Bill stammers, "Outside when you said you heard someone coming? Well, that was me!!!" biggrin :P :D
There was a husband and wife who decided to have children. The first born was a blonde female who was very pretty and grew up to be quite popular among friends and boys. At the age of 16 she was named "hottest girl on the planet." The couple decided to have another child. Once again it was a female blonde who was pretty and very popular. And, at the age of 16 she was named the new "hottest girl on the planet." Well, the Man and his wife decide to have one more child. At the birth of their baby boy the man walks in to his wife's room, takes one look at the baby and says, "Hey, how can that be our son? He is ugly!! He's not only ugly, he'll give our family a bad reputation!" He then asked his wife, "Have you been fooling around behind my back?" She replied -- "Well no, not this time!" biggrin :P :D
Three guys are walking down the beach, when they see this beautiful woman laying naked on the beach. The first guy goes over to her and starts making love to her, when she says, "What will we name the child?" The guy freaks and runs away. So the second guy goes over to her and starts doing his thing when she says, "What will we name the child?" He freaks out also and runs away. The third guy has been watching all this. So he puts on a condom and goes to do his thing. when she says, "What will we name the child?" He ignores her and keeps on going. She keeps asking but he keeps going. Finally he finishes and pulls off the condom, ties a knot in the end of the rubber and throws it in the ocean. He turns to the girl and says, "If he gets out of that, we'll call him Houdini." biggrin :P :D
For a change we are actually both off work that night so you can count us in.. Cant wait to finally get to meet you all!! Oh and jel... This will be your chance to cash in those I.O.U's! lol
Great peice of advice.. It should get stickied to the top so it doesn't get lost in the threads.
OMG.. Cant believe I'm going to confess about this.. But... It was behind a skip at the back of a supermarket! Have to admit I was very drunk at the time lol Mrs F xx
Tch... I go away for a while then come back & what do I find... Someone else has got their fingers in my pie!! lol Flirting is a dying art these days.. I find 'Want a shag' works sooo much better (when it comes from me) pmsl Mrs.F xx
Just wanted to say hello again to all the peeps we know & to those we dont (yet!!) We have now renewed our subscription after our break so we will be seeing you around the site again shortly. We've missed you all & It's good to be back.. Mwah xxx MR & MRS F.
Just wanted to say thanks to all those who have replied to this post & all those that sent us a PM, Its been a fun packed year for us on this site & we will miss you all loads!!! Thanks for all your words of encouragemant... OH! & not forgetting all your email addys lol we will be back so someone keep the bed warm for us lol luv Mr & Mrs F xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We will be joining the ranks of the free members in a few days after we have decided to take a break for a while, I've had a cancer scare & for a while (at least til we get the all clear) we will be consentrating on each other... We have made some great mates on here, far too many to mention (& besides dont want to miss any one out lol) So we just wanted to say bye for now to every one here, keep on having loads of fun! we've loved being part of this site & will miss you all!! We will be back but just not sure when so dont forget us! lol... Hugs 'n' kisses Mrs.F xxx
Hiya cas, We haven't really chatted that much but we would like to offer some support, we know how difficult it can be when someone close is ill.... Hope he gets better soon.. Keep your chin up...
I've come the conclusion cat that if you try & tell em any different.... Your just wasting your time.... A bit like they are when they join up!!!
[I]jelandn said....[/I] It appears that my proof reading is rubbish and I have been taken to task by Jel for poor grammar!! So here goes again!! Grumble, grumble!! OOOhhhh.... jel can take me to task anytime!! lol And N, I love the way you can always make me giggle hun xxxxxxxxxxx
[I]RWB Said....[/I] Fordy I can't decide which pic I like the most, the one of your bum with you wearing the red stockings knickers and basque, or the one of the cooked breakfasts...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! mmmm... Hard choice!! But if you are ever brave enough to come up north.... Then you just wont have to make one... you can have both!! we are too chicken to come down south!! lol
Swinging_cat said.... ...and only the real stuff mind! None of this Fry's chocolate-coated pretex!! lol My god.. your too expensive for us cat!! Im all for bribery but..... Remind me not to invite you out for dinner!! lol Mrs.F xx :lol:
swingin_cat said... Sorry to let you down, but I'm not a milkman! So your not the father of my child then!?! Damn I was soo sure!
Thats ok but you really should take some advise from us all & sort out your profile & pics if you want to get anywhere... also be patient!