Hi guys and gals,
Some great ideas there,
I will do the favourite list order and in chat icon ealy next week, so keep an eye out for that!
Ill also put up a list of moderators and sticky it in the forum.
Regarding the search - it orders people by last online anyway, so you will always get the active ones in the first few pages. We can't actualy make a selector for the active members because as easy as it sounds, its quite complex, and would put huge strain in the server if it had to factor this in when searching a database of 100k+ members.
Finially - can you tell me what your search criteria thats causing the bug and showing non-premium members - in order to fix it we need to replicate it, as far i havn't been able to throw up any non-premium members!
Regarding the profile thing in the chat room - as said there is the drop down menu that lets you load a profile for a person in a new window. If you think this could be improved, let me know your thoughts and ill see what i can do!
And the chat room ignore - its on my list, just its quite a bit of work, expect it within a month!
Any other suggestons feel free to share them, we are always on the lookout to improve the site as much as poss.