oooogreifoja;OFIDC GROUP!! has bin set up by the professor sexy Funky, it is a completely voluntary self help group, to help all horny peeps that suffer from wots known as Twatted-itus! it is thought to effect 1 in 10 sexy peeps on sp.... the followin are the most popular symptoms..... 1. Insomnia, normally lastin 24-48 hours! 2. Constant fidgetin, jerkin and dancin while on cam! 3. Part-takin in ones not normal sexual activities! 4. Talkin gobshite, and understandin gobshite!! 5. Llindness, havin to cover ones eyes to read the screen! 6. listenin to tunes wiv heavy bassline and repeatative beat!! 7. Constantly sayin...'its ok, im twatted' 8. Feelin very confused to where one lives, normally planet funky!! 9. Takin pictures of oneself naked 10. High sex drive wiv the inability to orgasm/cum! if u or any of ur friends can tick 6 or more of the above, then u r an ideal candiate for the program....... and therefore together we will try to make a difference in this mixed up world!! but remember this is complex disorder...and may take a few yrs to achieve ur goals!! please join below...... fully qualified professor in twatted-itus attended twatted-itus the 1st......1988-2008!! references available upon request... professor funkyD the nuttaGroup Owner
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