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whens the best time >

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whens the best time to suggest swinging to a new partner?`
We would suggest - In the cold light of day, when you can both have a mature discussion about it. Not when in throes of horny passion, which is the fantasy
Ello ronin4.... well i would ist ask how new is this relashionship.. how well do u get on with ur new partner... and are u at the stage u can say do anything with each other with out getting embarassed.... if so then my suggestion would be to...make sure its not when ur in the mids of hot horny sex " as jels' have said 2"... and to wait till u know u have lots of time to chat rather than rush... maybe say u saw something the other day abt swingers, ask what ur lady friend thinks to it... and depending on her response... go from there... that way ur not suggesting it and taking the chance she will hate the idea and then hate you for thinking it... if the responce is good and she seems intrested ask her if she has done it thought abt it etc... you never know she might all ready be a swinger and didnt know how to say or, that she has been thinking the same as u.... maybe we will see your profile changed to couple smile good luck mo & si xx