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Is this write?

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Forum Virgin
Thanx for your replies guys, I forgot to mention that I gave her my blessing to go! I just didnt think she would! Still, we learnt a lot from it and have moved on! We are both very happy now!! Thanx Post edited 27-07-2005 15:18
Forum Virgin
Post edited 27-07-2005 15:18
I presume the female (wife) you mention is the one you've joined up with on here as a couple???????? If not, then maybe you've joined with a mistress, in which case, why are you so fussed about what she gets up to??
Forum Virgin
Sounds like you're in turmoil!! Not a very nice thing to have happened to you. But on a lighter note you're marathon traning must have built up your stamina, so why not shag for Britain infront of her and show her what she's missing?
Forum Virgin
well marty i got to say that in my own personal opinion that isnt swinging,that is being but i could not and would not accept it wether it meant anything or not.
Sex God
Has a single bloke, I would only consider / agree to meet a female on her own who is part of a couple after I have spoken with both the male and female. This leaves a lot to be desired. Some single fellas give all us single fellas a bad name. Its hard enough for us genuine single bloke without this sort of problem.
Forum Virgin
:doggy: :doggy: Thats being unfaithful. Different from swinging. xxx
oh dear, not good to do this in public guys. If you genuinely feel like this tell her, if its wind up for everyone else then not so hot a move. x
Warming the Bed
hi mate, you firsly need to stay focused and calm , sit down and discuss this through . Find out why she needed to do this . you need to talk then make your decisions. Yes she has been unfaithfull in a way .Was this all planned or a last minute thing whilst you were away. Wish you all the best. i know how you must be feeling as my ex wife cheated on me with my best friend. I myself would never hurt anybody unknowingly. She knew what she was doing so only she can give you the answers