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Any tips for first email

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Sex God
Hi I am one of thoese guys who is got getting very far. So could some of the sucessful one give me some tips. For example there is one woman near where I live who has a profile of one line. "Craving erotic adventures!" with and lots of pictures. What could I sy to get her attention?
Maybe just say you are interested, some personal details, a few compliments if appropriate, can't read her mind afterall! lol
Warming the Bed
Before i start, can i just say, as someone also fairly new, this advice is my personal opinion only. It is intended to help and be of assistance. I myself asked for advice / critisism on my profile and recieved little help. I am not gay, not that that matters in the slightest. If i am selling a car, (and in a way we are trying to sell ourselves) would I put high mileage or good, dependable ride. So maybe miss out negative things like inexperienced in the bedroom. Why not highlight what you are good at, ie great foreplay. Lots of girls would chop of thier arms for a guy more interested in bringing them to a state of ecstasy, than a one way shag experience. You then say age not important and will go anywhere, anytime. I am not saying play hard to get but dont appear desperate either. Finally if you have more pics, show them. One may be just the one that gets the reaction you are looking for. Please take this in the spirit its intended. If you have the time, look at mine and be brutal if you feel necessary. Good luck, hope it works well for you. Skinnydip.
Sex God
Thanks guys for the tips. I suppose I got to sell myself better and not try to be something that I am not. Hopefully I can find someone who wants what I can offer. No offence ment but it would be niece to here what some ladies think.
Sex God
As a woman, I think you could do a lot worse than listen to Skinnydips advice....and it may just be me but check your spelling....definately one of my pet hates.x Good luck k Post edited 22-11-2005 14:15
Sex God
Hi I have updated the text and checked the spellings, I forget how some people get anoyed by bad spelling. What do you think how? Skinydip I had a look at your profile and I understand what you are trying to say but it might be a bit preachy "Girls, i am sure you can eliminate most by thier emails, the rest by a chat before meeting." maybe a bit condesending. Err I dont know maybe I am over reacting but you could just say "Unlike other guys who want another notch on their belt....."
Warming the Bed
YOu know thats why i like this forum, I reread my profile and your absolutly correct. Its now rewritten a bit and i hope a bit softer. Good luck and please help others if you see anything a bit iffy. It is appreciated. I think you will agree we are on a very steep learning curve, its easy to fall to one side if not careful. Phil aka Skinnydip
Sex God
I think both your profiles are looking better. Good luck. k x
smile please dont be offended = this is only for fun = wehn it coems to splelnig it has been sceitnifaclily prvoed taht wehn we are raednig wrods our brian geos itno atuo pliot as lnog as the frist and lsat lteter of the wrod are crorcet you wlil undaertsnad waht I wirte = bset wihses form dleler x :)
Yep we agree with J&K, bad spelling and grammar is so unecessary with all the tools available on current PC's. The profile is an advert and everybody that suceeds in swinging has spent the time ensuring that it is as good as they can possibly make it...However, the words also need to be backed up with courtesy, discretion, humour and other qualities that people may seek in sex partners...Take care and best of luck guys... Post edited 06-01-2006 16:57