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We would just like to say a huuuuuge thankyou for making MK night such a FANTASTIC one, it was "BRILLIANT", 46 SEXY swinger's turned up on the night. 1st we would like to thank SOUPY for helping plan the night, with out you we couldn't have done it.. Thanks TO....bay's..midnicks..jels..ceylon..Q's..herts..dazandshel..suzanne..funandpleasure.. phd..martandjoanne..beeleyboy..plastic..janeandjamies..jennybad..war's..curvysue..talljohn..sud's.. and friend..mikee747..playfulpeter..shorryspike..pat and friend. and anyone we may have missed, im surprised we remember all those names lol. Here are a few little highlights of the evening that we remembered in case anyone missed them ! Soupy...It was decided white high heals dont suit you lol Tallualah...You looked amazing get a pic on ur profile lol Jel's..we want your badge! Herts..Mr herts,michael jackson's got nothing on your dancing lol. Daz..we liked your eyeing up technique lol. Plastic..people in the club must think mo&si's a new drug lol. Mr j,this guys plugged into the mains lol. Curvysue..WOW your such a sweety,watch out you single guy's! Sud's..kicked off the mk swing 10mins after he arrived at the pub,- way to go!! War's..WELL,what can we say, OMG wish this couple weren't so shy lol,it must have been a dream abt the LAP DANCING,SLIDING DOWN BANNISTER,and acosting young policemen i dont think he's going to get over it lol. Ceylon..well they did say they wanted to see us together! But can i have my tongue back now ! lol. Beeley boy..I now know where Exeter is...REALLY! Q's..WOW mrs Q looked amazing! what a ladies man ! We now have some pix for the news of the world,with the local police in a compromising situation !!!!! lol ....... and lastly who ever was in room 308 juryinn, was still going strong at 4 0clock this morning!!!!!! we could hear you frm the hall way as we sneaked out, after having sampled some of the 3rd floor delights..... mmmmmmmmmmm you know who you are!!! we think reception staff thought si & I were doing a runner lol.. ........And now im going to have a well earned rest,- my feet are killing me. mo & si mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hi sounds like you all had a great time let me and terri know when the next one is and we will try and get to it but be careful with us as we are both new to this thanks steve and terri xxx
Mo, Si & Soup, Thanks for putting so much time into organising last night's event in MK. Thanks also to everyone who turned up and made the evening so much fun - we had a wicked time (and we did manage to get 1 or 2 birthday snogs .. lol). Jel & N xxx
mo and si a great big thank you for organising that night out.. it was our first we had ever met anyone and had a fantastic time... thanks again.. heres to the next one.. by the way in room 308 it was us... well the 5 of us... and last time i looked at my watch it was you should have knocked... dave and suze xxxxxx :P Post edited 24-09-2006 14:13 Post edited 24-09-2006 14:14
Mo & Si & Soupy, thanks for organising a great night out.:clap: It was fab to meet everyone. There are some real characters on this site lol A big thanks to Mrs Bay for being a great dancing partner, but my feet will take days to recover. And Mr Bay for holding my drinks while I knicked off with his Mrs!!! - Sorry sad Oh, & Mo, I think you might find that Sudsy kicked off the event in the afternoon, before he made it to the pub :lol:
Mo What else can I say great night Thanks Mo and soup. xx
Thanks to everyone who made me feel welcome last night. I had a great time and I really have just one thing to say.....when is the next one??? Oh and one more thing.....whoever you are (cos I forgot to ask).....I will treasure that penny....xx
Fantaboulous night all. Mo I still can't believe that your body double was there too! Thanks to all for organising, Jurys was a great choice lovely hotel. We both got too tanked up to get up to anything after the nightclub so we had to be content with each other. Being new to all this we managed to work out what direction we want to take from here as we weren't too sure what we wanted, thanks to everyone we talked to who helped with this tremendously. I won't bother thanking a list of names but suffice to say everyone we spoke to was great and very friendly, and you all looked great in the flesh. Jane loved dancing with Donna it was the highlight of her night.
Thank you so much mo for arranging what was such an enjoyable evening for us and everyone else. We had the time of our life and the desserts in room 315 were simply the icing on the cake mmmmmm. So lovely to meet everybody we met and we mean everybody. Lets's hope we can arrange another social (did we really say social hehe) again soon. Mwahxxxxxx to everyone. And no mo you can not have your tongue back it's ours for keepsies. Luv Mr and Mrs C :clap: :lick: :clap: :lick:
Hi everybody, I just want to say thankyou to everyone who came to sample the delights of MK last night, the fact that so many of you came was just fantastic and justified all the hard work that Mo put in. When we first muted the idea abot 6 or 7 weeks ago we thought that we might get 12 or 15 people to turn up, but to get 46 was just amazing. We were very lucky with the weather which made the initial contact point work and then getting into the club b4 10 was another of Mo's great ideas. I am really glad everyone appears to have enjoyed themselves. It was really good to finally be able to put faces and voices to the words, and as I always suspected white high heels don't suit me. Roll on the next one,( I have a few ideas on that front, but I think we all need time to recover). But once again a big SP thanks to Mo Love from soupie
Soupy and mo may I point out that the high heels were actually cream and not white. Have to be careful here seeing as we live in Essex. Mrs C xxxx :-?
Hi everybody, I just want to say a big thank you to Mo Si & Soups for a great event in MK last night, You all deserve a big kiss, and it sounds like you all got it,:lick: shame I had to go to destinys in watford (damm those friends of mine picking last night to go out) after you all went into the nightclub, i'll be there all night next time honest, It was really good to finally be able to put faces and voices to the words, mrs & mrs bay, Curvysue, Martandjoanne, Dazandshel, Sudsey, Phk, Mikee747 Ian & Donna (Warickshirecpl), Dave & Suzanne (the noisey ones in 308 ) , Ceylon, Jels, hertsfunandpleasure.. phd....beeleyboy..plastic..janeandjamies..jennybad..war's..talljohn..soup..tallualah...phk, playfulpeter, and everyone i didn't have time talk to And you were all much sexier in person than a picture could ever be!! Roll on the next one, But once again a big thanks to Mo thanks sweetheart :kiss Huggs & Kisses Mark xxx Post edited 24-09-2006 18:54
Hi Mo great night well organised lots of fun thanks a lot must do again. lots of nice people well met bit hungover today :clap: :doggy: smile Love Alan & Yvonne xxxx
Mo & Si great job you was great to put names to faces (and other body parts ) !! We are off tomorrow to Italy for a week to recover ! Thanks again for all the hard work and see all you lovely people soon. Nick & Julia xxxxxxxxxxx
like everyone else a big thanks to Mo and Si and soupy. great night out. i look forward to the next one and i promise i won't be so shy next time lol.
smile Just want to say a big THANK YOU to mo and soup for organising the MK event last night and big hugs n kisses to all who turned up and made the night a real success. It was gr8 to meet so many peeps from the site....some familiar faces and some not....but we're working on those ones!! We had a great time, especially with 2 very special peeps (they know who they are xx). Mr H was on form and kept a few entertained even without the face pack and firemans helmet!! It was also good to have a meet that was open to all that use the site and we enjoyed chatting with some of the singles....some real gents (and some sexy ladies!!). We will def be up for the next one too. Lots of love Katie and Steve xxxx :clap:
Would just like to add my thanks, too - what a great evening. Fantastic to be able to say I've met so many people who before this I'd only chatted to in the chatroom, and have now discovered that they've even more bonkers in real life! lol Seriously, wonderful event - thanks Mo, Si and Soup for doing the necessary to get it running smoothly. p.s. Regarding the room 308 scandal - I'd just like to point out that I'd left by 3am, so disclaim any responsibility for events that may have taken place after that time! Dave insists that I must share some of the blame for helping to warm them up in the first place, but he's talking bollocks! biggrin Post edited 24-09-2006 20:55
hi mo,si,soup, we just wanted to add our thanks to a night well organised and fantastic fun,gutted we had to leave when we did,but it was great being able to put names to faces now,to those we did not get to chat to sorry but will sort that out on another meet,by the way curvey my feet are killing me too but you are worth it mwahhhh, :clap: smile :P
:clap: biggrin Hi everyone, thanks to everyone that made it such a fantastic evening. To Mo, Si and Soup for arranging it and for the people of room 308 who entertained us till the early hours of the morning. We are so glad to have finally put more than just faces to names and are sorry that we did not get to speak to everyone and hope to put that right next time. This is the first meet that we have ever been to and it was fantastic everyone was so genuine and fun. What a wonderful group of people. Desperatly looking forward to the next one and extending our repetoir. Sharon and Daryl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mo . Si . soup ..,. wayyyyyyyyyyhayyyyyyyyy ..what a night ...thanks for sorting it . was brilliant ..there wasn't anybody there , that I wouldn't be delighted to meet again ...what a lovely group of swingers ..hehe ! I'de just like to point out that room 310 feels its a little unjust , that they were the only room that had a complaint about the noise levels ...when it was clearly room 308 ....( hoping not to offend & just mentioning ) .. lmao still buzzingggg night ive had in my 17 years of swinging ....whens the next ....lets rollllll .. :P :P :rainbow: love Tally XXXX
thanks again for a great night mo+si - and soupy! smile It was my first meet(!) and i hope the rest will be as good as the first xxxxxx
Have just recovered after Saturday think we finally went 2 bed about , for some fun ;). We have the usual Q posing pics in the reception of the hotel which will post later. We raised a smile on the receptionists face in the morning as was massaging Q 's naked bottom which lifted her skirt exposing it clearly for them all to see as being knickerless. And who was the lady mooning for the party who had just left The Inn to see :moon:
thanks to mo,si,soup and everyone that went saturday. we must say it was a great night :clap:and what a freindly bunch u all are. a special thanks to our special freinds for the tea and deserts :lick:hope to see you all on line soon ,cant wait till the next meet . daznshell xxxx
Hi Mo and Si ta for a great time, nice to put names to faces now. Next time we will be putting more than names to faces and hopefully getting to know them more personally :lick: Thanks again for a great nite, Mart Joanne.
:clap: Hear - hear - fully agree with everybody's comments. So many smiles in one place - genuine people all. Had a great chat to [B]Soup[/B] and [B]Suds[/B] - easy to see why the ladies go for you guys ;) Oh [B]CurvySue[/B] - why do you live so far away? ([I]Or rather, why do I live so far away[/I]) - could have talked for hours with you hun. Intoxicating being with you - along with the vodka redbulls.. And [B]Tallulah[/B], your gorgeous smile, your fine intellect, your sexy eyes - it's never long enough spending time in your company babe. I don't think I chatted to everyone there - maybe next time. So who's up for a social in Leeds sometime soon, I'm already making plans. I see there's a Jury's in the centre as well. biggrin Thanks Mo n Si n Soup - yer did good. :clap: :clap: John xx
In one word JEALOUS :cry:
No being serious now - TallJohn we are Leeds born and bred so if anyone is interested I would be more than happy to help you with the arrangements xxxxxxxx Kelly xxxxxxxxxx
I'm interested!
Now how did I know u'd be interested Suds hehehee - would be great to see you xxx
Were intrested... but dont ask me to help with sorting this one its to far lol.. just let us know when where and what time :P oh and could u make it soon we need another nite out lmao mo & si xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx