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Utopia Saturday 15th December

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[color="indigo"][/color]We were wondering if anyone would be interested in going to Utopia on Saturday December 15th, for I guess an SP xmas party. We don't want to organise anything, because we are totally useless at that, but if you fancy turning up, stick your name on the thread and lets see if we can get enough peeps going to make it a good night :happy:.:thumbup::cheers:
im going to do my very best to get there seds. see what i can
:giggle: Oh that would be excellent CC if you could make it.:clap:
brill seds needed something to celebrate my birthday guys (14th dec) cant think of a better way than joining mrs seds in the pool again lol and oh yes soz mr seds too
Excellent twoontwo, so birthday pressies it is then...hehehe. :rascal:
will let u know its my birthday on the 17 dec xxx mrs j
I think we may be able to make it. Wendynsampson xxxxxx
It's M's birthday 1st december and mrs huniz around that time too....can we cum too?xx
trying to convince myself it's not too far from us :-) I share a birthday (14th Dec)
yipee looks like will be joying you sexy people, just need a little info on where to stay oh and come to think of it where it is :doh
Cool, looks like birthdays and xmas all rolled into one, but Utopia always feels like that anyways. :evil2::P:bounce:
Mmmmmm, an xmas treat, cant think of a better way to inrtoduce/join in with the group/life style fun from this site than at the XMAS meet. David
hey seds guys.. i should be up for this one !! mm
:bounce::bounce::bounce: yayyyyy chad told me to get my glad wrags on (or rather off) and 'come' along hehe. Count me in please! :lick::lick:
Just sorting a baby sitter and then we are coming along to meet people.. As sandi asked so nicely for us to come along.. biggrin Looking forward to meeting those that we havent met.. :D
Hi seduction72, we r free at the mo for that Saturday so yeah why not hun..xx Vixen1..xx
Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we're booked in at Friends Guest House. For anyone thats not got a place yet they have 4 rooms left so get you butts into gear and get booked. :happy::happy:
convinced ourselves it's not too far for us after all, see ya there who's going :-) happy birthday to me :-) kryps
Nope we wont be going now.. other things have come up. sorry. biggrin
Thats a shame lyn_daz, looking forward to meeting you guys:-) Think there will be another Utopia meet first part of 2008 so hope you can make that one. Take care. xxx
i have put in for it off, so want to be there. so long as you look after me, with my no pals:cry::cry: only been there the once and said i would go back, so a good time as any to do it. Will need to sort out somewhere to stay mind you. Hope to see you all there, if i dont get lost :uhoh::uhoh:
:happy:Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Miss CC is going. And I am sure I speak on behalf of everyone when I say we promise to look after you:evil2::rascal:
hehe looks like we are coming too all being ok with sitters :lickface:
:cheers:Ok peeps get your names down on the thread. 34 peeps so far ...yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:bounce:
HELLOOO... rite thread this time (God hates us blondes) count me in pls. I dont know the area, so hope to find it and arrive safely at some point in the evening. If u spot a nervous shy lil thing... send her my way !!! hehehe Jools xx
joolilooi, you can be a shy wee nervous person with me. I cant pronounce your name though, so not getting off to a very good start.:giggle: Look forward to meeting you. Im all excited, yet a tad nervous also, im all bigand brave when i got my kit on, take it off me and am very shy and retiring :giggle::giggle:
count us in...:bounce: first time at a club for us, we can't wait... flick & wallace kiss:kiss: