We're already going to have the BEST party this new year and if you're not already coming this is your last chance to attend the party of the year with friends.
Atractive couples and selected single males get in touch available or party fun only.
See 2006 out and swing into 2007 with friends and like minded people.
For details please mail us.
M & C xxxx :doggy:
M & C.
Wow.....we'd love to.........there might be an outside chance of us getting a babysitter......
Is there much space at your place and who is going (if you can tell)......
Is the party at your place?
Love P and L...xxxx
Like Yorkie we are hoping to come. Will let you know by Wednesday evening. Would be great to see you as well as Yorkie.
Post edited 27-12-2006 14:22