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Sex God
Ohhhhhh the drinking will go on all night George mate Woooo hooooooooo Shaggers :beer::beer::beer::beer:
Sex God
well gave up trying the whole contents of my waebrobe, so went out and bought new, so long boots and sexy dress it is kc mmmmmmmmm cant wait so looking forward to it.:boo: :beer: :crazy:
Sex God
see that exicited cant even spell now bolt
Oh my god blue my mouth is watering.. long boots and a sexy dress mmm cant wait i'm so giddy :happy::happy::happy:
Sex God
well kc, by the time we have finished dressing up we wont be the only ones feeling giddy, with our mouths watering, its soooooooo gonna be a wicked nite :evil2::evil2::evil2:
Sex God
oh yeah forgot to say, hotel is booked to, so even gidder, if that is how you spell it who cares cant wait :bounce::bounce::bounce:
Sex God
:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers: Hope its not just ur mouth that will be gushing fluids Blue hun lol !!!!!!!:doggy::doggy::doggy::doggy::doggy::doggy::doggy:
Warming the Bed
mad kc ant room for me gareth and tintintom not been manchester for ages xx
boinkGqareth and max will be great to see you again,though I am gonna keep my ass cheeks away from your hand lol
Sorry Mad, but due to the silly prices that we are being quoted from local hotels we wont be able to come to this one. Hopefully we will make the next one. Have a great night everyone xxx
Oh jugs i am sorry to hear that xxx Next time your right, there's no rush xxx Glad you can make it Garethmax and tintin. After all that hard work you deserve a night out, although fruits right, i'm wearing jeans, it wont hurt as much when i get spanked !!! Woo hoo, halloween over, now i can seriously concentrate on what to wear on sat night, that means picking it all up and sstarting again boltsillyhwoar:
Sex God
well all packed and ready to go, yipeeeeeee off to sheffield tomorrow to drops kids off then manchester sat morning for some retail therapy see all you sexy peeps sat nite :boo: bolt
:angel:. Blues I was packed yesterday! Well all the essential bits I need... " outfits to do the "does my bum look big in this" bit. If Drew says yes, Max please introduce him to your hand lol. O yes and I also packed the undies, shoes and handbag for each of the 2 outfits. Suppose I better pack the rest of the stuff to get ready. I wonder if these men realise how long it takes us ladies to get looking gorgous!!! Well for me it takes a bit longer to get ready in the eve but you cant rush perfection lol
Sex God
totally agree with you on that one fruit, takes me for ever to get ready think i am gonna have to start sat afternoon lol, but hey will be worth it well i hope so :happy::happy::clap:
Oh my god, you lot are far too organised for my likeing !!! I've done nothing, no clothes,no tan, no hair,no nails... nothing. Ahhhh, i think i might have a busy day tomorrow then !! See you all saturday :cheers:
Cant wait to see you all say hi to myself and especially my boyfriend Drew(Dave5440) as this will be his first time at any social or group meet of any kind. I already know lots of people so please do say a special hi to Drew too. Arent I a lucky lady tho as Playthings Ollie is comming too and also gedandjane well ged is away so we are gonna look after jane aka Sara lol cant wait xxxxx :angel: Fruit and Drew
Oh my goodness fruit, your very lucky xx I cant wait to see everyone, i miss so much in the chat room it's near on impossible to speak to everyone, i do try but alas i am only one person, well two if you count chris too.. derr i'm dim too ! Giddy as a kipper tho and i think i've finally made a decision what to wear.. yes ladies and gents dont look now but kc just made a decision and she did it all on her own.:clap: Dont hold your breath tho coz i'm shopping tomorrow so i'm bound to change my mind lol See you all tomorrow xx xx kc's xx
Sex God
:beer::beer::beer::beer: Well i went out for a pre meet drinky pooo and tested the flavours in manchester ......all is good lol catch u shaggers later !
Warming the Bed
[quote user=fruitmedley]boinkGqareth and max will be great to see you again,though I am gonna keep my ass cheeks away from your hand lolfruits you can try but will get yu nice to see you again cya all later xx[/quote]
:beer::beer::beer::beer:Right off 2 get train now see you 8ish:beer::beer::beer::beer: STEVEXXXX
Forum Virgin
Thanks to you all for a great night. You made my first social event go with a swing (excuse the pun)I was really worried at first but you all made me feel right at home. Special thanks to Carole and drew also jane of gedandjane. Hope to caht to you all soon Ollie
Hi Ollie. We're glad you had fun, your a right smooth mover on the floor arent you !! We had a ball and we're so happy everyone could make it. See you all soon, all our love to, Jane (gedandjane) xx, Fruit and drew xx George xx Doc xx The williams (corrrrrr) xx, Angelred xx Bluecafe xx Mad manc the manchester stallion :grin: xx Rachaelstar xx Rosie xx Penwood xx Kay de xx Gareth and max xx Tintin xx sxshz's (thanks for the ears) xx If we've forgotten anyone pls forgive us we're hung over !!!! xxx thank you for a brill night out xxx
Sex God
:crazy: my head is still reeling from all the:beer:blink Had a great time and thanks to Mad and KC for organising the meet:clap::clap: Was brilliant being able to meet some more new faces ( and those I've chatted when perving their cams :rascalsmile. Also thanks to the williams for keeping an eye out for me & directing me to where you all were; I was pretty :doggy: by the time I got there, but it was well worth the effort:thrilled: Only trouble was I looked around and everyone else had disappeared:doh: so I ended up lost walking round Manc looking for my car park in the early hours.
Warming the Bed
Big Thanks to the KC'S & MADMANC for all their efforts in arranging last nights bash. passionkisssillyassionkiss::passionkiss::passionkiss::passionkiss::passionkiss::passionkiss::passionkiss::passionkiss::passionkiss::passionkiss::passionkiss: it was great to meet people and put a face to the name rather than cleavages and other body parts thats we see in the chatroom :evil2::evil2::evil2: got some good pics and so did george i hope, speak to you all soon a & s (sxshz)
Not brave enough to say 'it was nice to meet you' to everyone by individual name like kc did but rest assured it was. I am scared of missing anyone out. Sorry that you were left to wander doc :therethere: I had a lovely escort in Kath and Chris- what lovely, lovely people :thumbup:passionkiss but then i always knew they were :cheers: :rose:
Wow what a fantastic night, it was great to meet you all, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves ;) It was great to see some familiar faces and great to meet lots of new ones, thanks to madmanc and kc for organising it, here's to manchester 2 :-) Here goes and big sorry's if we miss Loved seeing doc george madmanc and biggirl again and awesome to meet kc, bluecafe, playthings, garethmax tintintom, angelred rachelstar etc etc etc... (what a cop-out lol) loved it all and can't wait to see you sexy people agian asap xxx kay-de and ray
Warming the Bed
:angel: Top nite kc and mad! Had a brilliant nite, was soooooooo much fun and i laughed my arse off all nite. Was lovely to meet so many of you, all of you were just great, best nite in a long time. Highlight of it had to be finally getting to wear Mad's gas mask and England top!!!! hahaha... .mad - still laughing about that - waiting to see the pic mate! (and before you ask... .no I was an angel and mad was true gent.. besides batgirl was my bodyguard for the evening!!!) Anyways... just wanted to say it was brill and lookin forward to the next one - count me in on it! :rose:
:boo:[color="indigo"][/color] What damn good night eh......? God I am shattered. Am now sat here in bed with aching bits and pieces thanks to the lovely Jane from gedandjane who o so well entertained us at her house. Also Playthings (Ollie) and my loevly man Drew. To those who we met new faces and old,it was great to say hi and look forward to meeting some again mmmmmm. Madmanc and Kcs, thanks for a bloody good evening. To the two mad 'gay' dancers not to mention any names but you both know who you are pmsl. It was entertaining and hilarious and didnt realise, that maybe jane and I should have left them to it as there was some moves going on there. And they were both nervous pmsl. To Mr KC who saved me from that bloody man, thank you sooooo much then had to save his wife who was then accosted as I was by the same are a star and a true gent who any lady would be safe in your company. To drew and Ollie...... thanks a bunch guys for standing there debating if you would save me or not..... yes I know I could handle him but was doing my damsel in distress lol Kaydees look forward to a LeChambre meet maybe and Docmartin was sooo good to meet you and you look damn good in the flesh. Gonna check the forum now to see when is the next meet to start savin up for xxxx Fruit (kisses to all but especialy Sara, Ollie and my sexy Drew xxx):boo::boo::boo::angel::angel::angel:
Warming the Bed
big thanks to kcmanc and madmanc for a great nite out in manchester it was so nice to meet up with all who made it had a great time cont wait for the next one hope you all got home safe :cheers::thumbup:wave
Warming the Bed
great night out was had by all it seems.:bounce:.. we had a top night and it was good to meet all of you,:cheers: thanks to mad and kc for putting it :thumbup: glad you found your car doc, and don't worry about the phone hope to see you all again..xxxxxxx take care flick n wallace.kiss:kiss::kiss: