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Hi folks [b]MK6 [/b]is now all booked n confirmed, [b]The new date is MAY 14TH 2011[/b]. For hotel details n booking ref plz message[b] porkypies1 [/b]direct ok. the social will be held in the same place as last yr ok. rooms are per room, we have 30 rooms put aside and there is a cut off date of april 16th. when booking u dont pay only reserve on a credit card so dot worry if you havent got funds at mo just reserve ur room ok.
sorry i wont be there, Cant do May, oh well June would have been great, hope you all have a great time anyway. sad
Aw CC :sad: will miss you hun xx but put me down porkies, im gonna be there :giggle:
never been to an MK yet because its always May, thought with it being June would be a goer, as had sitter who could have monster. But hey ho missing another one. but then i did kind of decide not to go when date kept on changing. xx
Send us details Porkys please , we dont wanna miss this one mr and mrs ants x
send us details please Jeff
think i will be there ............................. oi london no hols that month :twisted:
send us the details jeff ...... always look forward to MK ... our 4th one hehe
Hi Porkys we booked for the weekend, c u all there x mr and mrs ants
me and friend ( :twisted: ) booked for 2 nights, looking forward to seeing everyone Claire xx
Hi Jeff, put me down please me ol cocker!! I shall be there to party on in my usual way :-) looking forward to seeing you all there Grrrrrrrrr8 :-) Jay xxx
Room all booked yeeee haaaaa bring it on :-D
mk 6 still goes on but this will be our last social event. i think people know why. we will not be doing anymore Stevenage socials. I m sorry but thats how we feel, we have made more freinds here and will miss the banter we have.
jeff send us the details or give me a call Jay
we are thinking of booking but to be honest its looking like it mite be crap!! this site is falling apart , think if we do book its going to be for old times sake coes we have been so many times before and always had a ball. Jeff you know we love yas m8 and your effort is always very much appreciated by us and others.
[quote="porkypies1"]mk 6 still goes on but this will be our last social event. i think people know why. we will not be doing anymore Stevenage socials. I m sorry but thats how we feel, we have made more freinds here and will miss the banter we have.[/quote] hi jeff you and stella have been very good / become close friends to me and you have both done a lot for the site and you have allways gone out of your way giveing up yout own time and money to do socials etc , i feel sure that people who do know you will be very sad if you decide to leave the site i know i will , your both welcome round my home anytime regards sean
are you leaving the site Jeff and Stella, surely not, why. Oh dont go i Love you. you know that. Im only not coming to MK6 as i cant get sitters for May as parents on hols, and im away on hol, and dont get back home till the fri before MK. would have been there in June, as dates better. Oh well, please dont go, anyhow if you do chose to, which is your own choice, you know how to find me. xx
Ditto to RSJ's comment above!!! Jeff and Stella are a wonderful couple, and Jeffs socials are always great with a great turn out of sexy peeps... I think those of us that have been part of this site for so long should help Admin to get the site back on track the way it was not to long ago!! May be we should all do a bit of bangheading on the Friday night of MK to get some idea's together..... But Jeff, you and Stella have become very good friends and I hope that we will stay in contact whatever you decide is best for you!! Jay xxx
can we have details please jeff thanks mandy karl xxxx
jeff will you send us details please we gona try get there this year coz we never been mk yet thanks kim kiss sparky m8
Hopefully I will be there, not sure about Ann-Marie
mk 6 details ask saskia03 she has the details plz ask her for booking details ok .
Jeff put mr lady down as a Deff fella be good to see everyone one last time, only Cumming for the nite out as too many single guys about these days lol
The first social we went to Jeff and Stella where there for us introduced us to everyone made us feel at ease. You would have to go along way to find such a lovely and kind hearted couple. And who give up so much time for the rest of us to have so much fun. We love the pair of you very much as do a lot of people as you no. I vote for a MK splinter social in the future if our Jeff and Stella go kiss:kiss::kiss:
Why do you think we don't do them anymore? People just expect always and not a lot of appreciation shown bar a few. Jeff you're a star and I know how much effort goes into getting these events together, so could we please have the details hun. Thanks lovely, hope you and Stella are well. V and J mwahxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi Jeff Please could you send us the details for mk6, would like to see everyone b4 the site goes under!!!! look after yourself hun Sandi & Guts xxxxxxx
have asked Saskia for details. I may just make the first Mk social that i'm in the country for! surprised)
Dont usually say much in forums.....but....... come on guys girls we all moan about nothing happening but this is a chance to prove the site works .... Mk Social May 14th Need to know the numbers ....... know times are tough but its one time to meet and greet make people aware of who you are and that you are who you say you are and didnt know it was such hard work organizing these things... porky I salute you (just before I kick your arse) and raffle ideas - silly auctions anyone ? :twisted: