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madmancunian going away bash

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Warming the Bed
:bounce:Room is now booked , bring it on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:angel::boxing:
Warming the Bed
:angel:: ooooooooooo.... u said it little star!!! hahahaha Get yar fluffy pink fightin gloves ready for action!!!! hahaha duel
got our rooms now booked. looking forward to it, best get the flights sorted or me and puss have a long drive :giggle::giggle:
Warming the Bed
:bounce: Me and Mr Star are always ready for action:cheers: we have pink pants for you Mad & Angelred hahahahaha xxxxx get the lippy on girls ,,,
Sex God
:boxing::boxing::boxing::boxing: Im goin commando lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Warming the Bed
:bounce: Love it when u talk dirty ,,,, ma:censored:
Warming the Bed
Puss and Miss CC..... Please don't be upset but I'm not going to be able to pick you up on the day now as something has come up that isn't going to allow me to get to you.... i'm soooo sorry... i will buy you both a drink on the nite to apologise - again sorry xxx :notes:
Sex God
its ok angel hun xxxxxx we have a back up plan Hehe !!!!!
Sex God
Me and Pete would love to cum, plz can you send us the details for the hotel room etc!!! thanks, Lolly & Pete x x x
Sex God
Whoooooooooo!! god I'm quick today, hotel room booked!! so we are cummmmmmmming!! LOL!! Lolly & Pete x x x
Sex God
Ok flights booked now too. How do we get to basildon from the airport tho....plan b fell through. HELP !!!!!!
we can hitch hike puss, get your short skirt on, and boots:giggle:
Sex God
Looks like I'm coming with Ceylon, as long as my house move isn't this date which i cant see it being, so will see you all there :grin: Mwah MO XX
Sex God
Me and mo will be the shy ones sitting in the corner so please be gentle with us. :scared: hehe
Sex God
Could someone please send me details of the hotel so I can book taaaaa Mrs C xxx
Sex God
Noooooooooo !!!!!! Ok anyone who was wearing combats is invited to my room for a private viewing !!!!
Warming the Bed
sorry puss... we went to check out the clubs the other week. Was a good night but best we keep the combat zone behind closed doors. I'm going in my ninja outfit through mad's window to kick his ASSssssssssssssss good! hahaha.... B afraid mad... i'm comin to kick yar butt with the help of little star and WTD!:sparring:
Sex God
flipa:flipa::flipa: Im practicing me karate kid moves for u badass ninja !!!!! Wax on wax off...that ur tits sorted angel lol :kick::kick::kick::kick:
Warming the Bed
:bounce: Angel badass and mad man , one flash of my bangers it will be a clear knock out hahahah boink I love lipstick:angel:
Warming the Bed
little star... lmao! hahaha... lipstick-o-lishious! :rose: Mad... trouble is .. I like the wax on, wax off... so you'd be in more trouble than ever. Kick ur assssssssssssssss waaaaaaaaa yaaaaaa :borg:
Sex God
:eeek::eeek::eeek::eeek::eeek::eeek::eeek::eeek: wax on wax off, wank on wank over badass lol hyyyyyyyyyduuuuuken !!!!!!!!!:kick::kick::kick:
just went to book room and it is now the standard rate of £59. if you have to cancel for any reason and got the £19 rate- i may be able to help you out lol :rose:
Warming the Bed
Bg... it would be great to see you there hun! :angel:
i have booked it anyway Red! was just having a quick check before i went ahead. :rose:
Warming the Bed
Great bg - will be good to see yar smiley face hun xxx :rose:
Sex God
I'm hoping I won't chicken out this time! Booking rooms now as we speak! biggrin Josh. xx
Hot you go for it and have fun. Sorry I cant come as have the kids that weekend xxx
Sex God
We can't wait till 2008, so many great meets to go too. 1st on our list for 2008 is mads bash, I was so looking forward to dressing up in army clothes but Pete is really glad we aint!! LOL!! We completely understood the reason why not but still a bloody same!! LOL!! Lolly & Pete x x x x
we have booked the hotel so we are deffo coming would not miss this one xx
Sex God
proving all goes well i would luvvvvvvvv to cum so can i have some details please? spanks jen