Filth huh...?
There once was a man from East Kent
Whose tool was so long that it bent
To save her some trouble
He folded it double
And instead of coming...he went
There once was a man from Bonaire
Who was doing his wife on the stair
When the banister broke
He doubled his stroke
And finished her off in midair
all booked now :happy:
let's hope that funks :P let's me get up the motorway in one piece:sticky:
[quote user=crystalpd]Filth huh...?
There once was a man from East Kent
Whose tool was so long that it bent
To save her some trouble
He folded it double
And instead of coming...he went
There once was a man from Bonaire
Who was doing his wife on the stair
When the banister broke
He doubled his stroke
And finished her off in midair[/quote]
luuuuuuuvvvvin it.....soooooo will u do everythin i ask sexy cryst????
Guess what???? We've booked! :happy:
Bring it on!!!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:
Love Liz and Martin xxxxx
We are booked in a ready to go, (name removed for security) is supposed to be a great club according to my workmates, so looking forward to a great night.:beer::censored::crazy::doggy:
[quote user=meli]Guess what???? We've booked! :happy:
Bring it on!!!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:
Love Liz and Martin xxxxx[/quote]
let me know the dedails please . I was first xxj
count me in plzzzzzzz Lol [color="indigo"][/color]
[quote user=tracey_lou]count me in plzzzzzzz Lol [color="indigo"][/color][/quote]
hey sexy tracey....u likin these meets now hunni???
we all booked and just need to find something sexy to wear anyone got any ideas?? needs to be easy on an easy off pmsl and suitable for me with small tits lol oh and we aint got a shag for later sorted yet either so feel free to ask xxxxxx dave n tee
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy we're booked......Now what should I wear....hehehe.
We're all booked and ready for a great fun night... bring it on :-)
Were booked in too!!!!:bounce::cheers:
This is going to be sooooo cool.. I am so excited.....
P&H xx
ooohhhhhh in between sudsy and montyjessy.... wayhey lol
That would be worth a photo or three!
Having said that... everyone is underneath us... mmmmm
yeahh funks im likin the socials lol luvin em more like
WE have a room booked so looking forward to seeing all your sexy faces. xxjan
meli can we shag ya later please ???