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Beans Bash The Third lol

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Hiya all We are thinking of having another beanie bash and just wanted an idea of who would be interested in attending as you know Beans Birthday is in November and we need to sort out dates yet so as not to clash with other social nights. All who would like to come over plz reply to this thread :clap: PPPAAARRRTTTYYYY lol biggrin
mmmmmm hope it doesnt clash with ours case you have missed it hun ours is on the 17th xxxxxxxx
purrrrrfffffeeeecccctttttt chip will do a 3peat if invited u guys n girls the 3rd of nov good nite 4 chip cause going 2 midnight the 4th is chips birthday loads of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i hope always live n hope cheeky chip motto aka mark :doggy: :devil: :doggy: :devil: smile
omg bean a fellow scropio...mmmmmm mines the 9th so even more snogs n me in.. :devil: :lick:
would love to cum bean esp as we are very local biggrin any saturday in november would be good for us so we will keep an eye out for a date. xxxxxxxxxxxxx lolly and m
hiya, if you could squeeze us in we would love to come, hopefully meet some of the peeps we have chatted to. louise nick xx
sounds like fun can we have an invite please smile
if there is room we would like to be invited to you party bean its not too far away for us and would be great to see the people we know and meet some new people tooxx rolleyes Post edited 03-07-2007 21:22
bean if there is any room for another couple would love to come babysitter permitted keep us in formed love a good party xxxxx max gareth xxxxx
:devil: erm well erm keep us posted beeeeenzzzzz you will have to remind me as you know i get brain freeze pmsl :doggy: :moon: :devil: :lick: :rainbow:
my birthdays the 22nd of nov so would be a good excuse for us to have weekend away smile
YYYYaaaaaaaaaayyyy :clap: count us in beanie ! oh and wet's too lol as long as ther not on the same night coz i dont like cutting meself in half lol :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy:
hi bean, we would be interested in cumming to your party, please keep us up to date on the date and any arrangements. hopefully we won't be swing virgins by November The Wibbles
No worries about splitting yourself in half KC....we have postponed the Blackpool meet will be organising something a little later in the
Hi Beanies, count us in as long as the dates are fine and we can get a sitter, as we missed barons party last time.
hi beanies, me and pete would love to cum to ur party!! we hope there is room for us, as we missed ur last party and we were both gutted!! plz let us know, if u can squezzeeeeeee us in!! lol Lolly & Pete x x x x :doggy:
hi bean if there is room for one more i would love to come to your do :P :clap: lol
:clap: Wow lots of sexy peeps cumming to help me celebrate :P To all your questions all are welcome and once we have a deffo date we will post it for you all. biggrin Once we know how many are cumming along we will organise transport etc xx if its anything like last time i will book the coach again pmsl xx keep you all posted xx
hi bean hope to be able to come to this one, need to sort out sitter when you get date sorted. scorpio to, mine 3rd :clap: Post edited 12-07-2007 10:34
Hi please tell me more, and are single guys o.k to attend?
whayyy another bean bash last one was great book us in and keep us posted xxx Will Maggs xxx :clap: biggrin
mmmmmmmmmmm let us think beans bash or staying in ...................... itching for the date so we can book hotel lolcount us in ........ kilt needs another outing :lol:
ooooooooooo Mr Fluffs kilt is coming out to play Yipeeeeeeeeee :clap: :clap: Post edited 30-07-2007 17:05
if i bring a pressie can i come pweeeeeeeeeasssssssssseeeeeeeee xxx hannah and will down the road lol :clap:
oi oi bean , Scorpio here to woo hoooo :doggy: would be a good birthday doo for me to attend to lol :lick: :moon: :fury: :wank: :wank: :wank: :wank:
hi bean.. daz and I would love to come too.. My birthdays december... daz's end of November.. biggrin
biggrin Hiya Sexy Peeps :D Ok the date we are looking at is the 10th November it is a Saturday :lick: We hope you can all make this date please let us know a.s.a.p Love Beanie n Baron :doggy: :doggy:
that dates good with love to come and party with you again. lolly and m
sign us up beans and the kilt aswell lol cant have it said i keep it locked away (the kilt not the mrs) cant wait der & fee xxxxxxxxxxxxx