Well I will sort my profile soon... Not new to the lifestyle.. In fact 15 years almost now, so have been there done that and got the t shirt..( actually in some cases literally )
I mostly meet socially at present because just getting over something.. I contracted a std called FEELINGS... terrible things, but now mostly dealt with and got a few things planned to help me well and truly get back into the swing of things.. Pardon the terrible pun..
I am often at my local club in Derby, but also do travel.. I mean this next week I am at Chams, Jaydees and Partners.. So I get around in the nicest of possible ways
I like allsorts.. from intimate encounters with a couple or a pair of guys... To more wild group things... and occasionally I even dabble in one on one :)
I have also got a lot of experience in bdsm and although mostly sub, I have found myself dominating a few ladies from time to time of late.. and it seems I am quite good at it.. However as submissive as I can be.. I am not looking for anyone to dominate me.. but its always worth mentioning.. :)