why is it when your on your way home from a night out and think hey lets go find a dogging site ( just to take a pervie look), all you find is a police car who wants to know what your doing in a dark quiet place... my answer was were looking for deer!!.. it was a deer park we were in :haha:.:-o:-o.
i guess taking the deer a walk may not work to well, unless you have bambi on a lead,...........................oh wait a minute bambi is dead aint he...............sorry
im sorry Rosie, but Bambi is very and truely dead, he was shot through the eye and was pronounced dead at the scene by Flower the Skunk, who did in fact try to waft a scent over poor Bambi in a bid to revive him. But alas i fear this was not to work, and Bambi is infact now in dear heaven, running about fields and looking for lady dears to hump.
MO would that be the Deer Park near Berkhamstead,on the way to Dunstable?
I heard its quite a good place to go better in the summer though.