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wot the fuck

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sorry but sonny gona have a nother rant lol this site has turned into a ghost town during the day why , well i think all u guys, who think this is your own special site , u no who u are, have completly lost the plot of wot it should be about,its now no better than a caravan club ,why dont u all go start ur own shuttlecock club , and leave this site to swingers sorry im pissed again lol
Anyway I was reading this book 'how to win friends and influence people' and I thought to myself maybe I should share with others on site?? :0) But then I thought, nahhhhh why bother, this site works for us, despite having to talk loads in chat and arrange meets offline!! :bounce: Keep it real!!
I dont have a caravan or a shuttlecock, so guess im fooked then. bolt:bolt::bolt:
CC yes you have been fooked, but hey it has to be done hunni!! :bounce:
I want to b in the 'in croud' i want to b in the 'in croud'!! x
funky, You're already in the 'in crowd'... everytime I call up 'my homepage' on this site your profile appears in the 'Members who may interest you' section. Even when I refresh the page you still appear! biggrin There is no getting away from you LOL But I'm not complaining...
oh join in Funks, i love you, Here catch, you ready now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . POP (thats the noise of me sending you over a shuttlecock) bolt:bolt::bolt:
15 love
you lot are so touchy, why did u think i was referring to you ,ha ha any way since yor on can you tell me where i can get a left hand sproket for my toe bar. get a life guys this is anything goes , or have you made new rules up
im lost what this all about , some one talking bollocks and it wasnt me for a change . what you looking for ? a sprocket for ya toe bar that is complete bollocks m8 even i know there isnt such such a thing and what the fucks a suttle cock i have a fat cock and tee love a big cock now she asking me for a fucking suttle cock !!! oh btw cc we love ya hun and when ya coming to wales?
i loves ya too Nortypair, but i forgot what the hell is going on here eithere up to Blackpool and gie us a shag, a happy half way fumble. woo hoo. xxxxx
[quote user=midsdave]funky, You're already in the 'in crowd'... everytime I call up 'my homepage' on this site your profile appears in the 'Members who may interest you' section. Even when I refresh the page you still appear! biggrin There is no getting away from you LOL But I'm not complaining...[/quote] dave its called bein common.....lolololol
[quote user=Madam_CC]oh join in Funks, i love you, Here catch, you ready now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . POP (thats the noise of me sending you over a shuttlecock) bolt:bolt::bolt:[/quote]
whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh hittin it bak...... ;0)
[quote user=funkydiva35] dave its called bein common.....lolololol[/quote] you aren't common :P but you are popular :inlove:
wait wait wait, im on it, i will get it. pop, back at you sexy. xxxx
i rest my case
Sorry shall behave like respectable adults from now on. sad:(:(:(:(:(
i think that their point was that we were too serious, clare. apparently there is not enough sex:doh: but then again... why talk about it when you can be doing it :giggle:
ok rosie i owe u one,, i know i got super gob , but i do realy lov u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx