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Whispering Advice

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I thought I should warn people about whispering. If the person you are whispering to, leaves the room, or gets booted for some reason, before you send the message, your message will appear in the main room, which sometimes can be ever so embarrassing. Before you press that send button, just check the box still says "whispering too " rather than "chatting to all " xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nuttybird xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
lol nutty hun weve all done it, im no exception. can be highly embarrasing xx
Done it loads! :clap:
Yep same here, looks really daft if its 'what do you serve for breakfast in morning, we like'
nice one nutty lol me to. :clap:
instead of whisperin me nutty just either phone me text me or message me, that way u dont get confused hun lmao :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: :lick: p.s i will :wank: 4 u on cam real soon hun mwah........... lets call it a BRO moment lol sorry hun gr8 point, we dont want too many emmbarassed peeps do we lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :clap: :clap: :clap:
ok had to comment i have done it once an sent the person the wrong whisper an it was about them lol but i think we al have a sense of humour an cal laugh at these things cozz if you cant have a laugh then wants the piont lol mwahhhhhhh to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bernie :rainbow: :rainbow:
sorry, close cumm and cum close, r u related?? if i phone one of you will i automatically get put through to the other one - do you cum as a pair, or is it just a huge coincidence that you have similar names? please dont whisper me, but let me know via phone/fax/email/telex etc, as i am getting a lickle confused, and close cumm you fooking wished i was whispering to you, i keep getting you confused with cum close xxxx xxxxxxxxxnuttybirdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[quote user=nuttybird]sorry, close cumm and cum close, r u related?? if i phone one of you will i automatically get put through to the other one - do you cum as a pair, or is it just a huge coincidence that you have similar names? please dont whisper me, but let me know via phone/fax/email/telex etc, as i am getting a lickle confused, and close cumm you fooking wished i was whispering to you, i keep getting you confused with cum close xxxx xxxxxxxxxnuttybirdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/quote] :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: that was`nt very nice nutty, an all this time i thaught i was your pimp daddy................................. :mad: :mad: :mad: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The best piece of whispering advice I can offer is.......... DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! lol