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where is admin

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not one to complain but we thought admin were vetting pics if so y are so many single men using pics of females on there profiles , we consider this a breach of rules as we were told this was not allowed . caz :mad:
Agree guys! We had a couple of pix removed because they were not of us...Grrrr (Please note: this thread is about unfair application of rules, rather than a dig at any Post edited 16-09-2006 10:12
When we auth pictures we only get the picture, the user name and the options to say yes or no. We cannot tell whether a particular account is male, female or a couple. We can look up members from the mod area as we can from the site user area. The problem is we cannot check an account as we auth the pictures, so we cannot always tell if a female picture is going onto a single amle account. We do try to be as careful as we can but mistakes do happen. If you do see such a mistake, you can report it and it will be rctified.
Oooooh I didn't realise you couldn't have pics of other people on your profile. I have pics on our profile of me with a male that isn't my hubby but I have the permission of said single male - is this ok?
yep that is fine kel.
hi there admin we werent having a go at you we were just stating that a lot of single males(not everyone) are posting pics of females on there profiles which is wrong an falsley advertising, understand that you have a lot of work to do with the amount of pics you have to sort thru(no we are not creeping)well only a little bit lol lol
Dave .... Thats out of order .
[quote user=dave40t]Admin (no offense cop) is probably either lying pissed under a table or too busy getting laid somewhere nice and warm! fuck em, and deal with it![/quote] can we just remember that copp is not the only mod in here we all stand by the rules that are on the site..
ABSOLUTELY BIBI and I think that reference to me was PURE malice, as the record will show.
Cop .. Are you OK sweet-heart ???
I am fine thanks sweetie. One of those nights!!!!!
[quote user=cazansteve] not one to complain but we thought admin were vetting pics if so y are so many single men using pics of females on there profiles , we consider this a breach of rules as we were told this was not allowed . caz :mad your quite right the pics must be of you not your latest shag. and as for whare is admin . may i point you to the CONTACT US box you cant miss it. OR ASK ONE OF US IN THE ROOM TO ANSWER YOUR QUIRIE.
we tried the contact box on three occaisons an it just would not send that is why we put it on the forum . it was not a personal attack on admin in any way just asked were you were that is all . i am soory if i offended any of you in any way an apologize .but there is no need to shout on your messages smile
oh im sorry i did not mean to yel iwas so x at the carry one i just blasted at the typwriter and did not have time to correct it . im v sorrt you have offended you . biggrin
One of the problems with a site such as this one is that there is no way to officially verify whether the images that are being uploaded by an account are actually of the member or whether they have been obtained from google or somewhere similar. Consequently the only official way that we possibly authenticate that the image does belong to the account holder is to have the following statement upon the photo upload page: “BY CLICKING "UPLOAD" YOU DECLARE THAT THE FILE YOU ARE UPLOADING IS A PICTURE OF YOURSELF! Violators will be banned from the site.” This action confirms that the account holder obtains responsibility for the photo and confirms to Swinger Personals that they are the owner. Any member that is found to be in breach of the claim is removed from the site as per the subsequent sentence. In addition this ruling is also confirmed in the site AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) headed under non acceptable behaviour with the following statement: “The posting of photos on any part of the Swinger Personals site that you do not own, or posting photos that are fake, a joke or don't actually contain any part of you in them, or worse, that include a third party without prior consent.” This provides further ammunition to prevent this rule being breached and also to enforce the appropriate action on accounts which fail to adhere to this. The matter regarding accounts which you feel could potentially be held by an individual whose intentions are to deceive others is naturally activity that which we prohibit. We personally ask all members if they feel that any accounts are active upon the site, please feel free to report the accounts following the abuse report channels which can be located on every profile. This is the only way to inform us – keeping this information and not reporting the matter will not help the swinging community and create further frustration. Lets keep it friendly ;)
please take note . thanks admin for the advice tiggers xxxxxxx :clap: