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What made you choose your user id ????

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Mine was because i was told i had a cute bum
we chose ours because , well come on its way to obvious. Puss because I have one , inboots cos i love them, Oh and andy is reckless cos that his nickname at work !!!
Long story, and a touch dull. I'll tell anyone who's interested in person some day .... smile
ermm because we are from warwickshire i guess madeye: lol biggrin
Ours is SI part of his real name and MO cos i used to use chat rooms years back and was funmo in there so most call me MO NOW. MWAHHHH MO SI XX
Oh relief, now people might stop thinking we're from there lol. Ceylon was where we took our honeymoon and seemed a nice name at the time.
I always wondered ceylon and now I know. Thank you. Mine is through total lack of creativity ... I am a girl (guess i should say I am a woman) and my favourite number is 4. Dull, dull, dull lol
well... in a moment of desperation, looking around in hope of inspiration I happened to look down and see my tattoo.. 8)
Mine is an expression dating back to the jazz era of the 1940s, and relates mainly to swingin' cats jump-jiving to uptempo black American music. It can also mean (and does) that I am a cat lover (no making up your own jokes please) who swings! Post edited 15-04-2007 22:19
someone had already got the name i wanted to use...
[quote user=ur4it]Whenever I got into trouble as a kid (which was rare lol), my mum used to say "You are for it"! isn't it funny how some things stick with you? lol[/quote] They sure do............for some reason, I heard my mum utter that phrase quite a lot! lol
[quote user=swingin_cat][quote user=ur4it]Whenever I got into trouble as a kid (which was rare lol), my mum used to say "You are for it"! isn't it funny how some things stick with you? lol[/quote] They sure do............for some reason, I heard my mum utter that phrase quite a lot! lol[/quote] I quiet offten her si say this to me :lol: :lol:MO :lol:
Well ours is because Yvonne has always been known as Queen to me ( her 2nd name) & me alan Hence Q and A. Our handles because I have been likened to a certain ennobled actor :wank: so Yvonne has to be lady Y .
long story.....when i joined my first forum i needed a name....i was reading some of larry nivens novels at the time.....the heros name was beowulf shaeffer.....thought the name was cool....knew the old english story of beowulf the norse hero too....never thought i would stay on the forum long so took still there nearly 2 1/2 years later....and beowulf has become my alter ego as it were....whereever or what ever i join i use the name....if its already taken i add '04844' which is a number of importance to me (or was biggrin ) told you it was a long story
Now I know there are one or two (or more!) of you out there that find my name impossible, especially in the chatroom!!Well here's my chance to excuse myself! Its simply a good individualistic way of spelling Susie which is what i normally get called affectionately and I didn't want to use any ol' made up name! Also I didn't want to use numbers in my name. I tried all sorts of usual spellings on the off chance; Susie Suzy Soosie Soozee Soozie and so on. As these are often already taken and then need numbers I was stuffed. So, I just sat long and hard and thought about how it sounds when spoken. I played around with other ways of using vowels, and hey presto!! smile
Well, despite what you might think, my id name comes from when I first registered on excite (back in 1998!!!) and the options gave me angus69uk. Easy for me to remember!!! Angus, well thats obvious, Uk well thats where I come from and the 69 is easy to remember. I also love it lol. Pretty dull really biggrin
I got my name as an ex-boyfriend used to call me it. CC is my initials and infact CCRIDER is the name of an Elvis song. "I Said C, C C Rider Oh see, what you have done (yea yea yea)" Really boring i know and im not even an Elvis Fan smile :) :) Post edited 22-04-2007 17:21
easy one to remember for us and jim came up with it hehehe he always calls me sexyjen now that is dull of the dullest lol
ours is the dullest of dull names two peeps on two peeps :doggy: :doggy: sad really
[quote user=twoontwo]ours is the dullest of dull names two peeps on two peeps :doggy: :doggy: sad really [/quote] WOULD U LIKE TO BE 2 PEEPS ON US 2 PEEPS lol
i chose mine because i am rolleyes boring but o well i had a brain melt the day i joined biggrin
Well ours is easy, a little sad and a bit sickly!! LOL P-Pete 2-to L-Lolly 4-For ever or P2 in the chatroom!! or if you have meet us then Mr and Mrs Dyson!!! LOL Lolly & Pete x x x lol
Well we chose ours cos Mr is always calling me his "magic Bean" and hes my number one " Baron in the bedroom" lol :lol: Post edited 21-05-2007 17:06
We used to be cmandcd, which were our initials (and completely boring) then we got married and by rights should have changed our name to cmandcm (again, really boring!) Also I was getting a tad fed up with being called cman (semen) in chat. We chose mork and mindy because I decided chris (mork) is actually an alien!! Not really, we just couldn't think of anything else! lol
Well ours use to be honeyb3 (really don't know where that came from). Then when someone came on with practically the same name we decided to change ours and seeing that when on meets people referred to us as the 'huniz' thought hey cool name. lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
we used to be mrandmrs31 but there were so many mrandmrs so wanted a change, we sat & thought for ages & morkandmindy did come into our head,s (b4 morkandmindy changed their,s lol) but we decided on wet_n_wild or wild_n_wet just seemed like a good name at the time lol
lol with us it was coz we generally like custard... smile
Cos I'm skinny as ............ & my name is Jemima!!!! lol
long story,but when i built my house i had an old bricklayer called beale working for me,and everymorning when he came on to the site he used to shout up to me peterboy how r i used to shout back bealeyboy how r u. so when we first came on it was the only name i could think of that no one else would have. and i was right.i did say it was long biggrin Post edited 23-05-2007 18:26 Post edited 23-05-2007 18:27