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What kind of swinger are you?

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I've noticed over the years that there are very different types of swingers. Here are some of the types that I have noticed. [b]The reluctant couple[/b] - One of them is very keen, but the other one is doing it for their partner and a little reticent. [b]Number cruncher[/b] - They are the real prowlers who systematically go through as many partners as they can, rarely looking back unless they get a quiet moment and then they'll start working through again. [b]Opportunist[/b] - Always eager to get involved but lacking the courage to instigate, so they wait for a good opportunity and take advantage of it. [b]Romantic[/b] - They want to make friends, be desired and each encounter is treated like a little romance. [b]Slutty sex God/Goddess[/b] - They're often already in a happy loving relationship and use swinging to get rid of their excess sexual energy. They really are looking for good hard sex and fun. [b]Social swinger[/b] - They spend most of their time socialising and aren't really fussed about the sexual side, although when the chemistry is there they will play. [b]Greedy cum lover[/b] - Mostly for the ladies, they love oral cock play and having cum all over them more than penetrative sex and being the centre of attention. [b]Indecisive swinger[/b] - Possibly missing out on opportunist as they can't make their mind up? [b]The non-pushy swinger[/b] - Often making good friends, but not able to notice the green light, so rarely getting past amber? Would play more if they were approached more directly. [b]Timewaster[/b] - Has lots of enthusiasm, usually has a cam and always ready to meet, but never follows through. [b]The No Show[/b] - Usually wants to meet at short notice, will not show you a picture of their face due to work, but expects to meet saying you won't be disappointed. Dodgy! [b]Popular Single Guy[/b] - This person has been to a few parties, goes in the chat room and possibly forum and is well known amongst the regulars as being well behaved and a safe bet. He knows his manners, understands boundaries and can have a conversation as well as enjoy playing when asked. [b]Fake pic swingers[/b] - These people either use pics years out of date or someone elses and pose as this person in order to get a meet. They hope that on meeting the person will feel obligated to go through with it. [b]Scared Swinger[/b] - Reasonably new to the seen, has lots of dreams and fantasies, but doesn't know where or how to start, let alone approach people. [b]Seasoned Swinger[/b] - Has been around for several years, is known by most people and lots of experience. When they go to a club the staff know them well and there is usually a story or two to be told. These are people that get name dropped in conversation and you either really want to meet or you're scared stiff by them or even both! [b]Swinging Enigma[/b] - For those who are way too skittish to be pinned down! I'm sure there are lots more that you may like to add or edit in this list. Which category do you fit into and have you met anyone from any other category? Do you identify with any of them or more than one depending on your mood? To start the ball rolling, we would say that we are mostly Social swingers wink
well i like to know who and what im dealing with before i consider anything. im no faker or timewaster but i have come across many men on here and other sites who just arent the age or what they claim to be. im genuine and dont have the time or patience for any fakers. i have been meeting someone on a pretty regular basis i was unsure but he turned out to be one of the bast peeps i have met. and i think someone should start a forum for women and men who have a uniform fetish it is very popular and im into it.
I am brand new to all this, I write short story erotica (from my imagination) in which I can live out my fantasies. I was into swinging 30years ago when I was young, sexy and slim! Now I'm 30 years older, still a little sexy I hope, and sadly far from slim. Trying to work out all the abbreviations lol. It's a different world when you're 49 but I'd like to think there's someone out there who can teach me the ropes (hhmmmm now there's a thought.....BEHAVE!). So,I confess...... I am officialy a Scared Swinger, but willing to learn!
Welcome to the world of Swinging Ever_Hopeful My best advice is to take your time and don't take everything as read. michele1978 gives good advice within her post. P.S. I agree with michele1978 about the uniform fetish forum idea :thumbup:
I don't fit neatly into any of the categories. A bit of an opportunist but being a single guy I can't just sit back and wait for everyone find me. I have to be pro-active and selectively look for likely playmates and for a single guy I guess I'm a bit picky about who I chose to meet.
I do not know where I fit, if anyone can tell me I would be great full of their insight. I do know where my wife is; Romantic, she has a small number of close lovers and would consider, correction does consider this sight 'sleazy' like all places people go for 'a leg-over' and no more. Travis
The first thought that entered my head was "why?", as in why do we have to fit in a category or categories? Doing so only creates stereotypes or pigeon holes people, and this then leads to exclusion, ridicule etc etc. I'm just 'me' and don't fit in a category or want to fit in one.
no one should have to fit in with other peoples ideals you are what you are. im 34 no little spring chick anymore but still relatively young and i take care of myself.
This post was created with tongue in cheek and is to give people something to respond to in what is a very slow moving forum. I have to say that the act of joining a swinging site pidgin holes people in to the category of a Swinger dunno
[quote="Ste_n_kez"]This post was created with tongue in cheek and is to give people something to respond to in what is a very slow moving forum. I have to say that the act of joining a swinging site pidgin holes people in to the category of a Swinger dunno[/quote] But does being on a swingers site mean you actually are a swinger, according to some I can't be a swinger because I'm single yet I'm on a swinger site.
Cross dressing, gay ,bi, sr8, single guy with schizophrenic tendencies( so a cpls account ) to looking for a mentor, advice on how to get cpls/fems to meet .......must fuck on first date.........most advise welcome but probably won't take a blind bit of notice innocent [quote="Ste_n_kez"][b]This post was created with tongue in cheek[/b] and is to give people something to respond to in what is a very slow moving forum. I have to say that the act of joining a swinging site pidgin holes people in to the category of a Swinger dunno[/quote] is there a category for confused northerner ste n kez :dunno: kiss [size="9"]ello ste n kez btw must be full of southerners.......av heard they struggle for a sense of humour [/size] duel
[quote="lilnfil"]Cross dressing, gay ,bi, sr8, single guy with schizophrenic tendencies( so a cpls account ) to looking for a mentor, advice on how to get cpls/fems to meet .......must fuck on first date.........most advise welcome but probably won't take a blind bit of notice innocent [quote="Ste_n_kez"][b]This post was created with tongue in cheek[/b] and is to give people something to respond to in what is a very slow moving forum. I have to say that the act of joining a swinging site pidgin holes people in to the category of a Swinger dunno[/quote] is there a category for confused northerner ste n kez :dunno: kiss [b][size="10"]ello ste n kez btw must be full of southerners.......av heard they struggle for a sense of humour [/size] duel[/quote][/b] lol Hi fil n passionkiss to the sexy lil... Welcome to the site you two. We will have to take it easy with them, I'm even typing this slowly to help wink [b][quote="richard1965"] I don't fit neatly into any of the categories. A bit of an opportunist but being a single guy I can't just sit back and wait for everyone find me. I have to be pro-active and selectively look for likely playmates and for a single guy I guess I'm a bit picky about who I chose to meet.[/quote][/b] We are not purists Richard, but if you want a definition of swinging it is when couples swap partners therefore single people cannot be swingers. That said the swinging scene has quite rightly evolved to incorporate many other pleasures. Couple swapping (by way of Fuck Buddies not regular partners) The club scene The social (vanilla meet) scene particularly aimed at swinging people BDSM - Bondage and Discipline, Domination and Submission, Sado Machosism Vouyerism Exhibitionism Dogging Group sex 3 somes Camming Cyber Sex One on One meets Transvestites meets, Transexual meets, Transgender meets. Gay meets Lesbian meets Naturism with more and lot's more This is a good thing and pleases a lot more people, so your welcome in the scene no matter what diversity of swinging your into. Everyone in the scene should accept people into it by respecting whatever it is each individual or couple are into. :thumbup:
[quote="richard1965"][quote="Ste_n_kez"]This post was created with tongue in cheek and is to give people something to respond to in what is a very slow moving forum. I have to say that the act of joining a swinging site pidgin holes people in to the category of a Swinger dunno[/quote] But does being on a swingers site mean you actually are a swinger, according to some[size="18"] I can't be a swinger because I'm single[/size] yet I'm on a swinger site.[/quote] Damm, I;m not a swinger. There are those here who are just looking and thinking about it. Those that use the site as a pornsite, never meaning to meet, are they still swingers? I don't know.