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what happened?????

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the Forum used to be fun!!! but are ppl now not posting in fear of their oppinion being removed? It says Anything goes...that should be the case. Very little is being said these last cpl of months.....what do you guys think?
We don't think its fear, more that it takes time to post and perhaps many do not have the will for it...Busy, busy lives...xx
[quote user=jelandn]We don't think its fear, more that it takes time to post and perhaps many do not have the will for it...Busy, busy lives...xx[/quote] I have a very busy life and still find time........that took 30seconds pmsl
Yes, but you/us tarts can always find time for fun!! Post edited 01-07-2006 13:02
[quote user=jelandn]We don't think its fear, more that it takes time to post and perhaps many do not have the will for it...Busy, busy lives...xx[/quote] But does that mean everyone has only been busy for the last few weeks???? what happened? [quote user=iankmf]the Forum used to be fun!!! but are ppl now not posting in fear of their oppinion being removed? It says Anything goes...that should be the case.[/quote] Completely agree!! it's about time we all started getting bitchy again!! lol Post edited 01-07-2006 13:49
I totally agree ..( remind me again what the topic was ..hehe ) .. Have no fear ..Tallulah is here .. Soz peeps ..just felt like posting summat take the footie fanatics minds off the fact ,that they may feel it appropriate to remove the red/white . flappy things from thier cars .. sent in total fun always .. Tally XXXXX
. ( that took one second)
[quote user=bibigtits]. ( that took one second)[/quote] Your wasting full stops again bibig lol xx
pmsl Tally couldnt agree more, xxx
Hey Ian .... i posted a thread a little while ago that was considered controversial and it was removed in 5 mins flat as you know ..... bag o knackers !! Well we will see if this one lasts ...... and for all those bladdy footie fans .... did you REALLY think England were going to win anyway !!!! hehehehehe biggrin
[quote user=fun4u2me2]Hey Ian .... i posted a thread a little while ago that was considered controversial and it was removed in 5 mins flat as you know ..... bag o knackers !! Well we will see if this one lasts ...... and for all those bladdy footie fans .... did you REALLY think England were going to win anyway !!!! hehehehehe biggrin[/quote] ello ello.....As for the UK winning, to be honest i didn't have a clue lol neither did they by the way they played pmsl i was cheering for mick jagger, thought he was going to come on and do a song or two lol can't see this one being removed, well not as yet any how. But the forum needs some boosting as not much is being said these days, i prefered it when we could all bitch at one another and have a laugh. As long as it was all just banter and no harm done. We read and get involved in another sites forum and it's a reall laugh, loads going on but never really seems to get overley out of hand Post edited 02-07-2006 13:27
c'mon! Opinions are FINE, views are GREAT, discussion is EXCELLENT, but bitching, moaning, getting at people through the forum? Carrying out personal arguments in here? THAT is NOT ok. I am not implying any posts from Fun or Ian or anyone else specific here were doing that, but I am saying that posts of that nature are deleted. Quite rightly too.
[QUOTE c'mon! Opinions are FINE, views are GREAT, discussion is EXCELLENT, but bitching, moaning, getting at people through the forum? Carrying out personal arguments in here? THAT is NOT ok. I am not implying any posts from Fun or Ian or anyone else specific here were doing that, but I am saying that posts of that nature are deleted. Quite rightly too. [/quote] Sorry but the word bitching is a loose term for avin a laugh, I, nor anyone else has insinuated moaning, getting at people through the forum? Carrying out personal arguments in here. Just good old banter amongst adults that enjoy a healthy discussion. Rest assured copp you aint gonna see anything out of order from us or the others in this thread. xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxI KNOW that Ian. I was making the point that the forum HAS been used for that. NOT by you or anyone else posting here, but it HAS been used as an overspill for personal arguments and getting at other members by some people in the past. I truly did not intend to imply you have done it.
Ok! Enough! So we all know Rooney is a plonker. Something new please. And also that unless they ressurect the 1966 squad we'll never win any more than a 'hard luck chaps' pat on the back. (and I don't follow football at all!). So how about the fact that I got a new car??? I'm not moving up to the upper middle class! Is there one? I'm not moving to the realms of being a middle aged fuddy duddy either! Ok, ok, so it's a Volvo and it's an estate, but that's no reason to resign me to the scrap heap! I bought it from a 27 year old who swears it's the best car he's ever driven! So ner! Now the problem. I need to 'christen' it! No, not the Christian Ronaldo type christen! You know what I mean! lol And no, the missus ain't interested!!! So any ideas anyone? Or any offers! lol I wish!!! By the way, I'm back from my holidays in sunny Wales so expect a few more postings very soon! xxx
[quote user=dave40t] Ok, ok, so it's a Volvo and it's an estate, but that's no reason to resign me to the scrap heap! I bought it from a 27 year old who swears it's the best car he's ever driven! So ner![/quote] lol...they are cool cars Dave, depending on year of corse....I actually had the 850R and as funny as fuck to drive, well used to put a huge smile on my face (wolf in sheeps clothing) and did u know they were banned from the touring car championships because they were beating all the Porsche's BMW's Mercs basically everything and that was the estate lol Wellcome back by the many sheep did ya catch by the way lol
Wellcome back by the many sheep did ya catch by the way lol[/quote] Oi you, You got sheep in England! :moon:
[quote user=cop66]Wellcome back by the many sheep did ya catch by the way lol[/quote] Oi you, You got sheep in England! :moon:[/quote] LOL...but The Balwen is listed as "vulnerable" and we aint got none of them down here only Poll Dorset types xxxx
527 at the last count. Every last one was Welsh, checked their passports before doing the dirty deed!!! Oh, and some were just sooooo cute. Buggers to get into a basque and sussies, but hey, you have to put the effort in don't you?
I am shocked and appallled at this blatant sheepism here! :moon:
I feel quite sheepish now :-o
[quote user=dave40t]I feel quite sheepish now :-o[/quote] You had your turn with the sheep already Dave, just you give the woolies a rest!
Forget sheep, move upmarket!! Alpacas are clearly the way forward!!...pmsl!!
I'm going to pass on the Alpacas. Tried one of their cousins and contrary to popular belief, the llama should definately not be called a 'Push-Me-Pull-You' even when strapped to one of it's kinfolk! I had to do all the pushing!
[quote user=dave40t]I'm going to pass on the Alpacas. Tried one of their cousins and contrary to popular belief, the llama should definately not be called a 'Push-Me-Pull-You' even when strapped to one of it's kinfolk! I had to do all the pushing![/quote] Dirty devil!