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what do you like ?????

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Warming the Bed
A bit of market research needed, which will hopefully help everybody. I had a picture of me on the gallery fully clothed,for a week or so. Got 25 hits. Then posted one nude with head attached a day or so ago and got 9 hits. The one nude but headless got 15 upto now. Is this all meaningless, probably but may be an inDICation of what people like to look at. I could also be ugly, but i hope not. please be kind. phil (aka skinnydip)
I prefer clothed shots and a nice smile lol Call me old fashioned!And... I prefer witty and amusing emails; not an outright invitation to f***! Any help? biggrin
Sex God
I'm with you Midgey. Much prefer body and face shot. Nice to have a surprise later! Find gyno and cock shots rather boring myself. I must be old fashioned too! Best way to get me interested is witty, flirtatious comments in chatroom. K Post edited 10-11-2005 14:58
Forum Virgin
Well skinny from a male point of view... Yeah I prefer clothed but revealing so you have an idea of what you are looking at but then you wanna know more!! Maybe its just me but one pussy looks pretty similar to another after a while. Err... am I getting prudish? :-? :-? Post edited 10-11-2005 23:03